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Comment Group? (Score 1) 390

Seriously, why the heck someone would post such stupidity on Slashdot? Everyone knows there isn't a group called "Anonymous". It's just a bunch of perverts with nothing better to do, doing it for the lulz. Most of them can't tell the difference between TCP and UDP, but one doesn't need to know that to install LOIC and fire up a load of nasty packets to a predesignated target. They don't know what the fuck they are doing, they just got a informational image on 4chan describing where to download LOIC, what goes where, and they are all set. It is like this incredible stupid hive with no one leading, one just follows the neighbour without asking questions.

And regarding the traceability of such people, seriously? People are actually doing studies on this? Give me a fucking break. They are anonymous in the sense that one doesn't need to sing up on 4chan to post, nor identify oneself. That's all there's to it. 4chan keep all their IP address logged, they know it and they can't care enough to use proxies.

They are trolling the world, and it is sad that timothy has taken the bait.

Comment Re:DDoS Attacks, or Rightful Protest? (Score 1) 703

The goal of a DDoS attack is to make the site unavailable to those who want to access it.

You can make a picket and you are not in the wrong if people decide to buy somewhere else just to avoid it, there's no problem with that. What you can't do is to chain the doors of the store and make it impossible for people to go in even if they want to.

It should be clear that those are completely different things. The on-line equivalent of a picket is getting ad space on public sites willing to provide it and promoting "XYZ Corp. is evil" campaigns.

Comment Re:Self-defeating (Score 1) 703

Anonymous just wanna see the world burning, that's all there's to it. If there was a website that upon 1 billion accesses it would trigger an atomic bomb to be launched at a random location on Earth, I bet Anonymous would be running scripts to achieve that as quick as possible.

The sad thing is that they got involved in this WikiLeaks business. They serve no other purpose than giving reasons to those opposing it. It illegitimates the whole deal. What's their motto again? "Because one of us are as cruel as all of us" if I am not mistaken. Tells you a lot.

Comment One weight, two measures (Score 1) 360

I remember when Obama got the prize and a lot of readers were really supportive of him. Now that he's not that mystical figure any longer, the consense seems to be that China is right in her position mainly because the peace prize has lost its meaning, and as an example of this decadence a lot of readers are citing Obama as one of the examples of decandece of the Nobel peace prize.

Humans are really amusing.

Comment Re:Movies On Demand (Score 1) 385

Same here.

Including the Internet I'd say about 10 to 12 hours a week, of which TV series and animes downloaded from the net are the major component (about 90%). "Real" TV sums up to 0 hours a week, I don't even remember when the last time I turned that thing on -- it's an old CRT, everything I download is watched on my computer monitor, which is a 22" Full HD.

I don't see the point of regular TV any longer. Sitting in front of it and watching shit that is uninteresting 95% of time makes no sense at all. The 'on demand' character of the Internet makes the difference. I, for one, download stuff which interest me and keep'em on a 'to watch' folder. Whenever I got a couple of spare hours or just feel like relaxing, I just browse the folder and fire up something I haven't watched yet.

Comment Re:"Sex crimes" (Score 1) 1020

Suppose you invite me into your house. After a cup of coffee and a nice conversation, I start doing things which you do not approve, e.g. making prank calls from your land line. You demand me to stop and leave but I refuse and I keep going until I am completely satisfied.

I didn't force you to invite me into your house in any way. You did invite me under the impression that we would have a nice time, but then the reason for the visit changed, could cause you trouble and you felt uncomfortable, so you were within your rights as a citizen in asking me to leave. Me not complying constitutes assault and trespassing.

Comment Re:"Sex crimes" (Score 2, Insightful) 1020

He is accused of proceeding with intercourse when the partner explicitly has asked him to stop. That alone is a crime, aggravated by the fact that the partner has made such request after the condom broke. Since when such act is not a crime? It constituting a crime has nothing to do with Mr. Assange. It is a crime in the whole lot of the civilized World, including Sweden. Period.

Now, he is accused of given crime. That is also a fact. What is not a fact is that the crime took place at all and that he was the culprit if it even happened. These questions only Justice will answer -- and I hope for an unbiased trial here, it should be made clear if one is innocent of serious accusations.

Other than that, I was just pointing out the stupidity of the parent on writing such idiotic comment, not demoting Mr. Assange in any way or implying that he is guilt. Please, read the post twice before replying and preferably give it some thought, even if it is just a few seconds.

Comment Re:"Sex crimes" (Score 1) 1020

You are not the police and masturbating often and having unusual penis dimensions is not a crime. He was accused of a crime. There was an allegedly victim. As said, he does not get to dictate how or when his questioning should proceed.

Seriously people, just because he is your new superhero doesn't mean you have to get dumb when it suits you.

Comment Re:We dont need to know everything (Score 1) 1018

Transparency doesn't benefit only the citizens but also the enemies which would eagerly absorb and put the acquired information to use in benefit of their own interests, which are obviously against the interests of the government who had it's info out in the open.

In an idealized World where there are no quarrels between nations, no economical and no political interests, it certainly would be recommended to have full transparency -- let everyone see what's going on, be them citizens, foreigners, alien governments. In the world we actually live in, such practice is dangerous and doesn't work.

Being one step ahead of your enemy matters and can mean the difference between peace and war, fortune and poverty.

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