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Submission + - TSA Violated Federal Law with Body Scanners (

FtDFtM writes: Federal Appeals Court ruled that TSA violated federal law by not taking public comment prior to implementing body scanners.

Writing for a unanimous court, Judge Ginsburg found there was "no justification for having failed to conduct a notice-and-comment rulemaking," and said, "few if any regulatory procedures impose directly and significantly upon so many members of the public."


Submission + - Scientists Derive Gelatin from Human Tissue (

An anonymous reader writes: Conventional gelatin is made from collagen inside animals’ skin and bones, however a group of researchers has managed to replace that animal base with a human one. The process involves taking human gelatin genes and inserting them into a strain of yeast, which can be cultivated to grow gelatin with controllable features. Jinchun Chen, the leader of the study, and his colleagues believe they can scale this process up to produce large amounts of human-based gelatin for medical uses. The research appears in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Comment Re:This killed our attempt to get Firefox at work (Score 1) 555

Fair enough regarding IBM. So they possibly have a right to complain based on their investment. I'm guessing Mozilla is thinking that the dollars from big corporations like IBM (and almost certainly Google) will be drying up. Also, was IBM investing in Firefox or an open-source browser engine?

If I had to guess, I'd guess that Mozilla is trying to figure out is trying to figure out how it exists in the long term and is looking to get some revenue stream off of it's larger consumer user base. I think they doubt that businesses would license Firefox when there are free alternatives. I think their right. Do you think your company would ever pay a per user or per machine license for Firefox? If not, then I'm sorry if this decision sucks for you, but I don't see why Mozilla would change course for a zero-revenue user or company.

For the record I don't like this move by Mozilla, but I'm not arrogant enough to think I know enough about their motivations that I can declare that there latests move is "idiocy", and I'm a pretty arrogant guy. ;)

Comment Re:Snesoid was based on Snes9X (Score 2) 190

Thank you for posting this. Yong claims to have all his "licensing" in order, this seems to back that up. He also claims that it was Sony that caused this takedown and that he'd seen evidence pointing to that. See ZodTTD's homepage for more information about how this WASN'T because of licensing abuse/misuse.

Now to all the Android fans. It's OK to like Android just like it's OK to like Apple. It's OK to like one or the other more. It's NOT OK to delude yourselves that Google is your "open" buddy free from commercial interests. Short version, they aren't. Google is a a very large corporation, and like all other very large corporations they are extremely focused on making lots of money off of you, the consumer. There's nothing sinister about this, but IMHO you shouldn't delude yourself into thinking otherwise because they embrace some "parts or principles" of open source. This also means they're not afraid to shit all over a developer if they think that developer is impugning upon their "money-makin'-turf". It SEEMS like that's what happened here.

My biggest beef with this, and with Google in general, is that their "sleazy corporate moves" always seem to me to be back handed. Oh, we're holding back this source now. Oh, we're letting carriers do shady shit now. Oh, we're pulling developers post-approval because a key partner or two complained. For the record, I personally prefer Apple as a company to Google. Mostly because they are out-in-front about wanting to "screw you"/profit off of you. Apple say's they want your money upfront, and in exchange for that, they guard you and your info like a jealous lover.

I'm not claiming that Apple's way is the best way of doing things, I don't know if there is a "best" way and wouldn't presume to know what that "best" way was, is, or will be. I am saying that Apple's up-front "dickishness" is the way I prefer for a company to treat me. I know Apple overcharges me and are dicks about letting me access certain information. I consider it a fair trade in exchange for their "openness" about how they screw me, as well as their efforts to protect their walled garden in which I dwell. I spend MY money with Apple accordingly, others are free to spend THEIRS where they will.

Comment Re:Not my experience with Civ. (Score 1) 99

And then once you're finished (if you're like me or any of my gamer friends) you proceed to gorge on some high-fat, high-sugar junk food because you haven't eaten in "ages". Of course my anecdote is as equally worthless as yours is, that's why even small studies like this have merit.

IMHO humans aren't well equipped to handle an overabundant food supply as we are genetically hardwired for subsistence. I think that food consumption is some of our "lowest level programming" too. Hopefully research like that mentioned in the article will help us better understand how our "big ape brain" handles modern scenarios like the stress/challenge/reward experience of playing video games so that we can be better informed in our efforts to ameliorate behavior that leads to our dietarily profligate fat assess getting even wider.

Comment Re:IQ is bullshit ... so? (Score 2) 488

OK. I know you said you were being an iconoclast, so fair enough that you're on the attack. The point I've often heard espoused in defense of the IQ test is that a student from a less than ideal home setting who's naturally bright or "natively intelligent" might be overlooked without it. That he or she might not have the opportunities to achieve something with his/her "native intelligence" that a bright child from a better home might. I'm not saying this is right, just that it's an argument I've heard in the past around the "IQ" test issue.

As far as what "native intelligence" is. There are certain people who can run circles around most of us when it comes to understanding complex problems, retaining information, comprehending relationships between data. I'm not one of them but I've known some. They're simply in a different league than most of us. Why exactly this is the case is hard to say. I've never seen anyone be able to point to any factor (race, wealth, parents education, etc.) that's a guarantee of people being that special kind of bright. Until someone can, the best you can do is test for those individuals. In general, those individuals tend to do much better than the rest of us at standardized IQ tests, so that's the benchmark that's used.

Comment Re:In my opinion (Score 1) 488

Sorry, but what a load of crap. First I don't believe your story at all. Too "perfect" for me. But let's say it's true. Your current situation still has nothing or so close to nothing to do with IQ tests that it's just not relevant to the discussion.

If your story is true, I'm sorry that life hasn't been so kind, but if your schooling (I'll assume public) is in some measure responsible, it's amazingly more likely that the cause was your school being a glorified meat-grinder (apologies to The Wall) that wasn't concerned with prepping you for "real life", not the fact that it administered some IQ test.

Submission + - Building A Better Mouse

lordDallan writes: From the "Mrs. Frisby And The Rats Of NIMH" department. Scientists at Columbia University have encouraged neurogenesis in adult mice. The process involved a drug-triggered genetic switch that blocked a gene that normally kills off most new neurons growing in an adult mouse's hippocampus. The result were mice that were better at making decisions involving pattern separation. The original study was published at Nature.

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