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Comment Ubiquitous in the mega crops (Score 1) 605

Having worked in various mega corps, admin privileges for developers seems to be ubiquitous. It seems ironic that most development tools do not adhere to best practices in this regard.

But I'm not complaining, its nice to have full control of the machine, even if it always comes with the caveat 'you break it, the only support you get is a re-imaging'. At my current company this standoffish behavior has resulted in the developers running whatever OS they desire, much to the chagrin of infrastructure :).

Comment Re:Depends (Score 1) 414

if your business revolves around programming and engineering ... you are less likely to have serious issues that IT needs to address

I'd have to disagree, if your running a heavy development shop your going to be doing a lot more work than maintaining a bunch of apps on limited user accounts fully managed by active directory on homogenized hardware.

But yeah...

Like most of IT, whatever works

Comment Re:SOA anecdote (Score 1) 110

We worked with a product who's acronym was JIS (when said, can not be differentiated with jizz, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4 for definition). Everything had the lable JIS in it including the package names, documentation, server names, job titles (JIS Expert was one of them).

It took us about 6 months before we could say JIS expert with a straight face, at which point we inflicted this humor on our clients during boardroom meetings, it was hilarious watching them not trying to crack.

Comment Cause you eat to much fat f*ck! (Score 0, Flamebait) 978

Cause you eat to much fat f*ck!

Body weight management is a basic input/output formula (barring influencing medical conditions). I have no sympathy for the majority of obese people, a little self discipline goes a long way.

Oddly the article does not list exercise duration, but assuming that the 500kcal per session is accurate, these people are eating the equivalent of a small African village, which is hardly surprising.

Seems that the conclusion that this study found is that, getting a bunch of people consisting of mostly fat, make em actually move, generates muscles, weight reduction is not that significant, as they are mostly replacing fat with muscles. Any gym bunny could tell you that...

Comment Re:Work on! (Score 1) 318

Hate to break it too you, but job hunting _should_ be a 9-5 job. If your serious about getting a job, why should it not be.

People seem to assume that if they put 5 hours a week into job hunting (the average from studies) they will magically land a job, consider the result of a 30 hour week in contrast.

Comment Re:Count me in (Score 1) 538

Or it could be that peoples expectations have changed.

Technology progresses, there is constant advancement. After Windows 95, there was 98, which was better, but 2000 was the real deal, stabled, rock solid as long as you didn't poke it too much. XP was initially a step back, heaps of issues, slower, but new features, over time the issues got resolved and turned it into a solid reliable OS. I've been using XP as non-admin for a long time now, and time between reinstalls is in years for me.

Vista on the other hand, is a step back, heaps of issues, but no significant features! That final part is the real issue, if Vista had shipped with all the features that were initially promised, the performance hit might have been justifiable.

Comment Think outside the box? (Score 1) 536

Maybe think outside the box for a second and really look at what you are asking...

You plan to transfer _mission critical files_ over an unreliable link. Maybe you should provide a _mission critical link_? You know, a leased line with a backup? If you can't justify the cost, it probably isn't mission critical.

The right tools for the job people... Jez!

Comment ORLY? (Score 1) 1144

From my experience the experienced tech employees from developing economies are unwilling to implement, let alone master the 'boring' details of tech process and methodology' let alone their less experienced colleagues.

America doesn't hold a monopoly on incompetence you know.

All I have to say is 'Citation Needed' Mr Nayar.

Comment Re:Windows! (Score 1) 392

I've been in the same situation, except I also LIVED underground... now THAT sucked, only managed that for 6 months.

Advice for anybody else stuck in that shit, I had a permanent feed from the local web cams, only thing that kept me sane.

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