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Comment Re:Why Slashdot generally avoids this (Score 1) 624

Strangely, I haven't been asked to metamod (or otherwise metamodded) in, er, 3 or 4 years maybe? (Honestly can't remember) but I seem to have mod points almost permanently. Not right now, admittedly, but I only ever seem to have a day or so without mod points before I get more again. Also, I fairly often "spend" at least one of my one points in a way that some people might call "trolling via moderation" - e.g. upvoting a comment which says Linux is a bit shit and Windows ain't bad, or musicians and filmmakers deserve to be paid for their work under the terms they offer or GTFO, or some other viewpoint like that which is anathema to the general /. groupthink. I would have expected the resulting metamods to have reduced my mod point allocation, but apparently not.

Comment Re:Anywhere that deals with large files (Score 1) 83

Email is a crappy way to send large files so FTP still fills the gap.

That's not exactly a great justification for "random" FTP connections.

At my place I have a legitimate need for FTP, so do a few other people. These people submit a business case to IT and get FTP access. Everybody else does not. It may also be limited to specific sites, I'm not sure.

Btw (and I probably shouldn't say this, considering I'm going through their proxy, and they are probably reading this) - this is coming from a company whose IT dept appear to consider "reboot the server" as a decent first line of problem-solving for pretty much any ticket I submit, even ones where I carefully spell out that it's a client-side issue. So it can't exactly be rocket science to limit FTP to those who need it.)

Comment Re:So BP is SAVING crustaceans? (Score 1) 182

/. is broken.

For starters, why is the javascript comment stuff utterly broken on idle? Clicking a comment title doesn't ajax-y expand the comment but loads a whole new page, the old fashioned way. Moderation isn't even possible at all, because the necessary function is hooked via the non-functional-javascript to the select box onchange. It's been like this for months. I was tempted to insert a rant about how the hell has nobody in the /. staff noticed this and bothered to sort it out already, and what the hell happened to graceful degradation best practices anyway, but it's so idiotically broken that I wonder -- forgive my extreme naivety -- if it can't be /.'s fault, and there must be some bizarre issue with my browser configuation. (Although I get the same at home and at work, so that seems doubtful.) Any ideas?

Comment Re:Wonders will never cease! (Score 3, Informative) 107

OR, you need to brush up [] on the very basics of corporate saving face [] methods. Oh yeah, A letter. They really fought this tooth and nail,

OR, you need to brush up on the meaning of "for example", and follow GP's advice about 2 seconds googling before digging yourself in even further. He didn't say, or even imply, that the letter was the full extent of their efforts, so your cutting sarcasm about how much signing the letter taxed their PR team doesn't do much except make you look even more stupid.

Oh look, first two links from the 2 seconds googling, they went to the High Court for a judicial review.

Comment Re:But it's still usually a bad idea (Score 1) 274

The only time direct, intrusive monitoring is used should be when there is already a credible level of evidence of serious wrong-doing

I strongly disagree.

Do you really?

Any time there's any evidence that you're not doing your job, "intrusive" monitoring is justified.

Don't you think that in this context "not doing your job" and "serious wrong-doing" amount to the same thing?

It sounds to me like you're saying the same thing. When evidence arises that you're not delivering on your responsibilities, monitoring is justified to find out wtf you are doing instead. (As opposed to monitoring everybody, in regardless of evidence they're not performing their duties.)

Comment Re:but just for people that look just like me! (Score 1) 232

Racially homogeneous? You have no idea what you're talking about.

Hush now. It's just the standard American Idiot response to these discussions. It comes out like clockwork Every. Single. Time. some facts/statistics are cited which point to <<non US country>> being better in the league tables of <<any quality of life indicator whatsoever>>.

Please don't burst their cute little bubble of everywhere in Europe being essentially a single extended family of identical-looking smiling brothers and sisters. Without that as an excuse for why they have poorer press freedom, incarceration rates, life expectancy, drug addiction, etc, etc, I fear the poor darlings might just implode.

So just hush up and pretend immigration and globalisation somehow escaped Europe altogether, Sweden is entirely composed of cute little matching Scandi-elves, etc.

Comment Re:Am I the only... (Score 1) 602

This may well go on to be the worst World Cup, and after this the Champions League finals may go on to eclipse the World Cup finals.

In terms of quality of football, (as opposed to overall spectacle, etc) the CL has in my opinion eclipised the WC for at least as long as I've watched the CL (which is about a decade).

The WC is not the pinnacle of footballing quality. I know people like to puff it up as "all the best players in the world facing off" and suchlike, but it's really not true.

For starters, there are some of the best players in the world missing because they come from very weak footballing nations. But more than that, we don't even get the best footballing nations - if we had strictly the best teams in the world we'd have mostly Europe and South America. The likes of New Zealand wouldn't get through if it weren't "rigged" with a regional system of qualifying to ensure that someone from each part of the world does get through. So some of the best players are missing because they're from nations located in parts of the world with a surplus of even better footballing nations (random example, Ryan Giggs).

Next, some of the best players in the world are injured right now - whereas leagues spanning a whole season gives time for recovery and at least some sort of appearance in the competition. Next, some of the best players in the world aren't picked for whatever reason: disagreement with their coaches/managers, not enough room in this team for the both of us, etc. Brazil right now would probably be a pretty decent example.

Finally, you get down to the players who are there - and I don't mean to give the impression all the above results in any lack of talent, even despite all that clearly we do see many of the finest players - well, they're still not playing their best football.

National teams simply do not train and play together enough to produce their most dazzling football. Club squads are more consistent and work with each other week in, week out. The level of unspoken understanding between players is almost always visibly higher. England are a good example of this. Players like Gerrard, Lampard, Rooney are creative, free-flowing and often apparently telepathic for their clubs. In the national side they match this slickness only sporadically, more often seeming a bit disjointed.

This is not intended to denigrate the WC. It still scores highly for "big occasion" value. The sheer fact that more people, "normal" people who wouldn't follow domestic or European leagues, get interested in the games makes it interesting. And the national pride angle adds importance, for people who believe in that sort of thing (which is most people, sadly). In that sense the WC is obviously untouchable.

But for pure quality of football? All told, the CL consistently kicks the WC's arse from here to Jo'burg and back, and has done for years already.

Comment Re:Gartner is shilling (Score 1) 1213

Lack of drama is the hallmark of competency.

This is a glorious phrase, thank you. I apologise in advance for using it myself without thorough citation. (Sorry, but "hey! said..." won't scan properly in meetings.)

Comment Re:iAds (Score 5, Insightful) 1184

Setting aside your disregard for the Star Wars reference (turn in your geek card as you leave)

Let's get this straight: referencing the solution to:

Consider an n-dimensional hypercube, and connect each pair of vertices to obtain a complete graph on 2n vertices. Then colour each of the edges of this graph using only the colours red and black. What is the smallest value of n for which every possible such colouring must necessarily contain a single-coloured complete sub-graph with 4 vertices which lie in a plane?

is not geeky, but awareness of a mainstream hollywood kids action movie is?

Someone must have changed the definition of geekiness while I wasn't looking.

Comment Re:Trains? (Score 2, Informative) 174

They use diesel on the London Underground?




Most subways are electric-powered.

So is the london underground.

Heck, most modern commuter trains run off electricity. Third rail, much?

London Underground actually uses a four-rail system. It's one better.

I don't know whether to blame GP for jamming together two discrete concepts (diesel trains and impure subway air) in such a way that a sloppy reader may infer causation, or to blame you for being a sloppy reader ("similarly" != "therefore") and failing to spend five seconds googling to confirm your healthy scepticism instead of spending it posting "Seriously?".

Comment Re:It's a dumb thing to say, here's why (Score 1) 398

I didn't watch some woman blather for fifteen minutes, when if I had the opportunity, I could read the same shit in three. Posting video links is stupid, Ted Talks is stupid for not having transcripts, and their website sucks for requiring Javascript.

I was sure Ted Talks did have transcripts. I'm sure I remember making a similar objection in the past and somebody putting me in my place with a link to exactly that. On this occasion, however, I scoured the page and couldn't see one. So either I'm being really dim, or you're absolutely right.

(The one time I was persuaded, on the basis that TED talks are really intellectual and insightful and whatnot, to set aside my "videos are (usually) a fucking retarded means of information intake" prejudice and watch a TED talk, some guy rambled for several minutes restating the same tiny concept which could have been stated in a sentence shorter than this one. Seriously, five minutes to cover 10, maybe 12 seconds worth of reading time... even if you're the type who needs to use a finger and move your lips. That's where I reinstated my prejudice and regular policy of ignoring video links.)

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