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Comment Re:Well then (Score 2) 61

Are you purposely missing the point, or just trolling?

If the claims are to be believed, the only reason that the Amazon branded cases were cheaper were because they forced 3rd parties to swallow an extra 25% commission on their cases that Amazon themselves didn't have to pay. If this commission were gone, it would lower the cost of all cases for the consumer.

You also seem to be defending Amazon's use of patents in your first comment, but that is actually the complete opposite of what is being discussed. M-edge holds a patent on a specific style of case for the kindle and Amazon is the one in violation of that patent.

Comment Re:Not tooo worried about this one (Score 4, Informative) 213

One important difference is that in the credit card industry there are published rules that you must comply with called the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), or in the case of an application, Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). If TFA is accurate, then Google Wallet is not following the PCI guidelines.

However, it is worth noting that even if they ignore all of the best practices, they are probably technically in the clear right now. Mobile Applications are currently exempted from PCI and PA enforcement pending an update to the rules. As they are currently written, they acknowledge that they were not designed with mobile devices in mind. Mobile payment application developers are encouraged to follow the general guidelines of PCI, but they are somewhat left to their best judgement.

Comment Re:Users disagree with him (Score 1) 980

I would certainly dispute any idea that the ribbon is more intuitive. When looking for a function that you don't frequently use, you must guess what an icon for it might look like, which tab it may be under, then scour that tab for it. You must also be aware that the button may shrink, move, or disappear the next time you are looking for it if the window size has changed at all. It is much easier to find this type of function under a traditional menu using words, even if it isn't as pretty.

Besides all of that, you are assuming that initial learning curve is the most important thing. Most people don't buy office just so that they can use if a few times, it can generally be assumed that they will use it consistently for some time. The traditional (pre-ribbon) interface allowed users to choose exactly which tasks they use frequently and choose where to place the appropriate toolbar for that task. All of the toolbars that you selected would then be available at all times, not hidden in multiple tabs. This allows users to optimize their own version of office over time so that they always have their most common tools close at hand. With the new ribbon interface, you are just stuck with a one-size-fits-all layout.

Comment Re:Billable hours (Score 1) 200

"Obviously, they would never take actual legal action against Notch for this"

From Notch's Blog:
"Today, I got a 15 page letter from some Swedish lawyer firm, saying they demand us to stop using the name Scrolls, that they will sue us (and have already paid the fee to the Swedish court), and that they demand a pile of money up front before the legal process has even started."

Directly threatening to sue and demanding a 'pile of money' sure sounds like actual legal action to me.

Comment Re:It's their own fault. (Score 1) 443

Here in the Seattle area, we have a great small chain called "Third Place Books". It is basically like a half-price books that fills the holes in it's shelves with new books. You can always go in and browse for used books, but if you need something specific they will usually at least have a new copy.

Comment Re:No GPL-3 software means no violation (Score 1) 251

Yes, because they totally came up with the idea of a touch screen interface and nobody had ever used a pinch to zoom gesture before. Troll some more?

Your post is nonsensical. There is no significant connection between interface design and choice of backend software licenses. In your world, I guess that everybody quit using Linux after Apple used BSD as the basis for OS X.

Comment Re:Joe Schmoe and 5 others Like your bank balance. (Score 1) 301

I truly believe that the best life cycle analogy for facebook is the rise and fall of AOL. Yes, a ton of people used it for a long time even though there were a lot of problems with it and other better options but it still eventually died.

Facebook is dying right now, even if the number of users is rising.

I know that statement doesn't sound like it makes any sense on the face of it, but the key is who the users are and what they are using it for. The people joining facebook at this point are not the trend makers, they are the people who are slow to the party and they are people trying to capitalize on something popular. In my experience, the people who really started using Facebook and spurred the initial growth are all starting to move on.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
