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Comment Growth is necessary (Score 1) 331

It depends on whether you agree with Malthus that population growth is inevitable or with Condorcet, who believed that birth control could prevent the consequences of exponential population growth.

If the population continues to grow, so too must the economy, or the share of resources available to each person will shrink. There's really no room for argument on that point.

Comment Re:Maybe not extinction... (Score 1) 608

In what sense was the Roman empire not capitalistic?

The major source of labor in the Roman Empire was slave labor, not wage labor, and the major source of wealth was military conquest rather than commerce.

It's extremely difficult for modern people living in industrialized societies to even imagine an alternative to capitalism because it's so pervasive in our world, but it hasn't been around forever and even now capitalism exists only as an imperfectly realized ideal.

Comment Re:Barbaric (Score 1) 914

That is justice, though. Both as conceptualized and as realized in modern and historical societies, justice has and does include punishment and even torture. Trying to get "justice" without vengeance or punishment is futile, because these are essential aspects of justice.

Let's just move past justice and ask ourselves what would best serve us in its place.

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