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Comment Re: Science! (Score 5, Insightful) 737

You'd have no problem putting someone in jail if they knowingly dumped toxic waste into the local water and lied about it for decades. Just because you fell for their BS about global warming not being real, doesn't make the danger any less dangerous, or that they lied about it for decades any less evil.

You'd think we'd have learned when they pulled this exact same shit with cigarettes, but apparently not...

Comment Re:Science! (Score 4, Insightful) 737

No one is criminalizing wrong ideas, as much as you'd like to paint yourself as a victim. What's being criminalized is hurting people and lying about it. You'd have no problems with criminal proceedings if someone knowingly put toxic waste into your drinking water and covered it up. Same Thing, pretty much exactly.

Comment Re:I liked the Charle Hebdo cartoons (Score 1) 662

Huckamania is far more likely to die of heart disease, drunk driving, etc. Shit, you're probably more likely to die from a christian terrorist than a muslim one. Don't walk past any abortion clinics by accident.... If you're really worried about muslims willing to kill you over a cartoon (which I doubt you even draw), you should be SUPER worried about that guy on the street corner willing to kill you for your wallet. He's far more real and far more present. Which is to say, not at all....

Are you THAT afraid of something that's so obviously overblown and sensationalized?

Comment For and Against (Score 1) 1291


I don't want to pay for other people! (I'm just summarizing what I'm reading here, I don't think this. Guess what. You already do)


We could save a TON of money and bureaucracy by wiping out all of the limits, checks, paperwork, etc.

I would quit my job in a heartbeat, (freeing up my spot for someone else) and focus on my own small business, hopefully growing it and enabling me to hire some more people. People don't want to sit on the couch. Maybe YOU do, but most people are creative and WANT to do meaningful work. They DON'T want to slog away for the man. Giant Surprise, I know. Startups would flourish under this system, because they CAN.

Many stay at home parents would actually be PAID for their efforts under a BI. This would be a giant boon to families everywhere, allowing one parent to stay at home and care for their kids. This opens MORE jobs, and makes sure our children are raised by US.

McDonalds and other crappy jobs would have to bump their pay. Who would slave away for a basic income when it's given for free? This would end a lot of really bad work practices outright.

I can think of more, but I'm supposed to be working right now.... :D

Comment Re:No thanks (Score 2) 369

They should have the luxury of time to analyze the threat, because they should know exactly what they face before they go in. Firefighters don't just run into buildings without a plan and proper safety protocols. Neither do cops. Well.... Neither SHOULD cops.

Mind you, I'm all in favor of less than lethal options. Tazers and beanbags work. Also, I'm in favor of cops DE-escalating situations, instead of escalating them. And when there's a gun involved? If they didn't know, they should retreat. If they DO know, they should call the F'in swat team and put that person down hard. Cops shouldn't have guns at all IMO.

Yes, I know guns. I grew up rural. I just want more community policing instead of police state.

Comment This is Stupid (Score 4, Informative) 576

Here are the top ten leading causes of death in the USA.

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer (malignant neoplasms)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory disease
  4. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
  5. Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  6. Alzheimer's disease
  7. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)
  10. Suicide (intentional self-harm).

I looked. Homicide is 15th. Death By Terrorism isn't on this list. Overdose from drugs bought from drug dealing immigrants isn't either. Just once I wish we'd wage a war on Cancer or Drunk Driving, ya know?

Also, because it has to be said.... Maybe we can put their tracking bar code on some kind of armband? This shit is !@#$ing stupid and dangerously close to Nazi levels of moron. We have a serious politician blaming the Jews Immigrants and willing to label them. Oh. Come. On!

The Republican party invited in the stupid and completely has lost it's !@#$ing mind.

Comment Re:Could not agree more (Score 1) 413

Hi. I believe I'm the far left.

I also live next to Hanford, one of the most expensive nuclear clean up sites in the world. So, that does affect my outlook on things.

I'm here to tell you that you need to listen to ME, not what other people are telling you that I'm telling you.

Nuclear waste is an issue. There are solutions. Better technology exists. I'm OK with nuclear if it's done well.

Also, No, I don't want us to buy solar and wind from China. I want us to subsidize a vital part of our infrastructure, build them right here in America, to grow OUR economy.....

Please don't put words in my mouth.

Also, yes, China's emissions are huge. I'd like to fix that, but I don't run China. So, perhaps I should worry about what I do supposedly run? Other people's bad behavior is not a free license for your own....

Comment Re:quickly to be followed by self-driving cars (Score 1) 904

I hate this meme... I really do. As if the paltry amount of property taxes are a huge burden. As if your house is a magic island not connected by roads, electrical grids, sewer lines, water lines, internet... Protected by a fire department, police, rule of law.... All of which* are maintained by the local city and/or state government.

To reverse it, you seem to want the services but you seem to want others to pay for them. You take your basic infrastructure for granted then complain when the (completely awesome and low cost due to efficiency of scale) bill comes due.

My yearly property taxes are a week's wages. One out of 52, and look at all the awesome life and business enabling awesome I get for that. My job wouldn't exist without a decent electrical grid, rule of law, water, sewer, etc etc etc.... Hell, my favorite taco cart wouldn't exist without all that stuff either.

You own your home.... Assuming you actually pay off your mortgage. Your taxes pay for the civilization you get around your home. If you don't pay up for all that civilization, yeah, they get cranky. They should. They delivered services to you, that you knew about, that you can NOT pay if you really don't want to but you're going to have to live somewhere a lot more Shit-tastic.

There are shit holes where you don't have to pay property taxes.... but you didn't bother to look into that did you? You knew the deal when you bought your house in a nice neighborhood.

* One could make a case that internet is a private enterprise. One could also make a case that that private enterprise is running over public land, public power poles, etc etc... so I included it here too.

Comment Re:Amen brother! (Score 0) 424

What have R's done to make anything better for anyone lately? I'm serious. I want an answer. I guess Rand Paul temporarily defeated the bulk collection of our phone records... sort of... but not really.... But really, what have they done?

It seems to me to be two sides screaming about issues they don't really care about at all in a vague attempt to attention whore while a handful of people who tend to have a D next to their name (Ok, and MAYBE that one R previously mentioned even though he's a "get rid of the EPA" weirdo) actually try to make things better for everyone.

Comment Re:I Predict... (Score 1) 205

You People. Always.... "Well, fines don't work because the company will just pass it on to the consumer!"

Fine... Fine them a HUGE number, and suddenly they CAN'T "just" pass it on because it makes them more expensive than their competitors...

but I'm curious, what is your alternative. We should just not punish companies that do bad things? Is that it? 'Cause that doesn't work for me....

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