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Comment Re:Just shut em down ... (Score 2) 111

People would scream bloody murder if you tried to shut them down. Making all this public and trying to get people off the platform is a much easier way. Facebook has huge infrastructure costs. It would take much of a lose on members (US/north america members as they are the most $$) to make them hurt. Service begins to suffer, more people live, cycle continues. The other thing that could kill them is if the advertisement bubble bursts. They get an insane amount for North America users. If that value goes down by much they would quickly have to start belt tighting.

Comment I fear poor support long term (Score 3, Interesting) 215

I fear long term, support will be poor and parts hard or impossible to get. I have heard several reports or refusal to sell parts to unverified persons or people with blocked VINs, (the vehicle was salvage). They are also very technology driven, which in the past has shown does not age well. Hey look at my Tesla with a 10 year old LCD screen! Give me a knob to turn or button to press. Nothing worse then touch screens.

Comment To Much (Score 4, Informative) 116

As I get older the shiny tech edge gets not only less attractive but off putting. I don't want/need light bulbs with WiFi, I don't want my thermostat connected to the internet. Why does anyone need a washer, dry or refrigerator connected to anything but power and water? Why not get cameras all over the house, so people all over the world can watch you and your family. This extends to everything. Hey, buy a car only highly specialized and expensive people can work on! Rebuy all the media you already own, because we have a new format that isn't any better, just different! Hey we no longer have a working web page, download our app that has less functionality but might spy on you, it'll be a big surprise. Its just more to worry about, more to deal with, and I'm an electrical controls engineer! I would imagine most new tech is only used to a small fraction of its capability, because most people don't care or want to put the effort in. The move complex/connected something is, the less reliable, and harder to understand the ramifications and risks of owner ship..

Comment Another bubble (Score 5, Insightful) 500

I truly think we are starting to see the edge of an education bubble. For many years, high school pushed college so hard people got worthless degrees that did nothing to prepare them for the job market. This devalued the mostly none stem degree. Think about it. I can get a degree in communications and come out with 60k in debt and make 40k a year. Or go into a trade and make 80k with little to ne debt. Second, when politicians say make school more affordable they just mean make it easier to get loans.

Comment Come On Google (Score 5, Insightful) 132

Man, google is really stepping in it hard as of late. They are turning into a company, that is easy to hate. They are becoming a close minded and censorship happy group, who think they know best, trying to shape the would. This will backfire and fail, if not from government regulation then by people. This also applies to You tube. The more you tighten your grip the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

Comment To be honest (Score -1) 62

To be honest. I love AMDI, but I haven't bought them in years. My last AMD System was Dual Opterons. ATI has never really be all that great, given it eh linux support. I looked and seems VEGA has some ok drive support, and with Intels missteps of late, maybe I will finally buy them again. Or not. Even less so in a laptop.

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