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Comment Re:What a career aspiration these guys must have (Score 1) 145

Yeah, it's still racism couched in the nicest possible way. Chinese people are very prejudiced against dark skinned people, particularly "Blacks" and "Indians". If they rented out people of all colours it would be a different story but obviously white people are superior to everyone else except the Chinese...

The Brits might have a bit of a disagreement with that!!!!

Comment Re:What a career aspiration these guys must have (Score 1) 145

You get harassed for "being white", I get harassed for "being black", ... Kinda makes me sick we live in the 21st century and still have to deal with this crapola.

Hell, in my divorce, I got harassed for being a man, and for being concerned for my kids. While married, I got harassed for having an autistic child. And I'll stop it right there. Sometimes I feel as though people harass me just for existing.

Will we ever grow up as a species? Or will we always be not much better than our simian cousins? No better than the howler monkeys, who love to sling poo at passers-by?

And when the next mass-extinction event comes along and wipes out the Human Race, will the Universe even bother shedding a tear, I wonder?

Silly Humans. The Entire Lot of us.

Comment Re:The real reason theyre renting us (Score 1) 145

Did you ever get to play with an Amiga runing SVR5 flavor of Unix? The Amiga was actually the first Unix box you could get back in those days for anything less than $5000. It was a great pity Commodore dropped that project. Actually, there were a lot of kick-ass cool stuff us Amiga engineers were planning and developing for that wonderful machine, but Commodore upper management shit-canned a lot of it.

Then, when the "PeeCee" started getting some of those abilities, it was a day late and a dollar short for Commodore. Finally, Commodore upper management caught half a clue, but it was way too late in the game, and had shut down too many plants to get enough of the hot new Amigas off into the hands of eager customers. The rest, you know. May Commodore rest in peace.

Long Live the Amiga!

Comment Re:Well this just proves (Score 5, Interesting) 191

the incompetent can be easily caught. Perhaps these were even decoys for the competent operation still running.

Took the words right out of my mouth. You'll never know if you have a real competent spy around. Those Russians are very shrewd when it comes to this. Many years ago a US statesman was given a "gift" -- a wood carving supposedly made by children -- when he went to Russia. When he got back, he hung it up in the very conference room, he hung the thing up on the wall.

Over time, they noticed that discussions were slipping out of the room to the Russians, so they had the room checked for bugs. They could find nothing. And yet secrets still kept slipping.

They eventually checked the "gift" -- turned out it had a passive resonant circuit attached to a capacitor that had a diaphragm modulated by sound. How it was activated? Externally by a radio source at 300 MHz. It was quite ingenious, because there were no electronics as such-- just a tube with the diaphragm attached at the end.

The US guys couldn't figure it out, so they consulted British scientists!!! Can you believe that? Man, how stupid the US gov can be sometimes.

Comment Re:Go To Hell (Score 2, Informative) 285

Well, you'll need more tin foil than just for a hat, considering they are planning to install the T-ray render-your-ass-naked scanners in all US airports, where perverts will be looking at you, your wife, and your kids rendered digitally naked as they walk through.

And yes, it's more than just a conspiracy. It's actual fact. And the sheeple in this country don't seem to care, either.

Going to have to figure out how to build a portable EMP device to render the pervert's toys useless.

Comment Re:Israel / Palestine (Score 1) 285

I can't give any weight at all to the ridiculous historical claims. Yawn. The people who lived there in the past are dead. The people there now have the only reasonable claim "I was born here". So the people in the refugee camps need to be given something else, but something of comparable quality.

That's whats so damning about situations like these. Same can be said for the native "Americans" vs. the settlers that came here and took their land. It began peaceful at first; then got ugly. And no one alive then is alive today, but look at the state of affairs with the aborigines.

Comment Re:Code Competition may not always work!!!! (Score 1) 251

I've had similar problems with prototypes I've written being judged by the quality of the UI. I've found that if you can make the UI obviously appear to be of prototype quality, the problems of premature quality judgments based on the UI go away. For prototype I did in Swing a number of years ago, I replaced the standard look and feel with the NapkinLF, which made the entire UI appear to be drawn on paper. The UI still worked, but the appearance made it obvious that it was still a work in progress. It made people realize that the application was a prototype.

I wish NapkinLF was around when I was playing around with Swing on this project way back when. They were using this GUI layout application, and I was coding the GUI by hand. Of course theirs would always look sweeter -- at first, anyway.

And then they wanted me to fit my framework for their GUI layout application, which generated shitty code that was completely incompatible with what I was doing. But I was going to find a way to make it work anyway. I always do.

I think most GUI layout apps are crap, at least the ones I've seen over the years. Unless you write code to what they had in mind, you're completely lost.

Comment Re:DOWN WITH TEH BUGGERMENT!!!! (Score 1) 285

The fight against domestic terrorism will become, without the slightest doubt, a tool for those in power to silence and remove those who would stand up for our rights as they become chiseled away - because terrorism is not a threat against life and liberty, in the government's eyes, it's a threat against the governing establishment.

Alas, very true. But well, the US government is already too big and too powerful for its own good. And I can say exactly the same thing about China and probably quite a few others.

We need a common-mode solution to an ever growing and vexing problem.

Comment Re:Go To Hell (Score 1) 285

Same reasons criticizing Israel gets you labeled an anti-Semite - stupidity and ignorance.

And merely asking probing questions about the "Holocaust", like exactly where that "6 million" figure came from, will get you landed as a "holocaust denier".

It's a sad day when it's wrong to challenge and inquire.

Comment Re:DOWN WITH TEH BUGGERMENT!!!! (Score 1) 285

The only solution to Israel that doesn't involve genocide is find a place for the Palestinians.

The countries that attacked Israel in all the wars could all stand to lose some more land considering how they contributed to the Palestinian's problem then by helping strand them and now by lamenting the situation without offering them a home.

Of course ideally we'd bulldoze both sides' holy places to remove their justification for fighting.

Well, the whole Israel affair goes all the way back to just after WWII. Basically what is now Israel took that land over from the Palestinians or whomever was there before. I believe the UN was behind it, and it was badly planned with little consideration for the indigenous folks there.

Which evolved, of course, into the mess you have today.

Comment Re:Code Competition may not always work!!!! (Score 1) 251

It's going to be rare that, on your first use of these services, you can make a decision based on a close call, evaluating code quality, UI design, and so on. No, you'll be evaluating "did the project get completed AT ALL?". And you'll learn a lot about how to find people using these services, and how to write better specs yourself, so that you don't waste everyone's time in the future.

Oh yeah, tell me about it. I've seen too many projects die and wither on the vine. And it was always due to either bad management or unrealistic expectations. The worst of the lot that I was personally a part of was this Revenue project at Conrail. (Remember them?)

Back then, I was just a consultant working on a part of a major project to redo the revenue tracking system that was originally based on Cobol running on mainframes. That was my only direct contact with mainframes in my career, and quite frankly, I never want to be near one of these beasts ever again.

I recall writing email on the mainframe interface once, and had mistyped a line. I could not figure out how to delete the line, so I asked one of the "old hats" there.

I watched in in moral shock and disbelief as he had to do several keystrokes and go through 2 or 3 screens just to delete a SINGLE LINE OF TEXT!!!!!!

But I digress.

That project was horribly managed, and went nowhere. And then management had the gall to call us all into a meeting to tell us: "You have all failed". "You", meaning all the contractors and developers. Oh, management couldn't possibly be at fault could they?

And to show how the sheer insanity had progressed to utter lunacy, they had us all to change the names of the files of our source code on our PCs to be like the filenames on their mainframes. Basically, 2 letters followed by 4 digits. So "WHATTHEF.CPP" would be renamed to "WF3377.CPP". This effort was supposed to make the entire project more "manageable." In those days, PCs could only handle 8.3 characters (thank you Microsoft!!!), and it was hard enough to know what a file was when the name had to be limited to 8 characters. But now only 2 meaningful characters? I went insane.

Needless to say, I quit. I already had another job lined up on that day they told us we "failed".

And a year later, Conrail finally closed its doors forever. Good riddens!!!!!!

Comment Re:Go To Hell (Score 1) 285

It fits right in with the terrorists hate our way of life, if you criticize us because you think we aren't doing a good job you hate our way of life and must therefore be a terrorist. Off to political prison for you commie.

What's this "we" shit, jingoist?

It's quite clear to anyone who has been paying attention -- and I don't mean a CNN couch potato, either -- that what they hate is US government involvement in manipulating their countries, supporting their enemies, and the myriad of other hegemonic things US gov does around the world. They never seem much of the US civilian "way of life" -- that's too abstract and removed from them. What they do see is what's right in front of their noses -- US troops blowing up their villages, bombing their camps, cutting off supplies, manipulating their governments, etc. THAT is what they're responding to. They could care less that you might love watching baseball or I might love to take a walk through the woods.

Then again, I do recall an open admission on the part of the US government a number of times that they would try to manipulate and influence perception by infiltrating various groups and online establishments to "sow seeds of propaganda".

So, exactly whom it is do you work for?

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