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Comment Terrible from start to finish (Score 1) 288

And I'm not even a Tolkien "purist". I don't care one bit about the so called woke stuff and I could have lived with them writing their own stories set in the world from the source material if it had been good storytelling. Unfortunately, the people writing this show should have stuck to writing fan fiction.

Comment 36 hours (Score 1) 58

I wonder where that number comes from. I once removed a tick that had been where it was for 24 hours at the very most and a while later I got one of those nice rashes at the spot where it was. The rash went away quickly after I got prescribed some antibiotics and I got no other noticeable symptoms thankfully.

Comment Ideas to get people working from the office (Score 1) 121

Food trucks, special catered events, ice cream socials, that's what's popular right now." And the Post adds that other employers have also tried wine carts, costume contests and karaoke sing-offs

Those are all things that would make me less interested in coming in to the office.

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