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User Journal

Journal Journal: Oddity 1

Ok to get a lot of peeps reading your journal you have to already have many people reading your journal . So your first say 30 posts to it will probly be ignoreed.
User Journal

Journal Journal: New desktop feature

Im doing some work right now and i have lots of windows of the same program open doing different things. the icons all look the same and the wording only shows/home/chris/work but not the file so i cant easily identify which window is which. Wouldnt it be easy if for a temporary period (this login sesion perhaps) you could right click a program in the taskbar and highlight it a specific colour, so you could quickly switch between the instance of a program with file A open and one with file B open.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Music

Can anyone recommend me some music, anything will do, i need to expand the ammount of music i listen to , thanks chris

Journal Journal: Humba

I guess this'll be the first and the last time I ever write something in my journal...

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