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Comment Re:Too bad all advanced societies eventually colla (Score 0) 79

I call shenanigans on that. This is an extreme case of revisionism.

Resource scarcity is artificially induced. If oil producers could sell anywhere in the world directly their prices would collapse.

All society's collapse because of moral abdication. The Soviet Union had plenty of resources ... but no one felt like their efforts would benefit themselves personally. In the extreme case the Ukraine was generating bread for much of the nation while 6 million people were starving to death (for politcial crimes ... not because there wasn't enough food).

Human profile on earth's resources is miniscule.

Comment Surprise discovery !! (Score 0) 79

The AI that understands the world has discovered its program (and those who built it) should be given unlimited funding from tax payers !!

Ordinary people, you see, are just too stupid to see the importance of this. We cannot leave the evaluation up to them. We are removing the human aspect from the decision and making it perfectly objective.

Comment on one condition (Score -1) 96

As long as Google owns the fact that they are an arm of the Democrat party, then I'm fine with it.

I think students should also get the same exposure to the Rush Limbaugh program, who always seems more than happy to recount the history of corruption with its largest and most flagrant violators ... including ... Google and the Democrat party.

Comment in other words ... (Score -1) 185

"Dear Apple investors ... I have utterly failed to engage the same data market you would expect from a tech company of Apple's size in this field. We have managed to fumble around with iCloud or whatever but we failed. Yes, we failed and that makes everyone else so, so very bad. You would think this was just blatant hypocrisy, but it is very different from that. It is different because we are applying different standards in different cases. In Amazon's case, they are not angry about it like I am. So it's a different case. And look! As a bonus, we are not sorry at all. So you have every reason to trust us and continue to invest in our brand."


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