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Comment Re:Choices (Score 3, Insightful) 702

People always forget to make this point. In fact, most are ignorant of it. It's not a corporate vs government issue--it's a market place issue. People want to have net neutrality, but giving the FEC the power to regulate will only lead to more problems in the future.

Comment Government collusion (Score 3, Insightful) 487

Many businesses that reach billions of dollars in revenue often rely on government contracts and monopoly protection--patent law being the biggest of these. Without government interference in the economy businesses would probably be less likely to hit "billionaire" status. I don't doubt that there would still be some, just not as many. In the open source world this is (to some extent) playing out.

Games Workshop Goes After Fan Site 174

mark.leaman writes "BoingBoing has a recent post regarding Games Workshop's aggressive posturing against fan sites featuring derivative work of their game products. 'Game publisher and miniature manufacturer Games Workshop just sent a cease and desist letter to boardgamegeek.com, telling them to remove all fan-made players' aids. This includes scenarios, rules summaries, inventory manifests, scans to help replace worn pieces — many of these created for long out of print, well-loved games...' As a lifelong hobby gamer of table, board, card and miniature games, I view this as pure heresy. It made me reject the idea of buying any Games Workshop (read Warhammer) products for my son this Christmas. Their fate was sealed, in terms of my wallet, after I Googled their shenanigans. In 2007 they forbid Warhammer fan films, this year they shut down Vassal Modules, and a while back they went after retailers as well. What ever happened to fair use?"

Comment Even weirder... (Score 1, Interesting) 165

I once experienced something almost exactly like a phantom limb. After an episode of sleep paralysis laying on the couch on the third floor of my university library, I suddenly regained control of my arms. I was unable to open even my eyes...but I had complete control of my hands and arms. Eventually I reached up and touched my face, only to discover that there was no opposite sensation from the skin on my face. I was able to feel my hair and the features of my face, but my face felt as if it had been completely numbed.

Eventually I was able to force my eyelids open, and to my complete amazement...my arms were laying crossed across my chest in the same position they were in when I fell asleep. I was able to "move" them across my field of vision, but they remained motionless on my chest. The whole experience lasted a minute or two and was strangle not unpleasant, unlike all of the sleep paralysis episodes I have.

Has anyone hear heard of such a thing? Sleep paralysis is well documented, but I have never been able to find anything similar to what I have described here.

Comment Re:Are you catholic? (Score 0) 902

I'm not saying abortion is wrong, I'm just saying your logic is flawed and your self-deception is transparent. Abortion is stopping a process that would otherwise (in a typical scenario) end in a fully aware human being. That is a fact. If you want to delude yourself into thinking otherwise fine, just be 'self-aware' enough to know that it's just an excuse.

Abortion stops a process that sometimes ends with a fully aware human being. The same thing can be said about sexual intercourse. You promote contraception later in your post; I fail to see how this is not "stopping a process that would otherwise (in a typical scenario) end in a fully aware human being."

Assuming you aren't sterile, the fact that you are commenting on slashdot stories instead of actively trying to procreate means you are stopping that very same process.

Where do you draw the line? How far back in the process of procreation do you have to go before it is completely an issue of the rights of a person and not "just an excuse"?

The Almighty Buck

Phishing Is a Minimum-Wage Job 224

rohitm918 writes "A study by Microsoft Research concludes that phishers make very little (PDF): '...low-skill jobs pay like low-skill jobs, whether the activity is legal or not.' They also find that the Gartner numbers that everyone quotes ($3.2B/year etc) are rubbish, off by a factor of 50. 'Even though it harvests "free money," phishing generates total revenue equal to the total costs incurred by the actors. Each participant earns, on average, only as much as he would have made in the opportunities he gave up elsewhere. As the total phishing effort increases the total phishing revenue declines: the harder individual phishers try the worse their collective situation gets. As a consequence, increasing effort is a sign of failure rather than of success.'"
The Internet

Protection From Online Eviction? 296

AOL has been shutting down its free Web services, in some cases with little or no notice to users, and they are not the only ones. This blog post on the coming "datapocalypse" makes the case that those who host Web content should be required to provide notice and access to data for a year, and be held strictly accountable the way landlords are before they can evict a tenant. Some commenters on the post argue that you get what you pay for with free Web services, and that users should be backing up their data anyway. What do you think, should there be required notice and access before online hosts take user data offline for good?
User Journal

Journal Journal: As big a geek as myself should have the foresight to log out 1

Yeah, so I'm a giant retard. I was stupid enough to leave my slashdot account logged in on my cousin's computer. He's been using my moderator points like candy, and he even meta moderated for me - twice - before realizing that I was logged in.

Journal Journal: Democrats and gun control 1

Wow, been a while since I've written in this but now that I remember it is here, I have decided to write something.

Michael Badnarik, the 2004 Libertarian party Cantidate, has basically the best gun control policy of any cantidates besides Michael Peroutka of the Constitution party:

Journal Journal: Irresponsible Politics

This was written by Thomas Sowell, a professor at Stanford University I believe.

This may go down in history as the year when an attempt to win an election, at all costs, led to longer run disasters that make any election pale into insignificance. The biggest and loudest political rhetoric of this year is that President Bush "lied" about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

What are the known facts about Saddam Hussein's chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons?

Journal Journal: John Kerry is teh suck

I really, really, do not get liberals. I'm about to post for you a transcription of Rush Limbaugh's show, so read it. If you don't want to read it I'll post a link so you can listen to it.

Anyway, I haven't posted in a month. I have done a few things with a livejournal and a blog, but I've figured out that Slashdot journals rock. ----------------------------------------- http://mfile.akamai.com/5020/wma/rushlimb.download.akamai.com/5020/clips/04/07/070604_2_kerryabortion.asx

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