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Comment Re:Focus on deaths now (Score 4, Insightful) 328

Simple minded explanation maybe.

Florida has an old population on average. You would expect them to see more deaths per capita from a disease which is mostly fatal to those of advanced age. I don't know if that is the answer, but it is easy to come up with better reasons than insulting people who died from disease.

Not sure why you have to cast hate on people that died from a disease but it reminds me of all those people who cast hate and bigotry on the victims of HIV early in that pandemic. That's a shameful comment in 2021. It's disgusting and belongs on /b/, not on slashdot, even if the article is a nonscience political flamebait.

I'm sure if you want to make political commentary you can find a more appropriate forum, but if you want to insult those who have died during the pandemic I think you should go find the grieving families and have enough guts to say it to their faces or keep your mouth shut.

Comment Re:Targeted biological warfare (Score 2) 95

Why would you think that? America is one of the most diverse countries in the world and one of the most successful ones. The economic, academic, political, and immigration structures have all supported a large amount of hugely successful innovations. Saying no one wants more Americans is like saying no one wants more mutts. Some racists may prefer not to have more mixed-background people running around but I know of one very tolerant country that loves it. I live there.

Comment Re:Because of everything (Score 1) 258

The homeless issue in CA has almost nothing to do with housing. Almost all of us would find somewhere to live if we found ourselves homeless. Even if we fit the legal description we would find a couch to crash on, a shelter, a hotel room, a van. If necessary we'd move somewhere that we could find a job and a place. We would not be sleeping on the streets.
The way we treat mentally ill (including drug addicts in my opinion) says a lot about us as a society and the number of mentally ill people allowed to live in disease, filth, drugs, and hunger on the streets of CA is horrible.
The housing crisis and a pandemic are convenient excuses to shift blame away from those with disdain for the lives and dignity of those afflicted with mental illness.

Comment Re:Less than four doublings left to go ... (Score 1) 263

There also appear to be some people who lose immunity after 6 months or so. I know there are some studies going on trying to figure out what's going on there.
I think that's a really great line of research right there, identify if there is some genetic cause allowing reinfections in some that should be immune, if there is a different strain or even a different virus that is being misidentified, or a combination of things that cause what appears to be reinfections.
If there is some way to identify those people, they could get re-vaccinated once or twice a year, maintain higher precautions, whatever.
From what I've heard of reinfections I think that group must be so incredibly small that I don't think it matters much once we hit a high level of immune population. But maybe that group isn't small, just mostly residing in bubbles of mostly immune contacts.

Comment Re:Every day (Score 2, Insightful) 87

There was no authoritarianism. Here the professors were hired to do a job. The university worried they would not do their job. The students would not report a professor that was not doing their job because the professor has authority over the student. The university gives a way for the student to report the person who has authority over him who is refusing to provide services that were purchased by the student.

I'm fine with teaching online. I'm fine with teaching in person. I'm not fine with someone taking my money and not giving me what I pay for. No one is outing professors for their beliefs. There is no witch hunt. The university gave a way for students to inform them when they were being scammed by a professor. That's not authoritarianism. That is exactly the opposite.

This isn't some opinion box either. It is simple for the college to follow up on this matter and confirm whether it is legitimate or not. We aren't talking about a professor hurting someone's feelings. They showed up for work or they didn't.

Comment Where are the moderators here? (Score 4, Insightful) 333

A lot of "activists" trying to push an agenda here instead of responding about the article. Hacker gets private videos and posts including meta-data giving location of users mostly comprised of a political party and then posts the information publicly endangering those people. While some users of the site may have rioted at the Capitol Building, almost none did. This is the equivalent of a hacker getting ahold of Facebook data and posting it all so that people could prosecute BLM rioters.
It is a really sad day when the tech's are celebrating cyber terrorism against Americans.

Comment (Score 1) 339

I don't know if this is true, and I also don't really care. Racists and terrorists use twitter and facebook too but it doesn't make me one for using the platform.
Your point is distressing though because it shows how tech is fragmenting their market to extremes. By pushing people to the extremes we will continue to lose a middle ground and also a forum where opposing view points can be heard, civilly.
Fragmentation of the internet is not a unique topic to 2020. But now instead of talking about countries having a unique infrastructure, now we are talking about half of our own country cut off from the rest.

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