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Comment Re:I've been yelling about this for a few years no (Score 1) 213

2-1/2 - it would make it more difficult for lobbyists to buy an entire block of votes. This would force the LOBBYISTS to sink tons of money into travel to visit each Congresscritter. It's a beautiful thing. :)

So the interests with less money will fade away and only the richest and most powerful lobbyists will be able to continue to exert their influence?

Comment Re:Sooo.. this is a comeback, how? (Score 1) 93

The summary does a very poor job of explaining it. Here's what's going on:

New Jersey is considering a bill that would legalize online poker within the state. However, operators would be limited to brick & mortar casino owners. So in order to get in on the NJ online poker market, PokerStars is going to buy a physical casino.

Comment Re:How does this account for those who change part (Score 1) 758

I was a hard-core conservative a few years ago, now I'm a hard-core liberal. Did my brain rewire itself?

Yes, of course it did.

How could you have different thoughts without different physical events happening in your brain?

Any change in behavior or cognition is accompanied by a change in the brain.

Comment Fornix (Score 4, Informative) 62

"Essentially, the fornix is the area of the brain that converts electrical activity into chemical activity."

That is an egregious description of the fornix. All of the brain's electrical activity is electro-chemical, and the fornix has no special role that relates to converting electrical activity into chemical activity.

The fornix is a bundle of axons (i.e. a white matter tract) that connects the hippocampus with the hypothalamus.

Comment Re:Theocracies (Score 1) 862

Not really. You see, the way the entire Bible is written, the "literal" meaning isn't as simple as taking the meaning of the individual words and putting them together, and the Bible (from the very beginning of Christianity) has always been looked at that way. For example, if I say someone has the "heart of a lion", I don't mean their ventricular structure is that of a feline animal. Similarly, in Genesis when they list the "days" and the creation of the world, it's an attempt at describing what happened in basic human terms. There couldn't even have been a proper "day" before the creation of the sun. The creation of "light" before the sun/stars is usually taken to be, on the literal level, not referring to electromagnetic waves, but to angelic beings (and the separation of angels and demons).

What you are describing is a metaphorical interpretation. Consider your example, "heart of a lion" -- this is a metaphor. The use of "light" to mean "angelic beings" would also be metaphor. This is the exact opposite of a literal interpretation.

Comment Re:Theocracies (Score 1) 862

In other words, it isn't a scientific text, and shouldn't be read as one. It isn't even trying to describe science, and it's a serious misreading of it to think it is. It's like reading the Iliad as a history book, and complaining about the inaccuracies.

No one is complaining about inaccuracies in the Bible. We are complaining about people who believe inaccurate things about the world because of how they treat the Bible, the present example being Representative Broun.

Comment Re:Theocracies (Score 5, Insightful) 862

Rep. Broun needs to learn than belief in god and even Christianity does not mean the big bang or evolution are wrong. One cannot snap their fingers and make a cake; the ingredients must be mixed together and have heat applied. Why should god be able to circumvent the rules just because his cake is the universe?

I think the obvious answer to that would be because he makes the rules.

But more importantly, while you are right that Christianity in the general sense is not incompatible with these two scientific theories, certainly a literal interpretation of the Bible is incompatible. You'd have to do some pretty liberal stretching of Genesis to make it fit what we know about evolution. It's a pretty serious problem for Christians that their infallible sacred text contains bad theories about the natural world.

Note to future religious text writers: stick to unfalsifiable metaphysics and moral advice.

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