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Comment Re:makes sense (Score 1) 426

I disagree- Being exposed to how early x86 or other platform programmers worked around limits of the time teaches new programmers how to innovate and think outside the box (in addition to the very valuable insights on performance tuning & optimization on physical hardware mentioned by many others above).

Comment To Paraphrase our Nations Forefathers (Score 1) 226

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for" society to build a better solution, they will. A massive number of IT professionals around the world have clearly demonstrated that when the world of business takes an industry down a path not in the best interest of consumers, consumers are ready, willing and able to manufacture their own solution. If book publishers (E- or otherwise) take the publishing industry in a direction unsatisfactory to the majority of readers, they may eventually find themselves in a position of irrelevance.

Comment Re:How much more 'silent' was than other bugs? (Score 1) 259

Hilarious. Truly. But back to reality- are you saying that the bar hasn't changed with the advent of the Web and the removal of virtually all costs and barriers to publishing to a global audience? Because that hasn't been my experience. I've observed a marked change in the signal-to-noise ratio since the web went mainstream.

Comment Re:Because the Article Breaks Down the Claim Fully (Score 1) 830

The engine is more "organic chemistry" then it is the brain. The brain is the result of dropping the genome (data) into the engine (the reality of organic chemistry). It's tough to make complexity comparisons of binary systems (ie. von Neuman machines) to analog systems such as organisms; the latter has a much more robust signalling system and so comparisons of data capacity are not very helpful... or relevant.

Comment Re:Logo (Score 0) 357

It's only fear mongering if somebody is afraid. Are your own beliefs that shaky that you actually give a crap what this guy does? I suggest a whit of tolerance my friend. This is solely a copyright or trademark issue; it doesn't matter whether he's selling iced cream or evangelizing Linux out of his Bug.

Comment Re:Getting screwed in both directions (Score 1) 443

So, and I'm just spit-ballin', strong typing is the major benefit? There are a fair number of dynamic languages that support strong type checking - maybe that's the appropriate direction for web dev. I certainly enjoy RAD IDEs and would hate to give that up. Maybe I'll dust off an old APL or Erlang reference this weekend... I've a friend that did web dev in Smalltalk 10 years ago - maybe there was a method to the madness I thought it was at the time.

Comment Re:Quantum Computing (Score 2, Insightful) 362

I'd settle for less bloat-ware. Back in the day amazing things were done with extremely limited CPU resources by programming closer to the wire. Now we have orders of magnitude more resources but most programming is done at a very high level with numerous layers of inefficiency which negates, possibly more than negates, the benefits of increased CPU resources. Yes, yes- I wax a little "in my day/up hill both ways, etc." but do the benefits of high level programming and efficient use of resources have to be mutually exclusive?

Comment Re:Why do they need to? (Score 1) 362

The point of a new architecture would be for it NOT to be a one shot deal and that it would give you ample room for evolution before hitting physical limitations at least for a few "generations". The problem of stepping sideways is the risk. You don't have to look too far on /. to find other examples of civilization being irrationally tied to a legacy they're unwilling to walk away from even if by doing so they accept mediocre technology.

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