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Comment No GPIO? No Sale! (Score 5, Insightful) 205

The first thing I did was look and see what it had for GPIOs with a small hope that it might even be at some level compatible with the RPi.

None? I might as well buy a cheap mini-itx board.

While I would love more horsepower for some projects I need GPIO's, I2C and SPI for interfacing.

This one's a non starter and certainly doesn't destroy the RPi and as others have pointed out it has no community support whatsoever.

Comment Re:crap shilling article is crap (Score 0) 290

>Dear Cthulhu, take me now!
>One of the main reasons I LIKE email is that it gives the sender time to organize their thoughts. Much better than listening to some user or boss hem and haw and backtrack and contradict themselves wasting endless minutes of my life.

And if my mod points hadn't just expired I'd mod you up.

Instead - +1000

Comment Hell No! (Score 4, Insightful) 77

Linux users do NOT want to launch everything from a browser.
Ditch the stand alone launcher and the need for the browser.

I want standalone programs for hangouts and chromecasting and that is all.
I already don't like the overhead of chrome and it's crappy interface and I'm getting
fed-up with the crashes and arbitrary chrome and hangout resets when I do leave them running.

Make good programs, not crappy do everything browsers.

Comment When I was young... (Score 1) 242

a few years ago I didn't care much about work/life balance. Working long hours at
  something I loved (embedded development) was what I wanted.
But, the longer I worked the less important work became and the
more important other things did.

The companies I worked for still wanted extra hours (salaried of
  course so they didn't have to pay extra) and overriding dedication.
My observation is that the more the work force aged and became
  more balanced between young go-getters and older experienced
  programmers the less desire there has been to be that dedicated.

Some do, but overall it's not as important.

Now that I'm retired I'm still loving the programming side, but I get to do what I want, and all the other things that make life worthwhile.


The #NoEstimates Debate: An Unbiased Look At Origins, Arguments, and Leaders 299

New submitter MikeTechDude writes: Estimates have always been an integral part of the software development process. In recent years, however, developers, including Woody Zuill and Vasco Duarte, have begun to question the efficacy, and even the purpose, of using estimates to predict a project's cost and time line. A fierce debate has sprung up on Twitter, between those calling for an end to estimates and those who continue to champion their use in a professional setting. On the surface, it would appear that the debate is black and white. Proponents of the #NoEstimates Twitter hashtag are promoting a hard stop to all estimates industry-wide, and critics of the movement are insisting on a conservative approach that leaves little room for innovation. However, the reality of the debate has unfolded in far more complex, nuanced shades of gray. HP's Malcolm Isaacs digs deep and pinpoints where the debate started, where it now stands, and what its implications are for the future of software development. Meanwhile, Martin Heller offers his less unbiased approach with his post, #NoEstimates? Not so fast.

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