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Comment Leftist Ideaology (Score 1) 116

Label someone the enemy. Attack them relentlessly without provocation. IOW, you are Putinesque. Not a good fragrance.

Not mentioned enough is Putin listed rejecting communism as one of the reasons for attacking the Ukraine. Now comes all the commutards wanting to talk about how great communism will be when someone finally figures out how to implement it without it turning into a dictatorship.

Comment Hyperloop would work, just not with cars (Score 1) 289

Dig the tunnels and turn it into moving walk ways for people. Have multiple bands going in the same direction with the outer bands moving faster than the inner bands. Kind of like how airports move people between terminals, but in this case, inter-city and underground. If the entry points are near parking, then people could come to the city, park and still be able to move around without too much trouble.

It's moving cars around in the tunnel that is problematic. Cars, even EV cars, can combust and fire in a tunnel packed with other combustible cars would be a recipe for disaster.

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