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User Journal

Journal Journal: [Gym] Gym 2, Josh 0 12

I got another ass kicking last night. Did legs and partially back. The leg squats really kciked my ass (on the hammer-strength machine, 3 sets of 12 forward, and 3 sets backward). Calves and hammys I did well on (especially calves). Then we started on my back. While working on my lats, I started getting light headed... stomach started to ache. I had to constantly take breaks. The PT asked what was wrong, and I told him the light headedness. He asked when I last ate (this was at 5pm), I told him lunch at 11:30. That's when he said "Don't move, I'll be right back"... within a minute, I was on the floor barely concious. Another PT was keeping me awake until my guy returns with a shake. I was seconds away from passing out. So a lesson to learn, here:
Always have a snack before going to the gym! (Yes indeedy! I'm a stupid idiot!)

Anywho, the bicep sprain wasn't a sprain or a strain, just a really sore muscle. We worked it out and its fine today. I must be favoring the right side too much when working on my arms...

Journal Journal: Let's suppose a few things here... 26

Suppose your house in Atlanta was about to sell at the end of the month.

Suppose you plan on spending a nice chunk of the investment monies on the following things:

1) Two HDTVs. One large screen (50"+)for the living room, one smaller (in the 36-42" range) for the bedroom.

2) One receiver for living room

3) One DVD player for living room

4) wireless speakers for living room

If you were to suppose all these things, what would you get? This is my quandary. I'm not looking for a "dream setup", more like, say you had 6k to get all this stuff.

You might ask, Em, why do you need all this shit? Well, the answer is, my current tv doesn't support HD, it's down in my basement, and I have nothing upstairs in the living room to watch. Plus, TV (mainly movies and sports) is a big event in my house, I'd prefer to get a nice set or two for selfish because I can reasons. Capeesh? ;)


Journal Journal: Em on teh Big Game... 18

Well, I waited for 21 years for that game. I woke up yesterday morning at 8:30 with one thought in my head: LET'S GO BEARS!! (clap-clap, clap-clap-clap).

By 9:15 I'm sitting there watching pregame coverage. By noon I'm geeked out of my head...having watched youtube highlights of the Bear's season...ugh. I'm too pumped up.

Head over to my friend's house at 3, with beer, brats, some cheese dip and chips.

At 4:30, the brats are on the grill, I've got a beer in hand, other friends are showing up, it's time to do this.

6:35pm: Kickoff!


Devin Hester, you da man!!!

OMG Payton threw a pick! This is gonna be a walk!

WOW what a run by Thomas Jones! Great catch Moose!

then the bottom fell out. Where was the vaunted D? Why were they giving such a huge cushion the the Colts receivers? Why the fuck can't you guys stop the run? Holy hell! This is getting annoying.

Well, halftime, we're down by two points, no biggie!

What do you mean the Colts are gonna go on a 942 play drive and score? Come the eff on!

Rex? What was that throw? I realize it's wet, but TJ has been running the ball solid! Turner, are you watching the game you're calling plays for?


Game over.

Good game, Colts.

My Bears just didn't show up. Everyone will blame Rex, but fuck, the "vaunted" Bears D couldn't make a stop. How many 3rd and 5s, 3rd and 8s did the Colts convert? Christ.

RUN THE BALL, TURNER! It's a fucking monsoon out there!

For all you Rex haters: Homey was scrambling the entire fucking game. The Bears o-line sucked. The Bears D sucked. Special teams, other than the first play of the game, sucked. The turn-overs sucked. The only player who it seems even realized this was the Super Bowl was Thomas Jones.

Everyone else: I'm ashamed to have watched that pitiful effort. You sacked Manning once. One time the entire game. You got ran on (Rhodes should have been the MVP, not Manning)

A huge let-down, to be sure...

Next year: The only player on D that doesn't have a contract through 2008 is Lance Briggs. You might know him as the guy who doesn't get credit for being the bad-ass he is. Urlacher gets all the credit, when play after play after play it's Briggs making the tackle, or busting through the gaps to stop the run, taking on the fullback head on.

I sincerely hope the Bears lock him up for a few more years at least. Next year, we'll get the hardest schedule in the NFC. Which means I don't see a 13-3 season...but the North is weak, especially with Favre coming back for one more year of abuse in Green Bay. We'll make the playoffs, and then it's "all bets are off"

I hate this time of year...nothing til hockey playoffs. :(

User Journal

Journal Journal: [Gym] I spoke too freakin soon! 3

Yesterday I went in and told the PT that initially put me on a workout that I want to ramp it up. He asked if I want to get 'big'.
Ok then...

And then... he proceeded to fully kick my scrawny little ass. Spent an hour just on biceps, chest, and abs (lots of 'hammer strength' machines, which are machines with freeweights on it that NFL/pro athletes use, then lots of freewieghts. The only 'simple machines' we used was for me to work on my biceps one at a time). I was in agony. He set goals on what I was to do. Then he told me to lay off all the cardio. I do 30 minute cardio on Sun, Tues, Weds when I'm lifting, and 60 on MWF when I'm not. I'm supposed to do 60 minutes a week, and that's it. Plus the way he's working me out, I may not be ready to go at a muscle group after 45, so I'm supposed to work out a muscle group until I fail (then I know I've worked it to the max), and pick another muscle group the next day.
Monday we work on quads, hammys, calves, and tris. The triceps should be the only ones that give me a ton of trouble, as I used to run track in high school, and still have pretty large legs...
The Courts

Journal Journal: Mac/PC ad I'd like to see.... 2

Mac:Hi, I'm a mac.
PC:And I'm a pc.

Mac:Hey pc.
PC:Hey mac.

PC:Hey mac, bring out "Teh Ubuntu".
Mac:Shh, "Teh Ubuntu's sleepin"
PC:Well, wake him up.

(Cut to Ubuntu humping pc's leg viciously)
(cut to Mac's mouth gaping wide open)
Mac: Holy cow, you can do that??!?


PC: oh boy, that's warm!

Mac: wow.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The gym is paying off 9

I've been good about going to the gym (except for when I was sick). I lift on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursday, then spend M-W-F on cardio (I still do cardio on the days I lift, just not as much). I leave work at 4:30 and avoid the rush at the gym (though its starting to taper now that people are quitting their New Years resolutions). I'm finding it difficult to keep my heart in the cardio zone on the treadmill. I have to actually work to keep my heart pumping for 45-60 minutes a day. Holy hell, I'm actually somewhat in shape! I actually requested to take the whole family out grocery shopping right after my workout, cause I had trouble settling down and relax. I ended up wearing everyone else out, but I still had energy to burn...
I don't LOOK any stronger, but I definitely FEEL it. My abs are starting to show, much to the wife's delight (though I think she's waiting for my biceps to increase in size), which I haven't had since early college. Unfortunately, seeing them come through, I've been overworking them a bit...
When I ran track back in college, I always had issues with my calves. They used to call me popeye on track, because my calves were always larger than my quads/thighs. At night, I'd always wake up multiple times cause of muscle cramps in my calves... I'd spend a good 15 minutes working out the cramp to get back to bed. Last night I actually work up with muscles cramps in my abs. Talk about uncomfortable.

Anywho, I'm still on it and starting to feel the effects. When I have washboard abs, a descent chest and some guns, I'll post pics ;)

Journal Journal: Wake up!!!! 5

It's time for your nap.

(is this thing on?)

The Media

Journal Journal: It's about time I wrote about this. Chicago Bears 5

So, my beloved Bears are playing in the superbowl.

This team is different from the team that played a hugely overachieving Seahawks. Everyone talks about Manning, and him getting to the SB, but on a larger scale, the Bears finally got past the 1st game of the playoffs, which is nice. That to me was huge. I watched that game with baited breath the entire time waiting for them to implode. I never worried during the Saints game.

This team has the chance to win, even though the NFC is a huge dog to the AFC again this year. Rightly so, as the AFC is a much tougher league...this year.

However, you don't go 13-3 over the course of a season and suck. The Bears did have an easy schedule, but for the most part they blew out the weak teams and outlasted the stronger teams. I'm liking their chances against the Colts much better than I liked their chances against the Pats, so that's a good thing.

This game is a validation, imo, of the system they have in place and the personnel they have on the field. I just wish Mike Brown wasn't out, he's such a difference maker.

Speaking of difference makers, Sexy Rexy has taken me on a roller coaster this year. I never waivered in my faith of my boy from FLA, unlike the media thinks pretty much every Bears fan has. He's the best shot we have. The game, luckily, doesn't solely depend on him having a better than average game. He's come up huge in the clutch, which for me is a sign of good things to come.

I'm not gonna kid myself, the Colts are a damned good team, and that D has tightened up a ton during their playoff run. However, if the Bears can do three things, they'll win this game.

1) Run the ball effectively.

2) control the clock. The longer they can keep Manning and Co off the field, the better.

3) stop the short pass. The deep ball isn't as much of a threat as the media portray. Any time a QB throws a long pass, there's a damned good chance it will get picked off. When the Bears played badly this year (Miami, Arizona) it was because they were missing tackles and getting nickle and dimed to death by the short pass. If they stop the short pass, they have a legit shot at winning this game.

If they don't, it will be a long day in the Em household.

GO BEARS! It's been 21 years, time to do this.

The Gimp

Journal Journal: man, this is cool.... 12

So, the company I work for now is roughly 1000 times smaller than the company I used to work for. No more giant undertakings to get an expense report in, I can simply walk over there and get it handled. No more waiting weeks for access to specific things, it's so simple.

It's very nice.

It's also nice to feel like everything I do makes a difference to this place, one of the reasons I was so burnt out was because I felt like no matter how many hours I worked, how hard I worked, or what I contributed, no one would care at my old work. So that's pretty awesome.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say making this move to here is a solid 23.

How goes it this am* kids?

*for those in the US. For those in Europe/Aus/etc, happy afternoon.

User Journal

Journal Journal: AHEM 6

We fly high, no lie...and you know this.


Utilities (Apple)

Journal Journal: More Ubuntu assistance requested.... 7

Hey linux gurus, here's the haps:

I have 6.10 (thx Jaw) running on a Dell D820. The issue is, the normally intelligent dude who purchases laptops for this company didn't spend the extra $30 on the nvidia graphics card (previous entry was correct, this is a newer laptop than that one was) and instead is limiting me to the 945GM express chipset...basically, the windows video card.

Here's the thing, my graphics are alright, 1024x768, but I know that someone out there knows how to make it better...but all the links I've found to do so are broken. Anyone help out a complete and utter noob? I'll try to actually, you know, stick around and answer questions this time. I'm thinking there's something in the xorg file I can tweak, but I ain't seeing it, and as I said, N00B = me.

Any and all help appreciated.


Journal Journal: indeed 31

So, sorry I didn't get to respond to the questions in my last entry, been super busy.

Here's an update:

I took a job with an investment firm in the DC area. Jen and I packed up during the week of the 18th and moved here on saturday the 20th. Our stuff got here the 23rd, and the movers unpacked the trailer that same day. So far, so good, got a lot of unpacking to do, lots of things to go. Had the directv and cox cable guys out on tuesday, and boy, did they ever do the shittiest job imaginable.

So the Cox guy comes out first, 3 hours before he's supposed to be here, and rather than come at the alloted time, he decided to just throw a welcome to Cox packet on my front door and left. Well, I went from DSL to Cable modem, and didn't have a cable modem. So my wife calls Cox dispatch and requests the tech get his ass back onsite. Ok, no problem, tech will be there in 2 hours. Dude never showed. Lovely. So...moving on. Directv dude shows up...4 hours late. I request a 5 LNB setup, since I'll be getting two new HD receivers and 2 new HD tvs shortly. Well, that's a no go, according to both Directv cust. support and the tech onsite. Fine, whatever, see you in a month, dickhead. Anyway, I get home right about the time dude is finishing up, and Jen's been unpacking the entire time...so no one is really paying close attention to what dude is doing. I walk down stairs to dude getting the picture up and working. Sweet. He leaves.

I go to check the lines, (I have a dual line tivo box) and am only seeing one signal. Fuck. Oh, and my cable modem doesn't work, nor does my digital phone line. Double fuck.

Anyway, I got to spend last night unfucking the giant nest of retardedness that was the directv dude's "install" job.

This MFer had removed all the Cox connections, and slapped on his on connectors. No biggie, I'll just move these to the correct places. Except this asshole had DUCT TAPED THE ENDS ON. I shit you not. Not crimped, duct tape. Unreal.

So around 11:30 last night I finally got everything hooked up right. I now have active ports in every room of the house. Sweetness.

Tons more unpacking to do, etc, etc. But I'm here.

How you doin?

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