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Comment Re:Gulf to Gulf (Score 1) 455

"The "bible thumpers" have been serving in the US military since before there was a US. Show them some respect."

How can you be serving in the US military before there was a US?

Also, people that like to fuck have been using boats a lot longer than the bible has been around. Show them some respect.

Comment Re:Apple may not have ripped this off. (Score 1, Funny) 549

"Secondly, the logo combines the wireless logo (which is standard and is not an invention of this student) with the sync logo (two arrows round a circle) which is again standard and predates this student's app.

Someone trolled "fanboi" but let's take a look at that logo...

Hmm, Apple Airport - released in 1999 ( Note that wireless icon there, it looks rather familiar, eh? If you click the picture, you'll note the original picture was uploaded in April 2007 (, months before the iPhone was released.

Might just be a coincidence, right?

Well, what about iSync? Uses the icon as depicted here. Looks familiar too! It's only been in use since 2003, so his "original" artwork is obviously compromised.

Damn, dirty Apple and their stealing of their icons!

Comment Sad... (Score 4, Insightful) 549

"Since the official rejection, Hughes's app has become one of the most popular offered in the Cydia store, with more than 50,000 sold in the past 13 months. Throughout that time, Wi-Fi Sync has cost $9.99, not including occasional promotional discounts."

I wish I could come up with a rejection that earned me a few hundred grand. He must be crying while rolling around in all that money.

Comment The real question... (Score 3, Insightful) 96

Which one will be able to be upgraded to Honeycomb? I wouldn't buy an Android tablet before their tablet version of software became available, regardless of the hardware. Are there any upgrade paths that *either* vendor (Dell or Samsung) has specified? I feel some early adopters will be left out in the cold.

Comment Re:A brilliant move! (Score 1) 413

"Google wants a good cleam fresh start. Why? Because they are primarily content providers, that's why. Their stake is more closely aligned with the users of the internet as we share a common interest -- good, usable content, without irregularities or problems. Good for us; good for Google."

Pardon? Google exists as a corporation; to make money. Period. Look at WebM as an untapped, unrestricted ad platform and you'll see Google's market. To think of this as an open source crusade is ludicrous.

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