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Comment I smell a market (Score 1) 45

1. Birth a startup up in SoMa to build a secure all-in-house hardware and software phone/tablet for the gov. Valley angels and unicorns rejoice. Pelosi gets pork.

2. Put the chip fab in Rochester, NY so Schumer gets pork.

3. Put assembly plant in Louisville so McConnell gets pork.

4. Market it as "made is USA". Trump gets ego gratification.

5. Profit!!!

Comment You and I will never know (Score 5, Insightful) 210

The professional excellence and utter dishonesty of both the Russian state intelligence apparatus and the American deep state make any informed, verifiable determination impossible. The spooks and their masters are pretty damned good at their obfuscation and disinformation games.

Rather than hitch oneself to a favorite political or ideological bandwagon, I prefer to adhere to a finely-crafted and well-tuned cynicism that demands treating this and every other spy versus spy story as low comedy.

It makes for passable diversion as I read such stories while comfortably relaxing in Diogenes' pithos.

Comment You've got mail! (Score 1) 189

This is why I have always used America Online. I don't trust this Netscape Navigator thing or Chrome. I remember reading on alt.computers.users that AOL is the only safe, secure way to use a computer.

Plus, I really love those wave files in the chatrooms, like {S alphabetsucks and {S zuckerbergishitler.

Comment Perhaps (Score 1) 125

Could it be that we're quibbling over semantics? Let's examine a word.

What is "the universe"? What if it simply means "everything, everywhere, all the time". What magicians call "all that is, seen and unseen"?

"Everything" is an all-inclusive infinitive. Logically nothing can not be included in everything.

That leaves us with the scientific quest to explore everything, and thereby exclude nothing.

Just a rambling muse before coffee...

Comment Invalid assumption (Score 1) 519

The shill quoted in TFA incorrectly assumes that TLA's have always, and always will, act within the letter and spirit of the law, and within the scope of their organizational charter.

History has amply demonstrated this not to be the case. Any assertion to the contrary is either uninformed or astroturf.

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"Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit!" -- Looney Tunes, "What's Opera Doc?" (1957, Chuck Jones)
