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Comment Re:"Nuclear" Winter (Score 1) 356

The disaster might not be so "natural". The data says that only a small amount of genetic variation existed within those that passed on their genes. It would not take a volcano to decide who passes on their genes and who doesn't.

An equally valid hypothesis is that there was no environmental change, but that in an otherwise genetically diverse population one small group gained a genetic competitive advantage over other proto-humans and began to multiply wildly, killing off or starving out the rest of the gene pool. It would be interesting to compare the age of the various genes for cognitive ability, speech and socialization to see if any date to the period where these choke points occurred.

I would like to think it was a gene that supported empathy or cooperation that enabled them to out-compete their neighbors, but rather I suspect that a genetic disposition to xenophobia is a more likely culprit...

Comment Re:There's a message in this somewhere (Score 1) 356

You are reading the message wrong: we went from edge of extinction to what we are today: a threat to the entire ecosystem. Clearly there must be some secret advantage to springing back from extinction, and if we can do it so can the other guys.

This plainly shows that our real enemies are all those creatures presently on the endangered species list. In the name of all that is holy, I call on you all to go out and hunt down the remaining grey wolves and pandas before they devour us all.

Comment Re:You MORONS. (Score 5, Funny) 366

Were I thus inclined, I'd go for the biggest market out there - patent a "procedure to transfer one's hereditry information onto a partial duplicate of oneself or the recreational practice thereof, through the use of a pshysio-mechanical maneuver with an individual of the opposing sex..."
After all the arguments over Homosexuality being inborn or a choice, it turns out it is just a work-around to avoid patent infringement!

Comment Re:OH NOES!! (Score 1) 869

Why do people keep repeating this over and over? It makes for a great anecdote, but there's a huge logical problem with it. If we fix the systems (customs that let them get in the country in the first place, watchlists, etc.) that allowed the hijackers to get on the place, then that's wonderful. BUT then all they need is a fake ID to bypass those restrictions. Thus, we need a secure ID to implement those changes.

Journal Journal: Troll Slaying Roundup 3

I apologize for the time between entries, but as many of you know, CmdrTaco has now all but eliminated trolling on Slashdot - and deserves our thanks for all his hard work! However a recent upsurge in trolling over the last four months has created some changes in the Master Troll Blacklist, and I'll document some of these changes for you now.
  • Fortknox - Beloved by many, Josh Marotti recently announced that he is in fact a

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