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Comment Re: A lesson (Score 2) 185

The government created the "idiotic trade policy". I was just trying to find out what policy the poster above mine was referencing, because it smelled like he was trying to blame the current administration when the problem predates it and goes so much deeper. And the private sector only does what's legal. Hence the .gov allowed this orwellian shit to occur. And I don't think people are indifferent to privacy issues but they aren't ever being given a choice.

Every time google or facebook rolls out a new invasion of your privacy or abuse of your personal information, you get a click through where your choice is to either agree to a legal contract allowing the abuse that the average person has no hope of understanding, or not using your device/software. It's not really a choice at all since we all need our phones and computers. Google, facebook, etc., know this is a fake choice. Hell, they have had strategy planning sessions setting it up.

But it's all done under the legal framework created by congress.

Comment Re:Not at all surprising. (Score 3, Informative) 204

It's stupid remarks like this that drove me away from social medial.

Capitalism is the greatest wealth and progress generating engine in history. Any economic system that tries harnessing capitalism becomes wealthy. All the others remain mired in poverty. There are no counterexamples.

Comment Re:Andrew Yang wants to Tax (Score 1) 126

Yang is a communist at heart and all his proposals need to be viewed through that lens. No doubt the end result would be more government interference and regulation in something better left alone. In fact that is likely his unstated goal.

There is no real reason for this other than for the agency controlling the revenue to accrue political power. This is not a good thing.

Comment Re:So it a simple matter of no backups? (Score 1) 100

Actually, I am _very_ familiar with hospital administration

They actively work to avoid costs, then BLAME the bad outcomes on everybody else

Just pray that their cost cutting (only to increase profits) doesn't kill one of your kids, because they will try and blame you for it and even call the cops on you

They don't have unlimited funds. Hospitals in my area are going bankrupt at an alarming rate despite all of your virtue signaling. You aren't familiar at all with actual hospital administration other than socialist talking points.

In the real world, everyone has to get paid.

Comment Re:The Shaming has to End (Score 1) 725

And yet there's a pussy-grabber in the white house, and at least 2 "handsy" guys on the supreme court. I think this case was an over-reaction, but I also think that #metoo was a long time coming.

The real irony of the "pussy grabbing" thing is that Trump was mocking the type of social climbing, gold digging women who are perfectly happy to let someone grab them anywhere at all, provided they benefit from it socially or monetarily. Rich, powerful men know exactly what kind of women he was referring to.

For instance, people like Harvey Weinstein don't appear out of a vacuum; there were apparently plenty of women who went along with his scam, wholly knowledgeable of the transactional nature of the relationship. I would go as far as to say that more women didn't come forward (pun definitely intended) to accuse him because video exists of them obviously enjoying themselves during "negotiations".

The "handsy" members of the SCOTUS exist only in the fevered minds of leftists so desperate to seize control of the nation that they will stoop to any kind of slander.

Comment Re:Two browsers? (Score 3, Insightful) 337


Firefox is kind of bloated and their leadership is succumbing to the "we must be politically active" bullshit.

Brave is still a work in progress, I refuse to use browsers that send tracking information directly to the big data companies so edge and chrome are out. I didn't realize that opera had been sold to the chinese so that can be assumed to be spyware.

The picken's are getting slim. Any others out there?

Comment Re:Political Mish Mash (Score 1) 168

They *already* have to have some form of agreement regulating how the residents help contribute to maintaining the place, hence they have a rudimentary government. Disputes will arise, mechanisms for dealing with future disputes will be agreed upon and it goes from there.

Beyond governing issues, the physical and logistical challenges of maintaining the islands will be enormous. It remains to be seen if they will be able to generate enough revenue to maintain it.

And of course, all they have to do is piss off any nation with a navy and the entire thing gets seized.

It will fail spectacularly and it will be a glorious moment of human hubris.

Comment Re: Actually iOS is safer, more likely to get patc (Score 1) 154

The upside is that most cheap phones are only in service for a year or two at best. Unpatched flaws get thrown away with the phone.

This kind of thing is uninteresting at this point. Flaws are found, patches are issued and the sun rises every morning. I'd like to see good statistics (which are likely impossible to collect) about the amount of real world harm caused by most of them.

Far more damaging is people's own idiotic behavior. We have know about HIV floating around for decades yet people still have unprotected sex with relative strangers all the time. You reap what you sow.

Comment or there is another agenda at work. (Score 1) 201

It's also not clear if this is just another get rich quick scheme using poor africans as fodder. When they start talking about selling "inexpensive" devices that are "affordable" your bullshit detector should go off. A while back someone was flogging a solar powered usb battery used to charge cell phones that was going to "revolutionize" etc., these poor african communities for the low low price of $125 or whatever. A quick check of revealed a product with identical specs retailing for about half that much. Hence actual cost was probably 30% or more lower.

In this case, puppy linux has had this capability for several years and thumb drives bought in bulk cost pennies. Exactly whom does this project benefit the most?

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