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Comment Re:Are all pro-systemd folks anonymous cowards? (Score 3, Insightful) 122

I'm all for choice, though, so I'm glad that there are non-systemd distros available. I'd like to think it would mollify the anti-systemd folks, but I'm sure they'll still reflexively foam at the mouth every time systemd is mentioned.

Well, one of the reasons, people who don't want system-D foam at the mouth is that initially this choice was taken away. Quite a lot of people had to put in a lot of work to make sure that there was a choice, something pro-system-D people didn't appear to actually give one shit about when they were pushing hard to move all distros to use system-D.

It's funny that, people getting upset because they have to do (a lot of) extra work, just because some other group of people push their agenda and don't give a damn about the consequences for anyone else as long as they benefit themselves. Who could have imagined that would upset people.

Comment Re: Putin at it again? (Score 1) 233

Just in case you do come back to check your handy work.

Sure. It's all fake news. I must be an evil Russian sitting behind my keyboard in the Kremlin... this never happened.

You're a fucking moron.

Comment Re: Putin at it again? (Score 0) 233

So, nobody else has any benefit from the EU being in economic trouble, like dealing with refugee streams coming through Libya and from Syria?

Right, it's Russia again. It's not like the EU is the largest competitor to the US, next to China... right?

So who was it again, that bombed Libya back to the stone-age, and who was supporting the head-chopping moderate rebels in Syria? That was Russia! O wait, no it wasn't.

Comment Re:No up to date firewall? (Score 1) 230

As a taxpayer, I'm okay with risking an unscheduled wakeup, if it means my local high school gets an arts program.

Problem is probably that your tax money does not go to either the arts programme, nor improving security, but is spent on security theatre, with police being 'tough on crime' and picking up people for jay-walking, walking through a park after 10PM or person use of cannabis instead.

Comment Re: More US warmongering (Score 1) 755

That's why the lead investigator at the UN mentioned that the Ghouta attack in 2013 was most likely done the rebels then.

Also the CIA already knew that the rebels had access to Sarin; again certain information is cherry picked to suit the narrative that suits the government.

Maybe instead of stopping to research the matter the minute you find something that corroborates your opinion, you should investigate a bit further. Just the fact that you don't read about these bits of news in the US media, does not mean there is no information available.

Comment Re: More US warmongering (Score -1, Troll) 755

If you believe that Assad would initiate a gas attack while he is winning the war already means you must be gullible indeed. The first gas attack in Ghouta in 2013 was confirmed by the UN to be initiated by the (US backed) rebels. O wait, you wound up with Trump as president, you already knew that.

Comment Re:This is absolutely sickening... (Score 5, Insightful) 547

This is the result of the 'user pays' mentality that seems to have the US in its grip. Something that even a lot of fairly well educated people adhere to, because they're in a good position and they really don't care what happens to anyone else. This is extremely short-sighted behaviour

Free (or at least affordable) health care and education are not communist plots, they're a necessity to ensure you have an educated and healthy population that is able to resist power grabs from the wealthy, such as the one happening (has already happened) in the US. Anywhere where neo-liberalists are preaching austerity and 'user pays', the same pattern can be seen.

If you don't give a damn about someone else's fate, eventually you'll live in a society where people will no longer give a damn about your fate either.

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