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Comment Re:And? (Score 2) 111

So, how would you solve the problem? Load shedding (cutting groups of customers off from the grid) is brutal, but was necessary, the whole Texas grid was 5 minutes away from complete shut-down (probably for several weeks). Unless some long-term solution to matching demand to an increasingly tempremental supply is found, then rolling blackouts will become the norm and the luxury of 24/7 electricity availability will become a happy memory.

Comment More Solar Requires More Load Balancing (Score 1) 111

It's hard enough just now matching supply to demand on the grid. Increasing the solar capacity (especially as a replacement for natural gas generation) inceases the difficulty. More needs done at the consumer end, things like smart meters and real-time pricing at the user level to more closely match demand to supply (to encourage things like charging batteries during mid-day)

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