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Comment Re: 'No Evidence' says Xi (Score 1) 469

The issue here is there are multiple levels of incompetence going on in the CCP here. Beijing told the local government in Wuhan to eradicate the wet markets after the first sars outbreak there. They did. However corruption in the local government led to the wet markets opening again and avoiding closure. Whether or not Beijing knew about this, or if the people whose responsibility to act on this were bribed or not is under debate, but the fact is that an outbreak from these supposedly illegal markets was extremely embarrassing for Beijing as it contravenes their desired image of having absolute control over the local governments - any break like this would be perceived as a sign of weakness in Beijing and a loss of confidence in their ability to rule. Hence, when the outbreak happened the immediate response was to attempt to cover it up an deflect attention.

Comment Re: Why do people fall for this? (Score 1) 221

yeah, this is extremely naive. the whole point of public education is that, for a small up-front investment, you help people become productive members of society and reap the benefits later, or at the very least avoid the huge cost of turning half your country into a slum. this is even more important nowadays where most manual labor is automated and job opportunities for the uneducated are diminishing rapidly.

Comment Re: Why do people fall for this? (Score 2) 221

Nonsense. There are plenty of other countries that have teachers unions and pay their teachers more than the US does and get better results from their students.
Private school vouchers are a back door way to fund religious schools with public money, and Jefferson had a thing or two to say about that.

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