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Journal Journal: Anybody Moderating Again? 12

Got Points?

Remember back when Taco et al went on a reign of terror and banned hundreds of users in a little Civil War? We all got the $rtbl flag for moderating up a single post... And most of us are aware that Administrator-enforced blacklisting died with the $rtbl (Realtime Black Hole List).

Journal Journal: On stupid adverts 1

I don't have a problem with ads on this site. Most of the time, they're at the top of the page. Some are in iframes (which is a bit annoying), but 1) still animated GIFs; 2) easily dealt with via reloading the page. There's a new class of annoying ads, however.

Flash ads.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
