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Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 155

They lead to more spying, which is what GP said but was omitted in your quote.

I omitted it because it it is true. I question the part about "more death and destruction". I am allowed to question part of a statement without questioning every singe part.

And sooner or later they'll be armed, let's not kid our selves.

Spying does not inevitably lead to armed drones, lets not be paranoid. If armed drones are ever proposed then we can deal with the proposal. That is not happening now so lets just deal with surveillance drones.

My original statement still holds "Not all government drones are bad".

Wait, what??? "If armed drones are ever proposed then we can deal with the proposal." Is this along the same vein as, when the US government gave the CIA and NSA armed drones with Hellfire missiles, there was a very public and conscientious debate about their use, when to use them, when not to use them, and who will provide oversight and transparency to the process of killing by armed drone?

I agree 100% with the grandparent poster. We'll know when the drones are armed after the trigger is already pulled.

Comment Re:Personal Drones (Score 1) 155

It amazes me how people don't understand that owning weaponry is a right that NO OTHER CITIZEN is supposed to be able to infringe. Every single adult citizen is supposed to be able to own a weapon, regardless of training or qualification. The only true qualification is to be alive. You, me, your waiter, your drycleaner, EVERYONE.

Um, no. Just like the freedom of speech is not 100% absolute, there are reasonable limits to owning weaponry. Felons, especially with violent crime histories, and people with mental illnesses rendering judgement suspect have NO BUSINESS owning firearms or gaining access to them. The regular citizenry, with a few exceptions, doesn't need to own heavy weaponry (what some people arbitrarily separate into "ordnance").

The truth is, every right, including every constitutional right, has its logical limits. What they are is up for healthy debate. But until the fringe of the gun rights crowd can mature enough to realize that yes, healthy limits do exist, they will be part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Comment Re:wouldn't matter if it weren't canned (Score 1) 396

This is a nicely sanitized story with a pro-Russian jingoistic slant, and is nearly identical to the propaganda coming out of the Putin mouthpieces. Completely missing are the brutal suppression tactics by Yanukovych and his cronies on the protesters in Ukraine, the looting of Ukraine's economy and corruption that occurred under his leadership and his puppet status to Moscow.

This is like a setpiece on Syria and Bashar al-Assad that neglects the fact that al-Assad imprisoned, tortured and killed tens of thousands of his own subjects in his quest to retain power, even before foreign extremists started supporting both sides. Oh yeah, little details like that.

Comment Re:Old proverb (Score 1) 396

BS? Diane Feinstein said "Snowden should be killed", as did at least a dozen other politicians and heads of 3 letter agencies. His trial would have been any different than any other whistle blower trial? Meaning they would be fair and impartial in both verdict and penalties. Was media blocked from broadcasting slander or printing libel statements against him so he had a chance of getting a fair trial? (Claiming a person is guilty and treasonous when the person has never been in court is slander and/or libel, go check a law book).

Those allegations are all based on verifiable facts. Facts are not BS, unless you are delusional. You on the other hand, are handing out an opinion without any factual basis. Your circular logic about him running would be laughable if it was not so pathetic and popular as propaganda.

Citation, please. Extraordinary claims... I just ran a google search on Dianne Feinstein calling for Edward Snowden to be killed, and turned up zero hits. Now I also found a ton of articles saying Feinstein and other career politicians butthurt in the scandal were calling him a criminal. But please, feel free to support your assertions.

Comment Re:Useful Idiot (Score 1) 396

So you would rather that he should have stayed to be broken like Manning?

A safer, and more intellectually sound, option would be to become an anonymous whistleblower, like Deep Throat / Mark Felt. You don't get the notoriety, but then you also don't become Vladimir Putin's sock puppet when it becomes convenient.

Comment Re:Relevant Skills (Score 2) 355

"Kids these days can't even swipe a tablet, all wired-up as they are with these direct brain interfaces! It's terrible I tell you, terrible!"

In 2025, they probably will be stuck in their Buy 'N Large hover recliners, with drones delivering everything and informercials streamed directly to their heads-up or retinal displays. They won't need silly things like "interfaces" for antiquated notions like "choice".

Comment Re:how many Glassholes will get mugged? (Score 1) 167

And I cannot wait to see people who kick the shift out of glassholes facing legal consequences for thinking that they somehow have a right to enforce what they believe on others through violence.

And honestly, you may be waiting a while! For there are surely legal consequences for such things, but the police and judges are human and tend to view unexciting assault and battery cases as exactly that.

I mean, seriously, how many people as a percentage actually serve jail time for bar fights? Not many, and there are some serious injuries from those. And let's not forget extenuation - if Peter gets up in the face of the elderly mother of Paul and starts screaming at her for road rage and Paul punches his lights out, Paul may be congratulated by the arresting police officer after he's let off with probation. If Paul claims Peter was harassing him with his Glassholeness Sarah Slocum-style, Paul likely walks with community service.

And let's not forget, the police only have so much manpower and funding. Hell, they can't even muster up enough time here at my hometown to shut down any of the massage parlors for blatant sex trafficking of illegal immigrants. Robberies may take a while to investigate. Do you think police officers, who most likely already view Glassholes in a dim light, are going to be spending much time about finding out who Random Guy A was who punched the Glasshole recording him at a local bar?

Comment Re:And there was much rejoicing (Score 1) 167

And how about we quit acting like this is the end of privacy and not CCTVs or the NSA.

That's weird. I didn't realize because X and Y are worse on a continuum of bad things, it means Z is somehow A-OK!

I hate the NSA and it's intrusions. I hate CCTV and the casual police state. Oh, and I hate Google Glass and its commercialization of the surveillance state.

See? Is that so hard?

Comment Re:Warning Shot (Score 2) 148

Where have you been for the past couple of decades? The US has gotten more blatant in it's actions. It is these very overt actions, without significant outcry from other countries, that is leading the other Big Powers to feel confident in making overt moves as well.

It will be interesting times ahead. The US used to get away with so much of it's foreign policy because of the mythic aura of the American-Dream that made it so palatable to poor developing countries.

No, the US used to get away with so much of it's foreign policy because the idea of foreign aid and economic trade with America made it very palatable to poor developing countries. See how everyone is starting to bend over backward to China as it begins to assert its economic weight.

With the recent constant revelations of just how hypocritical the US is, and the fact they're running out of countries that they haven't fucked over, they're losing their carefully built image and status as "policer-of-the-free-world".

What rock have *you* been living under for the last 100 years? Have you been paying any attention at all to US foreign policy in Latin America and the Middle East for, I don't know, the last century? Has there been a time when the US hasn't acted exactly as it has? Has there been one significant change in dipping their toes in other countries' affairs? The only change, ever, has been international press coverage of events. People interested in foreign policy have always seen the US for exactly what it is - it's just until 20 years ago there was a Soviet Union and a Warsaw Pact that made the US much more endearing.

It'll be fun to see just how far the bullies will go now that they realize there is no functional deterrent to their actions.

...unless you take out their gps...

Which is exactly as far as they would have gone before! Do you think bullshit brush wars are a new thing? Or that developed countries with strong militaries intervening in neighboring countries with weak ones is new, either? Wake up. The only international law worth a damn is the international law that's enforced at the point of a gun.

Comment To summarize (Score 4, Insightful) 64

This is a game where you're constantly presented with a legion of things to do, numbers to increase, boxes to tick, things to collect, factions to impress, points to earn, monsters air-dropped in to battle without warning and/or preferably all of the above simultaneously.

So this is the most job-like game on the internet?? Awesome! Sign me up.

Less facetiously, I didn't think the answer to the common complaint of, "We're sick of killing 10 generic monsters to collect 5 generic trophies to advance a quest" was, "Here's more stuff to grind!"

Comment Somewhat tangential (Score 3) 64

There have been some successes along the way, like genetic tests for warfarin dosage, but for the most part our gains in understanding of basic biology haven't been matched by clinical advances.

If you're spending thousands of dollars for genetic testing for a $4 a month drug like warfarin, you're doing it way wrong. It's like the proverbial million dollar cure for the common cold. You could either use one of the newer warfarin alternatives with more consistent pharmacokinetic profiles at a higher price or use the old tried-and-true trial and error dosing.

Either way, you're still doing weekly to monthly lab testing for warfarin dosing. And your warfarin effectiveness (or bleeding risk) is still going to be thrown way off if you vary your diet significantly or start new medications.

A much better example of genomic medicine payoff would be targeting therapies to specific cancer types, like the EGFR receptor mutations in some varieties of lung cancer.

Comment Re:Hire them at companies without experience (Score 1) 545

You realize the Scientific American article that you point to backs up the OP's point? Let me quote the article summary directly:

"whereas female brains are more connected between hemispheres to combine analytical and intuitive thinking"

So, women are supposedly more wired to perform analytical and intuitive thinking? And what is coding and software engineering, exactly? It's certainly not a showcase for men's supposedly superior motor skills!

I don't believe many parents (there are a few) who directly point their children away from STEM. But I know a lot of parents and family and friends who indulge all day in Disney Princesses and makeover parties and introduce their peers to the wonders of staying connected all day to social media.

It's not malignant, but there is a social bias present. It may not have been in your immediate family, but taken as an aggregate, social pressure does steer little girls' interests away from STEM. And interests often turn into exploration for careers.

Comment Re:Lesson from this story...don't be a glass hole! (Score 1) 1034

No one told him there was an issue and he'd been doing it for months. I would have at least expected a manager to ask him politely at first. What makes his glasses any different from a regular cell phone? Aside from the fact that he also requires them to see and they're actually on his face instead of in his hand.

Hey, guess what? Just because you get away with going 100 mph on the highway for the first few months doesn't mean you get to avoid the speeding ticket when the cop does pull you over later.

"Well, gee, officer, I've been doing this for months now, and no one's bothered to stop me before!! It must be OK then, right?"

As an object lesson in expected social etiquette, you should hold up your cell phone the next time you're in a movie theater (preferably on opening night), leave it pointed at the screen with the camera/camcorder app on without actually taking pictures, and see what happens.

You guys need to get over the word "apologists", frankly it makes you sound like your parroting some right and/or left wing extremest political view. I've mostly gotten in the habit of as soon as I read that word I shutdown and ignore everything else as been completely off base and out side of normal reality. Actually I just had a good laugh because after typing all that I read your user name (reality impaired).

Fine, how about this? I'm not the original poster, but I'll amend what he said. It boggles the mind that an idiot wore a wearable videocamera to a movie theater and pointed it at the screen, and some people are beyond themselves that the idiot got into trouble for it. There, no need for the word "apologist".

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