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Submission + - Julian Assange arrested in England (

SJ2000 writes: "Scotland Yard has confirmed that Julian Assange has been arrested by police in England... It is expected he will appear before an extradition hearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court today for a ruling to be made on whether or not he should be sent to Sweden."

Comment Re:You're ALL missing the point (Score 1) 757

It is why I suspect that antivirus companies are sometimes behind large scale viruses. The companies have so much to gain from an outbreak of a large computer infestation. Did they finally find out who unleased Conficker? Who assures me that they didn't write it? Or that they gave money to some script kiddy or hacker (now cracker) to do this?

Comment Re:It should be noted (Score 1) 757

that a lot of "pirated" Bit Torrent software contains malware. Not just the Windows versions, but the Mac and Linux and BSD Unix versions as well.

Hold it there: Linux pirated bit torrent software that contains malware? Why use bit torrent if I can apt-get everything? I think you might want to add the word 'commercial' before the word 'software'.

Comment Re:It's cable. (Score 1) 299

Cable with DOCSYS 2 and up other users should not be a problem. The speed is also being improved. I currently take an all-in-one service from Ziggo a large provider in the Netherlands. I don't pay much and receive 10 Mbit/s with an upload of 1.5 Mbit/s. If i pay more it would become: 20 Mbit/s with 3 Mbit/s up. Ziggo reported that they would like to upgrade their network to DOCSYS 3 and provide a 100 Mbit/s cable service (I am not aware of the upload speeds).

John W. Backus Dies at 82; Developed FORTRAN 271

A number of readers let us know of the passing of John W. Backus, who assembled a team to develop FORTRAN at IBM in the 1950s. It was the first widely used high-level language. Backus later worked on a "function-level" programming language, FP, which was described in his Turing Award lecture "Can Programming be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?" and is viewed as Backus's apology for creating FORTRAN. He received the 1977 ACM Turing Award "for profound, influential, and lasting contributions to the design of practical high-level programming systems, notably through his work on FORTRAN, and for seminal publication of formal procedures for the specification of programming languages."

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