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Submission + - The 28 Corporations that support CISPA

bs0d3 writes: activepolitic has compiled a list of corporations that support CISPA. This list contains 28 large US companies (including At&t and IBM), and it can be viewed here.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 299

I think there are those that game the system, and there are those that do it right. I have seen several sites that have too many keywords. They have always been against keyword stuffing. Google tries to focus on getting good results that are relevant to the search. Spam is something that is difficult to filter out. The places that do SEO will still get their business on the first page of Google because they will just work inside of Google's new paramaters.

The places that get penalized, for the most part will get back up on Google simply by changing their tactic. Backlinks are always important, and they will probably just build more backlinks.

There is also a good chance that they will get more involved with social media, like facebook or twitter. Some will post youtube videos and optimize them for their business.

There is no way to keep spammers out but hopefully this reduces it.

Comment Re:alamo drafthouse (Score 1) 409

My personal favorite is streaming from my own media server..

I think you are right, I'm guessing that streaming means netflix, or something else. I used to do my streaming on ninjavideo, but they went down, and then came back up with a not as good as before service. Your streaming isn't exactly streaming, the poll probably refers to the first initial source where you obtained the video from. That would be what you should vote for to keep the poll as accurate as possible. not that it is intended to be accurate anyways...

Comment Google + (Score 1) 310

Google is putting a lot of its weight behind Google plus I know that they are trying to push businesses to do it. I recently had to create a google+ for this website: Massage Therapy Longview, WA to help with placement. I don't know if google is trynig to get it to be more like linkedin, or what, but they sure are putting a lot of weight behind it.

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