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Comment Re:My cards are with Chase (Score 1) 398

You aren't more financially agile then him if he has more cash on hand because while you were paying interest he was getting paid interest. Or if you are holding debt currently and he isn't. I decided two years ago to change my thinking to get out of the rat race. I had an awesome house ($3200/Mon mortgage) and newest Accord ($500/month payment), student loans. I sold house, paid off car, paid off student loans. I rent a condo down the street for less then property taxes. Now each month a save $2000. My wife no longer has to work. I am less stressed. Life is so much easier. Paying off car, loans wasn't fun, but it was worth it. Now I live within my means and as I do my future means rises. Americans don't need to deficit spend to get out of recession, we need to save and buy what we afford to avoid repeating problems that caused meltdown. How could banks lend to people who were unable to pay if those people never signed thee loan?

Comment I think it is far more likely ... (Score 1) 436

That Apple gets out of the computer business completely and focuses on iDevices, than it is that iOS and OS X will merge.

That said I cannot wait for iTiger, they could run commercials "it's the i ... Tiger, its the thrill of the web, downloading apps, music and email content. It's magical devices ..."

I know, I know, I too find myself hilarious.

Comment Re:It's a phone (Score 1) 145

You know I don't need a security exploit to cause iPhone/iPad users trouble by pushing them over their data plan.

All we need to do is send them e-mails with attachments and it just so happens that I have a long list of iPad users I purchased from my Russian friends.

Hey that gives me a great idea. I invest in AT&T stock, take advantage of their pricing scheme by flooding AT&T users with more bits then they can afford, sell the stock after the quarterly profits shoot through the roof. Wow, making money like a Chicago gangster is fun.

For bonus points I could short Apple stock, and use a virus that infects iDevices (They have taken more than a year to patch some security holes, so I just need to keep an eye out for one that works for me, that way I could push people over on the send and recieve sides as my virus propogates and depreciates Apples inflated share price.

Comment Re:Hubris. (Score 1) 245


Umm, for starters there are going to be 2GHz Android modible phones by the end of this year. Android phone makers can select from a variety of different processors. If Apple cannot innovate faster than the whole of them. Companies like Samsung and Intel will school them.

Just look at the smart phone market, look at how much faster Android is innovating, look at how in the last 1.5 years Android came from behind to being the leader. Apple is chasing Android innovations or ignoring what customers want (like Flash), where Android is meeting those needs. Android is freedom, you can pick manufacturers, you can pick carriers, etc. iOS is closed, you can't pick anything. Same thing happened with Macs versus PCs. Steve Jobs is going to repeat the same mistake, and it all stems from the fact that he is a control freak who wants to control everything.

My personal opinion is that Apple has no intention of making a great mobile line of chips, that isn't their goal. They want two things, 1). They want to keep the money training flowing, not just with initial hardware sales, but with App sales, carrier kickbacks and iAd sales, so they need to ensure people don't buy iPhones and run Android on them and 2). They want to use it as a marketing tool for as long as they can.

Comment dumb smartphone idea (Score 1) 245

Especially for the billion plus people around the world who live more than a few hours walk or drive from the nearest doctor

This is brilliant logic, because all of the peole I know who live more then a few hours from the nearest doctor are all about 3.5 hours from decent 3G coverage (more if they have AT&T).

People are retarded, what's next we plan on giving kids who are primarily worried about starving or being shot at by the rival drug gang in Africa a laptop?

Comment beginning of the end (Score 0, Flamebait) 460

The US is no longer a super power. We're no longer a nation of thinkers and doers, instead we've made ourselves into an entitlement society. We tax those that work and innovate and we subsidize those that do not work and only consume. We're doomed if entitlements aren't eliminated, they are the tools of enslaving individuals disguised as progressive freedom.

Motorola Planning 2GHz Android Phone For Later This Year 183

rocket97 writes "On Wednesday, at the Executives Club of Chicago, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha reportedly decided to chat about the relatively near future of the mobile landscape as he sees it — which, in part, includes the ultimate demise of mobile computers in favor of highly-capable smartphones. This being his vision, Jha discussed Motorola's plans for a smartphone with a 2GHz processor — by the end of this year. While Jha did not want to divulge any further information, Conceivably Tech cites another anonymous Motorola executive who was a little more chatty, talking up a device intended to 'incorporate everything that is technologically possible in a smartphone today.'"

Comment People are missing who gets screwed most (Score 1) 514

I find it interesting that people are debating whether or not Verizon will follow AT&T or if people will be better or worse off with the new plans. Here is the thing everybody seems to miss. Earlier iPhone users, who are currently eligible for an upgrade, just got screwed, because while they were likely planning to upgrade via a subsidized price to the up and coming iPhone, they will be forced to take the new data plans. The only way for them to keep their unlimited plan is to either buy the iPhone at full price or go and get an smart phone elsewhere. I think this is the perfect time for earlier iPhone users to seriously consider Android devices like the EVO (Sprint), Droid Incredible (Verizon) or MyTouch Slide / Nexus One (T-Mobile). Here are my latest speed results (Nexus One on T-Mobile).

6/4/10 981kbps / 779 kbps
6/2/10 3081kbps /1010 kbps
5/26/10 1081 kbps / 387 kbps
5/25/10 1309 kbps / 382 kbps

My co-worker just picked up the EVO and got 4.5 Mbps down and 1.5 Mbps up in our office today. Think about that, he was getting better then T1 performance on a mobile phone.

I ssh to my Linux machine and VNC to my Windows desktop from my Android phone every day (using 3G on phone) to my home network which is connected to Internet via 4G (Clear, which is partnership with Sprint).

The reason AT&T is setting data limits is because they spend money on providing kickbacks to Apple for iPhone rights and buying TV commercials to make themselves look like they have a better network than they do. They failed to invest in their network and they are paying for it, or rather the person with the 200MB plan that uses 201MB and pays $30 just like when he/she had unlimited plan is paying for it. They are trying to increase profits by putting their customers in tiny (high margin/profit) boxes. The plans are priced to reduce usage and increase profits (even if revenue falls). Instead of rushing to build a better network, they can take their time, because they setup pricing data plans to motivate users to take or the worrying about data usage (or pay out the nose for going over the set limit). It's BS. If they AT$T network drops your connection when you have loaded half of a file or web page, it still counts against you, even if it is unusable, do you pay for packed headers or do they? Do you pay for each TCP package they needs to be recent because the network drops your packets? It's BS. I thin the future is going to more likely be a fixed price plan for all data, voice and text. Sprint is already testing those waters.

AT&T needs to die, because it is just a crappy company, most people who use it have not idea how much better the other carriers are or are tied to AT&T because of the iPhone, no because they like AT&T. AT&T crashes more devices/calls/connections then Flash does, but since they pay Jobs money he looks the other way.

Man Builds His Own Subway 174

jerryjamesstone writes "Everybody is into rail these days; it is the greenest way to get around next to a bike. Leonid Mulyanchik has been into it for years since before the Berlin Wall fell, since before the first Macintosh, building his own private underground Metro railway system. English-Russia says that he has been doing it with his pension, that it is all legal and approved and that he is still at it. Gizmodo calls it 'Partly the traditional, inspiring, one man against all odds type of persistence, but more the obsessive, borderline insane persistence.'" Update: 06/02 07:33 GMT by T : And if you're the type to visit Burning Man, you can actually ride a home-made monorail this summer, too.

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