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Comment Re:Sears (Score 1) 398

They presented themselves as a mid-range department store, but operated like one of those shady junk stores with "GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!" signs in their windows for years.

Somebody (Not Necessarily the News I think) once did a fake commercial along the lines of "Going out of Business - 20th Anniversary Sale". The punchline at the end was: "We lost our lease.... but we're still looking for it!"

Comment Re: To reduce STEM wages (Score 5, Insightful) 229

The problem with test scores is that they don't mean shit except that you have either been an ass-kiss student who was used by a professor,

For the literature teacher who wants you to exalt their favorite author or the history/civics teacher who will give you a higher grade for parroting their political point of view, you might have a point.

One of the better points of science and math is that it's not quite as subject to that sort of kiss-assery. When you answer "What's 2+2" with the number 4, your teacher can't dock you points because they don't like the way you wrote the 4.

Comment Most forms of metric are like this (Score 5, Insightful) 196

" A label which captures this concept is 'Goodhart's Law' -- after economist Charles Goodhart, who posited in essence that 'when a measure becomes a target, it becomes useless.'"

I've seen a similar effect in places where I've worked. A poorly defined metric that is used to rate employee performance will suddenly become the primary focus of the job, instead of actually doing the job.

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
