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Comment Re:hmm (Score 1) 375


I find some things easier to get things done on OS X than I do on Linux, but maybe its just the distro i use (fc13 atm). I find that i am supporting other devs using an Ubuntu distro and I understand its just my unfamiliarity with the location of conf and the differing mindset of the package maintainers but I find I detest configuring and using an Ubuntu box over an FC box.

Funnily enough the devs using os x never seem to need help.

My point is that all OS'es and various distro's have their strengths and weaknesses, for a user, no mater their technical aptitude, its all about familiarity of the tools they are using and their ability and willingness to adapt to the new situation, software or operating environment.

I have found stuff that just works under windows that has been a *real* bitch to get going on my fc box.

Comment Re:And now you can have a superior PC for $500 les (Score 1) 162

Ever use a Thinkpad X201? It's a true competitor for the MBA.

It has a normal, upgradable SSD in it. And the thing even has a freakin Core i7 in it for goodness sake!

If Lenovo can do it, why can't Apple?

Maybe you are prepared to put up with the extra weight and size as a trade off for the extra grunt, but not everyone would be. I confess to have never used a Thinkpad X201, have you ever used an MBA?

Comment Re:And now you can have a superior PC for $500 les (Score 1) 162

Has nothing to do with being proprietary. How do you upgrade a SSD when it's soldered onto your motherboard?

Well I would use a soldering iron, but fortunately this is not necessary as the both the Toshiba Blade X-gale SSD and the Photofast SSD (which incidently uses a Sandforce SF-1200 controller) are user replaceable by anyone with the correct screwdriver.

Comment Re:SSD's are awesome, but the cost... (Score 1) 162

And, Microsoft needs to figure out that people want to stick an SSD and traditional hard drive in their laptops, so Windows needs better support for moving the Users directory (you can do it but it's "unsupported").

Amen to that. In today's age with the advent of SSD I would have thought it perfectly normal to want to easily move my home dir to a different drive, (something easily achieved in any linux flavour, os x or even xp) but apparently Microsoft don't consider this necessary in Windows 7. Of course if I want to reinstall windows, it is possible I believe.

Comment Lies, damned lies, and statistics (Score 2, Insightful) 764

These are just isolated statistics from one institution and in no means representative of a whole country or the whole world for that matter, but interesting none the less. As a long time mac user (25 years ago I bought my first mac and I still use mac today) a long time windows user (2001 I bought my first windows machine and I still use windows everyday) and long time linux user (circa 1997 I built my first linux server (RH5.something) and I still use both FC13 and Ubuntu 10 ). As a java web app developer my main dev machine in the work place runs FC13. It replaces an Win XP box that i have dev'ed with for the last 3 years. At home for private projects my machine is a Mac Pro. I only mention these facts to add some cred to my next statement. I hate all of the OSes for differing reasons. They all suck. They all have their individual issues that get in my way as I try and work in my chosen profession. As a long time /. reader, I am continually amazed at the amount of FUD spread (by particularly /. posters about, who in my view should know better) about the various OS'es. Don't get me wrong, I love the jibing and the fanboi accusations but, OMG please at least check your facts before hitting your keyboards. If one where to survey my immediate family, I mean my brothers, my sister my nieces my nephews, my own children even, (over 10 people) the only one in my family that uses a windows PC in exclusion to any other OS, is my 80 year old father. The rest all use macs as either their main computer or only computer. This does not mean that this is typical of a world wide trend, it is just a trend within my family.

Submission + - In Search of a Lost Partition.

Max Rool writes: Well not so much lost, but unable to see it. I have set up my 4 year old MacBook Pro to triple boot into Mac OSX 10.6, FC13 and Windows 7. Articles abound on the internet, about triple booting and so this was fairly straight forward,

The laptop, being oldish in computer years, is limited to 3 GB of RAM and whilst I understand virtualisation is an option, what I really want, is to boot natively into each OS as desired and to have a shared data partition between the 3 operating systems, that I might easily, I know it sounds obvious, but share data.
Whilst I can mount, read and write to the shared partition in OSX and Linux, in Windows the partition is not visible.

So in quick steps what I have done is;
1. Install OSX onto a single partition drive.
2. Boot into OSX and using diskutil, resize the volume into 4 partitions, being OSX, LINUX, WINDOWS and SHARED.
3. Install the rEFIt boot loader.
4. Install Linux with its own boot loader into the the 2nd partition
5. Install Windows into the 3rd partition

What I end up with is a 6 partition drive and in order, looking like this.
1. EFI Partition
2. OSX Partition
3. Linux Boot Partition
4. Linux Partition
5. Windows Partition
6. Shared Partition

Using Windows DiskManager I can see all the partitions, if I try to assign a letter to the Shared partition, the tool wipes away the EFI Partition and OSX Partition. In one of the articles I read about triple booting, the author states that Windows needs to be installed on the last partition, I do not know enough about Windows to know if this is true or not, so perhaps someone could also verify this for me.

Anyway, I am hoping we don’t get into too much discussion about why I would want to install Windows or OSX or why I chose FedoraCore over Ubuntu or why I use Apple Hardware, or why I would want to triple boot and get down to,

How do I set up Windows on a triple boot Apple laptop so that I can see the same shared partition across all 3 operating systems.

Thank you

Why the First Cowboy To Draw Always Gets Shot 398

cremeglace writes "Have you ever noticed that the first cowboy to draw his gun in a Hollywood Western is invariably the one to get shot? Nobel-winning physicist Niels Bohr did, once arranging mock duels to test the validity of this cinematic curiosity. Researchers have now confirmed that people indeed move faster if they are reacting, rather than acting first."

Game Difficulty As a Virtue 204

The Wii and various mobile gaming platforms have done wonders for the trend toward casual or "easy" games. But the success of a few recent titles, despite their difficulty, has caused some to wonder whether the pendulum has swung too far; whether a little frustration can be seen as a good thing. Quoting: "The evidence is subtle but compelling. For one example, look to major consumer website GameSpot's Game of the Year for 2009: Atlus' PS3 RPG Demon's Souls, which received widespread critical acclaim – none of which failed to include a mention of the game's steep challenge. GameSpot called it 'ruthlessly, unforgivingly difficult.' Demon's Souls was a sleeper hit, an anomaly in the era of accessibility. One would think the deck was stacked against a game that demanded such vicious persistence, such precise attention – and yet a surge of praise from critics and developers alike praised the game for reintroducing the experience of meaningful challenge, of a game that demanded something from its players rather than looked for ways to hand them things. It wasn't just Demon's Souls that recently flipped the proverbial bird to the 'gaming for everyone' trend. In many ways, the independent development scene can be viewed on the macro level as a harbinger of trends to come, and over the past year and into 2010, many indies have decided to be brutal to their players."

Facebook Master Password Was "Chuck Norris" 319

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "A Facebook employee has given a tell-all interview with some very interesting things about Facebook's internals. Especially interesting are all the things relating to Facebook privacy. Basically, you don't have any. Nearly everything you've ever done on the site is recorded into a database. While they fire employees for snooping, more than a few have done it. There's an internal system to let them log into anyone's profile, though they have to be able to defend their reason for doing so. And they used to have a master password that could log into any Facebook profile: 'Chuck Norris.' Bruce Schneier might be jealous of that one."

Mozilla Thunderbird 3 Released 272

supersloshy writes Today Mozilla released Thunderbird 3. Many new features are available, including Tabs and enhanced search features, a message archive for emails you don't want to delete but still want to keep, Firefox 3's improved Add-ons Manager, Personas support, and many other improvements. Download here."

Games Workshop Goes After Fan Site 174

mark.leaman writes "BoingBoing has a recent post regarding Games Workshop's aggressive posturing against fan sites featuring derivative work of their game products. 'Game publisher and miniature manufacturer Games Workshop just sent a cease and desist letter to, telling them to remove all fan-made players' aids. This includes scenarios, rules summaries, inventory manifests, scans to help replace worn pieces — many of these created for long out of print, well-loved games...' As a lifelong hobby gamer of table, board, card and miniature games, I view this as pure heresy. It made me reject the idea of buying any Games Workshop (read Warhammer) products for my son this Christmas. Their fate was sealed, in terms of my wallet, after I Googled their shenanigans. In 2007 they forbid Warhammer fan films, this year they shut down Vassal Modules, and a while back they went after retailers as well. What ever happened to fair use?"
Emulation (Games)

Nintendo Upset Over Nokia Game Emulation Video 189

An anonymous reader writes "Nintendo is investigating potential copyright infringement by Nokia during some video demos of their N900 phone, which can be seen emulating Nintendo games. Nintendo spokesman Robert Saunders says: 'We take rigorous steps to protect our IP and our legal team will examine this to determine if any infringement has taken place.' In the video, Nokia says, 'Most publishers allow individual title usage, provided that the user is in possession of the original title.'"

Scientists Say a Dirty Child Is a Healthy Child 331

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of California have shown that the more germs a child is exposed to, the better their immune system in later life. Their study found that keeping a child's skin too clean impaired the skin's ability to heal itself. From the article: "'These germs are actually good for us,' said Professor Richard Gallo, who led the research. Common bacterial species, known as staphylococci, which can cause inflammation when under the skin, are 'good bacteria' when on the surface, where they can reduce inflammation."

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