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Comment Frustrating (Score 2, Insightful) 262

The money behind this doesn't give the slightest crap about emergencies. They're just using that as their lever. They care about all the money they've sunk into AM. The people arguing for this are right wing talk radio. (Clear Channel, Salem, etc.)

And it's frustrating because the straw man they are using is actually RIGHT. I really hate to agree with them, especially when I know they're not acting in good faith.

BUT we could solve everyone's issue here (from an emergency standpoint) but just making a reliable emergency carrier, on a few chosen AM frequencies. The car companies wouldn't have to get all AM frequencies working, or even support analog signals. The emergency carrier could send out analog on one frequency in the AM area, and digital on others. You could use old AM radios to get the analog one (or two or three with a good spread for a little more reliability/avoiding interference) or buy a new radio for the same info (plus maybe pictures, downloads, etc) on a slow digital signal, also in the AM spectrum.

The car companies would only support the digital, which is fine, since it means they don't need to keep AM un-noisy. People could still use old AM radios, and companies could make money selling trivial digital radios for clear (lo-fi) AM data. The same emergency data could also go out on FM, as that will work most of the time, anyhow. Everyone wins. ... except right wing talk radio. Screw them.

Comment Re:Not quite (Score 1) 110

There's a lot less money to be made in Saudi Arabia for Netflix -- India's 39 times bigger. You're missing out on things the Saudis don't like in ways you don't notice, because companies fold to them just as quickly in the places where they economic leverage, but it's not in situations where head count is the important thing.

Comment Re:Not quite (Score 1) 110

"It's a huge upcoming market, there's money to be made"
AND the central government is absolutely willing to screw with any company which interferes with their attempts to subjugate/disenfranchise/remove the 14+% of the population which is Muslim.

14% of the population is more than twice the percentage of redheads in the US. It's a little less than the percentage of redheads plus food service workers put together. (It's 6 times the percentage of Jews in the US. 2 times the LGTetc percentage in the US.) Imagine if the US said government officially declared those red folks, waiters, busboys, etc. -- they need to be dealt with/removed somehow and started legislating it.

Comment Re:I blame porn pixelation (Score 1, Interesting) 218

I (conditionally) agree! Frustratingly, the hentai space is really indicative of a component of the low birth rate. I think the low birth rate is excellent, and we need to repeat it everywhere, but one of the big reasons for it leads to very unhappy people -- the culture of male dominance and female passivity which, not surprisingly, a little less than 50% of Japan (most of the males) wants to hold on to and a little less than 50% of Japan (most of the females) thinks is terrible. People in the 2nd group do not want to marry anyone in the first group. (The MAGA males in the US have a similar problem -- there are a number of articles around you can find easily on that.)

So marriages are down. Hentai represents a wonderful fantasy world for the first group, and makes them just a little less likely to see change as necessary, so it's not helping.

I think stopping censoring would be helpful, but only if it comes with some government-funded manipulation of the plots and situations to push hentai to be more agreeable to women. There's hentai for girls already, but the aim should really be tentacle stuff which boys and girls BOTH like -- not easy but probably doable. The whole girl-just-lies-there-while-things-happen-to-her motif is bad. She should be grabbing those tentacles! And at the same time, the agenda should be to get boys hot and bothered about girls who are not submissive. Japan needs boys who want their tentacles grabbed and pulled by women who want tentacle.

Japan manipulates reality a lot in their education system. This should not be a big lift for them, and won't seem like a massive government overreach to a lot of people in government. This could be done.

And the rest of the world would get even better tentacle porn.

So actually, I suggest more government intervention/intrusion/manipulation, not less, but step one should be just as you recommend -- get rid of the fuzz.

Hey, have you seen Girls Und Panzers? It's both fantastic and deeply, deeply horrible.

Comment Re:Confirmation Bias (Score 1) 29

Agreed. "52% of the survey's respondents actually selected "very satisfied" for their feelings about Go — the highest possible rating." Because all the ones who realized it was a TERRIBLE language designed to to write trivial programs which force you to do things a specific way stopped trying to use it and thus were not in the survey set.

Comment Re:SystemD (Score 3, Insightful) 154

Thank you. When the talk turns to systemd I get so clamped up with anger it's hard to express myself. Yes. I want my text files back, dammit. I want to choose my own tools. I want things simple. Every time I have a problem which turns out to be something else systemd hijacked, I get even angrier. And as a computer professional, it's not like you get to choose not to use RedHat at work, so it's impossible to avoid that pile of shit systemd.

And it seems the Linux people who think systemd is fine are also MCSEs or whatever they're calling that now and think Windows and Linux are both just great.

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