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Comment Re: AI imitating life imitating AI (Score 1) 110

Asking ChatGPT how to do something as a test, or asking it how to do something as an actual request tends to give different results, because the second tends to force people to ask the question in a sufficiently appropriate manner, where as those "testing" (trying to challenge ChatGPT) tend to provide insufficient context.

Comment Re: Help me understand (Score 1) 193

It isn't in and of itself. The connotations that it brings forward however may be.

There are many things that are currently considered racist that are only racist because someone then used it as an insult and it propagated as such.

"Chief" predates the "discovery" of North America, yet now that term is considered racist by some unless it's specifically and only used to refer to the leader of an indigenous group in North America.

Comment Re: They get compensation from readers (Score 0) 73

Should any university student be found to have used a book without legally
Purchasing or borrowing from the library any credits, certifications, diplomas or degrees given should be withdrawn and the student should be hence required to be barred from the industry in which they utilize said skills.

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