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Comment Watches == Win / Paywalls == Lose (Score 1) 505

not signing up for their stupid site to look at crap i barely care about

however I have rocked a Swiss army wrist watch for evar and a day

it is full of win

what time is it?

look at watch


which pocket is smart phone in? dig phone out unlock it to see the god damned time.

also as a left handed person I like the subtle "Hey I'm Left Handed" announcement my watch on my right wrist makes. I can't speak for other lefties but I will sometimes scan for my lefty brothers with watches on their right wrists ....oh btw righties don't wear your watches on the right it is OUR THING =p

Comment i'm not saying i like caps ..but (Score 1) 537

how many of y'all actually are getting close to 150GB?

I work from home and we have 2 HTPC's that are streaming some netflix or hulu a fair bit (maybe 5hrs /wk ea?) i listen to streaming radio all day at work with a vpn going

this month I downloaded a shit ton of of stuff from technet around the 1st (15GB in one day) and still looking at the WAN Status page on my DD-WRT router I'm right under 60GB for the month. I scrolled back and at xmas time when I got a bunch of new stuff and was playing / downloading stuff for that the highest we got was 94GB, maybe i'm not trying hard enough but I'm having a hard time figuring out how I'd go past the cap (we have a 250GB cap w/ COX..meh).

Comment so while I don't like caps (Score 1) 538

i don't like em' mostly cause I don't need one more thing to worry about.

we have been living with a 250GB cap for some time here. I'm sure we don't watch as much netflix as some (but figure 1 to 2 movies a week (instant streaming) and maybe 1/2 to hour of hulu daily.) also downloads from technet and various other patches ...etc. One thing we have a minimum of is torrents (some linux .iso d/l's or whatever but not a whole lot). Additionally I stream radio for hours while working from home and also use the internet during this work time.

anyways also figure a 1hr or so daily of online gaming and still total usage per DD-WRT tracking feature

Feb 11' =48GB
Jan 11' =85GB
Dec 10' =60GB
Nov 10' =54GB

Comment somewhat useless in America (Score 1) 48


sooo... I can't watch the god damn bbc news channel in English *not available for your country**

but i can watch France24 (English) or bbc Persia or of course bbc world service radio....

quite useful indeed.... once I learn Persian that is... i did learn that i'm not that interested in France 24 (English) or in French however so that is something.

i realize it is more of a dream now than ever, but it would be nice if stuff was either 'on the internet" for everyone or just not on the internet at all fucking sick of content you can or can't view depending on what country you are in... WORLD WIDE WEB motherfuckers =p

Comment Re:The future (Score 1) 338

I also have gone the HTPC route. but i happily use a combination of wireless HTPC keyboard and Harmony remote and my android smrt phone to control it.

if I was us I'd not yell too loud about it before one day you find a message on hulu that your display (TV) isn't authorized.

Comment how in the F*ck did google not think about b4? (Score 1) 338

considering the well documented pissing match between hulu and boxee how did big companies like google, logitech and sony not work out a deal with the networks to secure this content for google tv before bringing this thing to market.

They have pretty much nailed the coffin closed on google tv almost before it began with this cluster f*ck, even if something gets worked out who in their right mind is going to spend $300 on a revue and hope that hulu or who ever doesn't get pissed and block it again.

I honestly can't imagine how after the example with boxee and hulu on (or the lack there of =p) my and everyone else's android smrt phone. would have proceeded to market with this before nailing down hulu and others on a agreement to allow access to google tv devices.

idiots... someone (some people) should probably be quite nervous and polishing their resumes at all the google, logitech and sony cause someone/some people are going to get fired...

Comment i actually like this (Score 4, Informative) 324

forefront and MSE are actually pretty good (MSE being built from forefront).

Their foot print on a system is quite reasonable (unlike many av suites) they do a good job of doing what they should do and staying out of the way. We all pay the price of way to many totally unsecured systems connected to the internet. FTFA the update only appears when no security software is detected on the system, So this will be being offered to users that would otherwise have no av protection at all.

I can see where MSE being offered free (and now offered via windows updates) would make other av vendors unhappy ..but f*ck them far to many of the consumer orientated av offering are just terrible bloated piles of junk.

Comment say to to adaption. (Score 1) 426

I'm bothered by the number of left-handers that take the adapt stance and do various task using right handed gear. It is my view that for our left handed brothers and sisters yet unborn we should instead demand (with our wallets and if necessary our generally unexpected left hooks to right handed peoples faces =p) left handed gear.

I don't see why Nintendo shouldn't hear about this it should have been simple enough to make a left hand mode for this game and there is no reason why I or other left-handed people should be forced to use the wrong hand to play it. Using our right hands is a imperfect solution it may be we can do it and do many things pretty good with our right hands but we god damned well shouldn't be forced to, It is my personal opinion that we shouldn't do it at all We are LEFT HANDED GOD DAMN IT and we want left handed supplies and video games and puppies...oh wait maybe not puppies but the other stuff.

Also right handed people keep your god damned watches off your right wrists it is "OUR THING" and it is annoying when you think you have found another of your people but it is just some right handed jackass.


Comment htpc still set-top box (Score 1) 132

it is too bad the HTPC doesn't get more traction as it is an ideal setup for us

radio reception basically sucks monkey balls here so internet radio streams fulfill our radio requirements (NPR, KEXP, ..etc....yes we drive a Volvo =p)
with a 3rd party plug in we have hulu desktop integrated w/ Windows 7 Media Center (well we can launch it from our remote... Harmony)

every set-top box solution i've seen falls way short of the flexibility and usefulness of my HTPC... except for to some extent price (but i built mine w/ old parts from my last upgrade (had old E4600 and 2GB ram..and mb and Antec midtower with psu.. so only bought 1TB drive and wireless keyboard (htpc keyboard) and a cheap ATI 4550 video card w/ HDMI

since my wife can use it (after a brief tutorial) it may be a bit more complicated than some other set-top options but not too bad and so flexible.

also big screen mame == win

if one of these things could get official Hulu support that would be nice.

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