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Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 243

That's only true as long as this government is in power. Theoretically those rights are innate but in reality we only have them because the government chooses not to take them away.
Hypothetically if the nazi had invaded and conquered the us we wouldn't have those rights anymore. If we tried to claim that the government can't take them away from us the nazi would have laughed in our face then shot us in the head.

Comment Re: Open Source is a failure. (Score 1) 98

Somehow browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Edge manage to avoid these problems that Firefox suffers from. Maybe it's because their developers are smart enough to avoid the problems in the first place, and don't go blaming everybody and everything else.

Funny you should say that considering firefox is switching to the extension api that chrome uses. Maybe you're more right then you know. To spell it out for those who can't follow along maybe the extention api really is the problem.

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