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Comment I'm just curious about something... (Score 1) 1359

You included some kind of apprehension of a "Conservative" government taking over power in the UK. As someone who is politically conservative in the US, I can't help but wonder why that would be a factor. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but it looks to me as though many of the privacy issues you have have been put in place by the current Liberal government.

But if the Conservatives really frighten you that much, I'd avoid coming you the US. The liberal government in place here now is doing a really fine job of eroding many of our rights, including many related to what a person does, in private, with their own income, health care and automotive choices. Hell, our congress just partially approved legislation that would make all living creatures in America polluters, since they believe that if you're a carbon-based life form, you're destroying the environment.

Nonetheless, things are getting bad here now, and I expect that the tide is going to turn the other way in the next few years. I'm predicting lots of liberal/Democratic/"progressives" will be tossed out in the mid-term elections, and Barak Obama will be shown the door after one term.

So, you might want to scratch the US from your short list.

Comment Re:Why should biometric be private? (Score 1) 171

Hers's how it works.

The Clear or PT customer provides a bunch of information for a TSA background check, along with verifiable identification. A birth certificate or passport are the only primary IDs they accept, along with some official photo ID.

After you sign up on line, you print out a form and go to the enrollment counter at the airport that has the service. They scan your irises and all fingertips. The data is then sent to Clear and burned to a chip on a smart card. The chip has the biometrics data and the necessary keys. The second issue of cards had a photo on them as well (the originals didn't).

When you arrive at the Clear/PT gate, you show your boarding pass and inset your card into the reader. (The PT folks a Jacksonville would usually take the card and insert it after checking the photo. The Clear folks at Reagan always asked the customer to insert the card). When prompted, you placed a finger on the reader, the system scanned it, read the chip, verified you and you were on the way. If the finger scanner couldn't get a good read, they'd scan the iris instead.

Once you're done, you proceed through the line.

I've read some comments here about the service at some airports, but my experiences have always been very positive. The Clear employees at Reagan couldn't have been more polite and helpful, and the early morning lady at the PT line in Jacksonville got to know me on a first-name basis.

As for the advantages of the service, yes, you do have to do the shoes/metal/laptop bit and step through whatever scanner they use. You have to do the same things as everyone else in the other lines. But you don't have the wait as you make the turtle crawl through those lines with the families and their obnoxious kids or the irregular travelers who haven't figured out the rules yet (despite the presence of shouting TSA agents telling them what to do).

Call me an elitist, but I travel a lot, usually when I'm pretty tired, and considering the lack of fun in getting on and off planes, the faster I wade through that shit, the happier I'll be.

I have travel routine. I do certain things *prior* to arriving at the gate (even the airport) that I know will get me to where I'm going faster. I really don't wish to put the brakes on that because of rambunctious children, strollers, and elderly people who decide to save the baggage check fees by carrying *everything* on the plane.

It's bad enough waiting after boarding (or simply trying to get down the aisle while boarding) because some idiot filled up his rollaway suitcase so it's just a little to big to fit in the overhead without forcing it in with a crowbar, while the rest of the boarding passengers line up, waiting for you to clear the aisle.

My big issue is traveling on Monday mornings. I live 45 minutes from the airport, and my departure times are usually between 6:30 and 7:30 AM, depending on the airline. Knowing that my wife and I can stay in bed an extra 30 minutes makes that service worthwhile.

There's also a lot of whining here by the so-called "privacy concerned" regarding what's going to happen to the data, or why the "government" has to use the data, or why the TSA sucks, or whatever.

First of all, as far as the TSA and their work is concerned, it is what it is. I wish it was better, or unnecessary, but there they are, and I need to get through them to get on a plane. So I deal with it. This service helps. I've personally never had an issue with them, my bags, or anything since I started using this service.

Second, the information you provide clear is no more intrusive than the information anyone can retrieve on you for the cost of a background check fee. They ask you name, address, phone number, a few other background details, they ask to see a birth certificate or passport and some kind of official photo ID. I don't recall having to provide any information to them that I would consider particularly intrusive. Hell, I had to give up a LOT more information about myself to get my current security clearance from the DOD.

Third, the information is given voluntarily by me. If someone, like you privacy whiners, doesn't want anyone having this information, don't sign up for service like this. If I'm willing to do this and pay for the privilege of skipping the cattle drive through the security lines, it's my money, right?

Comment I'm a Clear customer, but not out in the cold yet. (Score 4, Informative) 171

I signed up for Clear last year. I live in northeast Florida but work in DC, so I fly to and from Jacksonville to Reagan in DC or BWI up in Baltimore. Reagan and Dulles had Clear lines, BWI does not.

In Jacksonville, the service was there prior to Clear. Called Preferred Traveler, it's operated by a company called Vigilant Solutions. They always accepted my Clear credential. I contacted their office this morning via email and was informed that they are still operating and will continue to accept Clear's card at their gates. If you look at the list of their participating airports on their site, you'll see a long list. I don't know if these are their exclusive locations or ones that include Clear's lines, since I know Clear accepted their credentials as well.

The Clear shutdown news was a shock...I thought the email I received last night was a joke or spam, until I verified the news at their website.

Fortunately for me, I can still use my card where I need to most frequently: flying out of Jacksonville on Monday mornings. The regular security lines there can be brutally long, and using the Preferred Traveler line saves me more than 30 minutes of waiting. I can sleep later, the wife can sleep later, and I'm getting to my gate with no pressure. Worth every penny.

My hope is that some enterprising company steps in and take over Clear's operations. The service is really great.

Comment I once felt your discomfort. (Score 5, Informative) 902

I was the IT department head at a small Navy command from 1998 through 2006 (my position was eliminated via I'm a contractor). I had small staffs of one or two guys over that time, but spent a few years slugging it out alone. I had many of the same issues you do, perhaps not with the intensity you've experienced. Navy enlisted folks, for the most part, tended to treat me respectfully, and the officer corps and senior staff nearly always knew better than to get on my bad side.

Every person who came to this command had to sit through a face-to-face IT brief with me. I gently explained what they could and couldn't do, how to report problems, etc. They signed off on the brief so I know they got it and I had a record of it.

Occasionally, I had some assholes who insisted on being...well, assholes...and breaking the rules. My policy was to sit down with them privately and explain that they did sign a document saying they understood the rules. I would also gently confront them with the problem they were causing, and I would ask them not to do it again. Then, I'd follow up. Still a problem? Disable their account, send a report up the chain. The fireworks would usually start (especially among the officers) when I shut them down...they'd run to the executive officer and piss like kittens about their access, at which point the XO would show them my message. Then he'd call me in, and we'd have it out in front behind closed doors. I always won. One or two incidents like this usually stopped them completely.

I had a set of policies that were outside the "official" IT instructions, but they were mine nonetheless:
  1. We have a trouble ticket reporting system on the command web site. That's where all problems get reported. It's a simple form, fill out details, I'll contact you. How quickly depends on emergency level. This didn't apply to my boss (the XO) or the unit Commanding Officer. But they rarely had problems.
  2. I don't deal with problems that you tell me when I'm walking down the hall or working on something else. I'll listen, but you need to post a trouble ticket. That's the only way I can track and prioritize issues. If you tell me and don't report it properly, don't complain when it doesn't get fixed.
  3. Make sure they understand that the computers and the network don't belong to them. I used to tell my folks that all the IT stuff belonged to me, because someone in the Navy chain put me in charge of it. If they want to do stuff you don't want them doing, explain that they can do that stuff at home. Not on your network. Then cut them off if they insist.
  4. Use all the security and administrative tools you have at your disposal. I hate working with Windows, but my experience with their servers and domains was that you have a slew of security tools built in that can cut out pretty much all behavior you don't like. Document all your policies (especially for you own sanity - you need a way to remember how to undo stuff!), and make sure they understand them clearly.

I've always found that violators of my rules tend to get upset when they can't get to their stuff or find their passwords being reset every six hours. Sometimes you have to get their attention.

By the way, make sure you get away from the desk for a while during the day, even if it's just to go outside for a short walk or stretch. Just getting some non-office air in your lungs and stretching the back, legs and arms will make you feel a lot better.

I don't do sysadmin stuff now. I'm a web apps developer, a contractor, I get paid very well (a high security clearance helps), and my job has little of the stress and responsibilities I had before. This is much better.

Comment Polite or not: sorry, no chance. (Score 1) 695

Hey, can I borrow your phone to call my mom on the opposite coast? You have free long distance, right?

Hey, I need to send my gf a few text messages...

Hey, can I borrow your thumb drive, I need to save this file...

Hey, I need to go pick up the gang for the big pool party at my apartment complex. Can I borrow your car? We're going to stop for beer on the way...

You're being a nice guy. I would not be so nice. If you can bring a laptop to school, your friends can do the same thing. Guest account or no, somehow, someday, you're going to loan that thing to some clown who's going to wind up infecting your box with something. and you're left holding the bag.

The next thing you know, you're loaning people your house and your girlfriend.

I would just polite and explain to them that you have some sensitive stuff on the system and no guest account. End of explanation. You don't owe anyone any reason why you won't just hand over your personal life.

Comment No, I'm sorry... (Score 1) 622

...there is nothing "cool" about getting a 45-year-old chunk of hardware to "work" on your modern computer system. What would be "cool" would be to be able to actually browse a web site or download something larger than an SMS message. Otherwise, it's just another addition to the junk heap.

Comment Re:I dont get it (Score 0, Troll) 146

Android is cool, but nobody has an Android phone.

Reznor is such a tool. He needs to get off the anti-depressants, crawl out from whatever rock he resides under and visit this place called the Internet once in a while.

According to this hunk of PR, the T-Mobile G1 is ranked fifth in sales in the U.S. right now. Yes, it doesn't sell in the numbers of the (#2) iPhone or the various RIM models, but that's not bad considering the phone choices in the market. Also consider that the G1 appears to have sold itself through a lot of word-of-mouth, considering how little T-Mo has actually advertised the G1.

He also needs to learn that Android is currently being tested on a few dozen different phones from a bunch of different manufacturers, as well as on netbooks and other portable devices. The Android Market is far more open than the Apple app market. If the Android system winds up on as many devices as it's being tested or proposed for, in addition to the few million G1s sold globally already, he's going to miss out on a big market.

Frankly, I don't care. I always wondered what the big deal was about his music anyway. Especially if he needs to prop up something he recorded 15 years ago.

Comment Re:The problematic truth (Score 1) 1010

Seriously, if all the major Linux distro groups would just quit their bitching and work together, it could be amazing. But there is just way too much fragmentation right now. I really wish Red Hat would have absorbed Suse instead of Novell.

[soapbox on] Before I get into that, a comment on this claim of Vista security. The whole claim is totally pointless. What Microsoft is saying is "one of the versions of our system is totally secure after applying all these fixes, patches and service packs." Compared to what? To previous versions of their own system? The idea that Vista (or any version of Windows) is "more secure" than any Linux distro out of the box is laughable. All the recent to-do about Conficker dealt strictly with Windows. Linux and Mac users were unaffected by it, as well as by all of the other crap that comes down the line on a daily basis. I've run Linux on workstations and servers at home and jobs for much of the past 15 years...never a breach. Microsoft can say this over and over again, but it will always be a lie. [soapbox off]

Couple of issues with your "suggestions."

First, have you counted how many Linux distros exist today? Just counting the "installable" ones (not the ones primarily used on LiveCDs for maintenance/forensic uses, like Knoppix), you're talking a couple of hundred different ones. Many of them are, of course, more fringe than the "major" ones, but even the latter is a pretty big number: excluding the "commercial" Red Hat and SUSE, you have the four Ubuntus, Fedora, CentOS, Mint, Mandriva, Debian, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Mephis, PCLinuxOS...and that's just the rough top nine or ten. Add in the small footprint distros like DSL and Puppy, and you've just scratched the surface. Each of the more popular distros has a unique following and philosophy.

Since the freedom to customize Linux anyway you like is one of its strengths, I find it doubtful that all these "groups" would be willing or even have the desire to "work together" on a single distribution.

Second, your assessment of "fragmentation" makes no sense in the Linux community. Underneath every distribution is one common, unifying thing: the Linux kernel. While different distros build the kernel in different ways (to suit the way their distro is constructed), the kernel is fairly monolithic -- one guy has the final say on what goes in and what doesn't. And in spite of some battles over the years about what should be in or not, Linus' benevolent dictatorship over the kernel has worked pretty well. The kernel has pretty much just worked for the past 15 years, and has expanded and improved with the technological landscape. That the heart of the Linux operating system has worked so well, for so long, while being maintained by a group of volunteers led by one man is a technological feat incredible proportions, one that not too many people (including me) often take the time to appreciate.

And all the time, providing the ability for any user to change it any way they like any time they want, without recourse.

What would have been the advantage of Red Hat absorbing SUSE? Red Hat already has a nice niche cut for itself in the Linux market. Lots of big companies and governmental agencies (including the large one I contract with right now) have Red Hat boxes humming along providing needed services to their infrastructure. I develop on one daily, so I have first-hand experience with it. Had SUSE and Novel provided some feature or service that Red Hat didn't, we might very well have used their product vice Red Hat.

That's the great thing about the system: anyone who wants to use it (or not use it) has lots of choices, from stripped-down bare metal versions for headless servers all the way to full-blown desktops with spinning cubes and other candy and toys.

What you propose by wishing all the distros to come together and hold hands (and singing Kumbaya, too, I reckon) is that out of this comes...well, another single-vendor, monolithic operating system. And while the user might be free to continue to configure things they way they like with a "single" Linux version, we'd all lose the massive amount of choices we have now. To me, such a coming together is pointless. The infinite amout of choices I have with Linux is what makes it so appealing to me.

Unless you just want another version of Windows, which is what you're proposing.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 629

And the governor, Haley Barbour, is one of them damn privacy-invadin', snooping-on-your-phone-calls, right-wing, anti-abortion, racist, homophobe Republicans to boot! Holy shit, a conservative that actually does something about privacy rights! This will undoubtedly lead to a mass meltdown of the resident community here. Hopefully, Stallman goes first.

Comment Re:Old news is old (Score 1) 485

and of course corporations being the engines of greed they are will have not qualms about relocating the 'er' router, to the location where the least sales tax is charged.

Let's see...the "corporation" moves its "'er' router" to another location in order to shield its customers from having to pay a sales tax. The result is that the customer saves money twice...they're probably getting the item cheaper on line that in a brick-and-mortar. And they have the advantage of not having to pay that nasty state sales tax.

And this makes this business-savvy corporation an "engine of greed" how?

Oh, wait, that's right...they're an "engine of greed" because they're not simply giving the item to you for free. Right?

Comment Re:Rather Ironic Considering their Previous Stance (Score 1) 494

What makes the entire story laughable is the fact that the Cuban people are far too busy trying to simply survive in Castro's "worker's paradise." The idea that using Linux on the few available computers on the island is some kind of advancement means nothing when eating is your primary daily goal.

You also mentioned their "health care." All one has to do is spend five minutes here to see what the average Cuban's medical care consists of.

There isn't a single person posting here would would find this life acceptable. Yet people continue to worship Castro and Che as visionaries except for the murderers and thugs that they are.

Comment Once again, politics == idiocy (Score 1) 655

Make all the arguments you like: the fact of the matter is the more you tax things, or the higher the rate of taxes you charge, the lower the revenue you will receive. I continue to be incredulous over the fact that politicians, especially those of a more "progressive" bent, fail to understand this basic concept.

Take cigarettes. The state of New York is pulling both ends on the smoking issue. They pay billions of dollars for programs to get people to quit smoking, including advertising and free stop-smoking aids (at taxpayer expense). Yet they look at raising taxes on cigarettes as a way to raise revenue. So what's it going to be? Do you want people to smoke or not? And do you really expect your tax revenue to rise by an increase in cigarette taxes?

The city and the state would be better off doing two things: shut down the useless anti-smoking campaign and cut the taxes on cigarettes. People are going to smoke, no matter what the nanny state does to stop it. The only way to stop smoking is to force quitting on the public by making tobacco possession and use illegal -- and we all know how well prohibition worked. They would be better off killing a useless program and allowing people to buy more cigarettes at a lower tax rate, because this would have the immediate effect of increasing tax revenues. That money could then be redirected to health and education.

This is the same situation that occurs with the transit system when ridership drops. The MTA gives in to union demands for high wages and benefits, even though there's less revenue coming in. Services have to be cut, which means you're paying people to sit around and do nothing. The only solution is to raise fares. Raise fares and riders will leave the system and find another way to get to work. And other than the "discounts" the MTA offered people for using the electronic Metrocards, I don't recall a time when they actually lowered the fare. Maybe trying this as an experiment would be interesting. Lower the fare - more people ride - more revenue comes in - as ridership increases, demand for services increase -- add back the services you cut -- more people ride -- revenue increases. What a vicious cycle.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who will argue that this doesn't work, but since it never gets tried, I suppose we'll never know, will we? Instead, all other aspects of the lives of New Yorkers are going to be burdened with higher costs.

Which is why I'm glad I abandoned that place 30 years ago.

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