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Comment Legitimate businessman turns evil in act 2. (Score 3, Informative) 32

1inMM did, in fact, make films: Curvature (2017), Hell is Where the Home Is (2018). "The actor" in question was also in two films during this time: The White Crow and Last Moment of Clarity. He is slated to be in some upcoming films, too. In short, it looks like this all started off completely legitimately*, and then, when things didn't quite pan out (the two films mentioned at top were not blockbusters) it shifted into what seems to be "grift mode." I point all this out because the article makes it seem that the company was never anything but a grift, and that Mr. Horowitz was not really an actor.

* As legitimately as one might expect for the film industry.

Comment Fight! (Score 2) 31

I drove a car with lane assist in Pittsburgh, downtown and around Oakland. I kept having to cross the middle line to get around trucks that were unloading, etc., and had to fight the lane assist (not much, but a bit) to avoid hitting stuff. Eventually I disabled it. I do think this is a good idea, but it needs a lot of experience in urban environments.

Comment Don't work harder, let someone else work harder! (Score 1) 92

"[I]f not for our FBI's ingenuity, some luck, and hours upon hours of time and resources, this information would have remained undiscovered." Translation: If not for police work, we would not have figured this out. Forcing companies to create a system that they can compromise means that these companies will have to work harder (designing a system to be highly secure for banking, etc., but also easily defeatable is much harder--perhaps impossible).

Comment This is Big News! (Score 2) 39

I know nothing of Calculate Linux other than the name, but I assume that is enough for me to extrapolate wildly and note that this will finally be the death-knell of those stupid TI calculators they sell at the grocery store. At last we will be free to calculate on the same machine we use to watch parkour videos and play PUBG (that's right, suck it Fortnite!). The future is now! NOW!!!

Submission + - NSA Codebreaking Computer Accidentally Exposed to Internet (

archatheist writes: A misconfigured server at NYU exposed a drive that "held confidential information on an advanced code-breaking machine that had never before been described in public. Dozens of documents spanning hundreds of pages detailed the project, a joint supercomputing initiative administered by NYU, the Department of Defense, and IBM." The "WindsorGreen" system is designed to excel at the kind of math used for breaking crypto.

Submission + - 7th Grader Suspended for Liking Instagram photo of airsoft gun. 1

BitterOak writes: It seems zero tolerance has run amok in Ohio, where a 7th grader was handed a 10 day suspension for liking a photo of an airsoft gun on Instagram that was posted by a friend. They use airsoft guns recreationally (not at school) so he thought nothing of liking the photo. Apparently that ran afoul of the school district's zero tolerance policy on guns. His parents managed to get the suspension lifted, but not until after the student had been sent home and an investigation was conducted. This raises questions about what role schools should have in patrolling students' social media use.

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