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Comment Re:Kotlin code quality has definitely been better (Score 1) 40

Nope, instead you have "strange, it all seems to be working, but nothing is happening".

Nulls are a total non issue when you know what data you want to handle, and reject anything that is not within expected parameters. Apps crashing on null will crash on unexpected empty strings, negative values, values not conforming to some pattern, empty lists, etc. Kotlin seems to eliminate the null problem, but in actuality, it will now function like code that silently skips null values or replaces them with some default. It didn't eliminate the root problem: sloppy devs.

Comment Re:More Evidence for DOJ's antitrust division (Score 1) 49

The law is already there. The law does not have to "solve" your perceived problems. You want to use an in-app browser? The law doesn't stop you. It only says that personally identifiable information cannot be used without prior consent, that there must be a proper opt-out that is as easy to use as the opt-in. When opting out, standard functionality cannot be impacted (ie, you can't just make the phone unusable to force people to always opt-in).

Comment Upgrade now, or remind me later... (Score 1) 46

...how about never?

Hate it when software does not offer a 3rd option here. I'll go out of my way to complete disable it then, either by denying internet access, renaming crucial files it uses for updates or disabling some background service -- as this kind of software usually also "forgot" to add a feature to turn off updates.

Comment Re:Well, shit (Score 1) 189

You mean the full lifetime of waste that is simply stored on site in a swimming pool sized area? Which is so harmless that they can just shoot a documentary showing you where and how it is stored without protective clothing?

You wonder why nuclear waste is such a problem, but it's absolutely okay to pollute neighborhoods with car exhausts (and tire rubber particles), oil/coal power plant exhausts, airplane exhausts, all of which are FAR FAR more damaging to our health then the measly insignificant little bit of waste nuclear creates. Yet, it is not 100% clean, so it must be banned. Following that logic, we can ban everything else as well as almost nothing is cleaner than nuclear.

Comment Re:Nuclear is being built right now in the EU (Score 1) 189

You wonder why nuclear, the cleanest, least radioactive, lowest CO2, most environmentally friendly, least deaths / kwh is so scary? I'm sure the fossil fuel lobby has nothing to do with this at all, nope, nothing. We wouldn't be in this mess if we had kept going in 70's and 80's and innovate better nuclear plants.

Also fuck you, and your dimwitted opinion.

Comment Re:Well, shit (Score 2) 189

Ah, so the cost of wind and solar is not just wind and solar, but also storage. I wonder how that changes the equation. Let's just ignore the fact that there is "large-scale" storage as of yet. There are small scale experiments, that's about it.

And for the record, your username is the stupidest one I ever seen.

Comment Re:No, retards (Score 1) 97

Oh look, an anonymous coward spouting shit about Java that is so full of holes that its clear they never even seen Java. Java is far more portable, as almost any Java program can run on any supported platform without recompilation. Tell me how many C/C++ programs that will work with. 10%?

Java is memory safe, eliminating the most dangerous category of bugs that every C/C++ program needs to deal with on a daily basis, and fail miserable at that. When memory bugs are found daily in some of the most scrutinized and carefully engineered pieces of C/C++ code then you really can't rely on the argument anymore that a "REAL C/C++ expert would not make such mistakes".

Not gonna bother with the rest of this drivel, it probably is just as senseless.

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