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Comment Re:Honorable of them to take a Stand (Score 1) 213

Like it or not, this is about the future of our children, the future minds of your children, and they apparently use TikTok a lot.

Then pass a law dragging unfit parents off to jail if they corrupt their children by buying them a smart device and connecting it to unfiltered internet access. Stop with the shit that affects adults because some parents are unable to raise their rug rats properly.

Oh right, the idea that parents should actually have to put in effort to raise healthy, well-adjusted children would be politically unpopular.

Comment Re:Plainly Unconstitutional (Score 1) 213

GenZ/Millenials or whoever is using it who tend to vote blue will be pissed for having their accounts -- and the accounts they follow -- shut down by the US government.

Which is why if the Democrats had any sense they would've blocked this, but the Republicans gave 'em enough rope to hang themselves and they went right along with it.

Comment Re:Obligatory... (Score 1) 213

But when you have billions of, ahem, "less gifted" people sucking at the teat of putrid misinformation, well... THAT is the problem right there.

And assuming you know better than those "less gifted" people is the good intention that paves the road to hell. It's fundamentally antithetical to freedom to tell people what they're allowed to think, even if your intentions are noble.

Comment Re:Net neutrality (Score 1) 54

Weren't the republicans the ones squealing when social media was blocking them.

Actually, I think the greater irony was how the Republicans made a big stink about being deplatformed from Twitter and Facebook, and how social media is "the new town square" - then they proceeded to pass legislation that will potentially deplatform the entire userbase of TikTok. Rules for thee, not for me.

Regardless of the partisan bickering, NN for the most part ended up being a nothingburger either way. Turns out that while the market certainly could nickel and dime "fast lane" access, that really only happened in the real world at theme parks, and on actual physical highways. TBH, I find those sorts of "fast lanes" far more insidious.

Comment Re:What they're really saying is... (Score 1) 213

"we don't want you to see our algorithms because it would expose our bias, give proof of the data mining we do of our users and put a spotlight on how TikTok amplifies addictive and dangerous content."

Or it's just that YouTube's and Meta's algorithms are absolute dogshit, and Bytedance doesn't want to get ripped off. I'm personally not a fan of short format videos, but from what I've seen on YouTube and Facebook, it's mostly just weird shit and rage bait. If that's the best they can do, it's no wonder TikTok is more popular.

Comment Re:Plainly Unconstitutional (Score 1) 213

Rights are for citizens, is a foreign owned company a citizen to the supreme court ... outlook is hazy.

If the government comes along and yanks my megaphone out of my hand because it's made in China, they've infringed my right to free speech.

The "there are other platforms you can use" argument is absolute bullshit, otherwise why did Musk pay $44 billion for Twitter? If all platforms are equivalent then he could've saved a fortune by just launching his own microblogging service, but clearly there's value in the existing connections users have made on an existing popular social media platform.

Comment Re:Mental health of teenagers most affected (Score 4, Funny) 213

Isn't there research that FaceBook, Instagram, Tiktok negatively affect mental health, with teenage girls more susceptible to poor mental health because of social media?

Here in the US, that's actually a good thing because we have for-profit healthcare. More mental health problems, more money for shrinks and anti-depressant drug manufacturers. The social media companies aren't the enemy, they're just driving the wheels of capitalism, baby!

Comment Re:How much is really delayed maintenance? (Score 1) 116

I'm no longer a fan of electric cars after I learned that they don't really solve the smog problem and after I was introduced to the concept of High-Speed rail and walkable cities, but if I can't have those things I guess I will take the facts that they at least reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

So, rather than running some wires, which the defeatist contingent is already saying is too costly and infeasible, we should just *checks notes* rebuild every suburban community in the country? Oh, and also while we're at it, fundamentally reprograming the human psyche so that we don't get people losing their shit from living in an urban environment.

I guar-an-fuckin-tee if you were living in some urban ratbox with your neighbor blasting Fox news all hours of the night, you'd deeply regret the lifestyle you're promoting.

Comment Re:control (Score 1) 123

Is that something that happens often?

I'm not sure how we got from manga to implanted credit cards, but personally, if I'm going to engage in any retail consumerism activities, step #1 involves driving to the store in my car. For that, I'm legally required to carry my driver's license (which is in my wallet, along with my credit and debit cards), and unless I just want to stand in my driveway and stare blankly at my locked car, I also need my keyfob (which is on my keyring). Technically, I could leave my smartphone at home but then I'd have no navigation or music (aside from terrestrial broadcast radio, yuck) in my car.

So, when I arrive at my shopping destination, I've got several different ways of paying for things just by virtue of all the crap I've had to bring with me anyway out of necessity. There's no way I'd ever want to go under the knife to solve a problem that isn't actually a problem. Plus, on more than one occasion I've placed an in-store pickup order while I'm already at the store, and all I needed to pay for that was my username and password, which I have memorized. It seems barbaric to perform self-mutilation as a workaround for stores that can't just process payments via a simple account login, if someone really insists on not carrying around other forms of payment.

Comment Not the outcome I was expecting (Score 1) 123

I honestly expected foreign porn sites to just do the old Goatse disclaimer (which was something along the lines of "if you find this image offensive, don't look at it.") rather than blocking users from the US. I'm also not sure if the Japanese porn site operators are trying to make a political statement or if they're genuinely concerned that they'd be arrested if they entered the US on a business trip or vacation.

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