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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 36 declined, 12 accepted (48 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Type Theory and Quantum Physics

Coryoth writes: "The n-Category Café has a discussion on Topos Theory in physics, prompted by a recent New Scientist article. Both articles discuss the current attempts to provide a better framework for quantum mechanics, and in particular quantum logic, through Topos theory. The idea is to find a topos, and associated logic, that better describes quantum logic. Any such higher order logic in a topos will, however, be formed as an Intuitionistic Type Theory. So, the real question is, what does Quantum Type Theory look like?"

Submission + - Firefly Has More Vocal Fanboys Than Star Wars

Coryoth writes: "While such unscientific polls should be taken with a grain of salt, the BBC is reporting that in a surprise result Serenity finished first, ahead of Star Wars for the title of best sci-fi movie in an SFX magazine poll. If nothing else it does show that at the moment Firefly fans are more ardent and more vocal in their support for their favourite Science Fiction universe."

Submission + - Why Is "Design by Contract" Not More Popul

Coryoth writes: "Design by Contract, writing pre- and post-conditions on functions, seemed like straightforward common sense to me. Such conditions, in the form of executable code, not only provide more exacting API documentation, but also provide a test harness. Having easy to write unit tests that are automatically integrated into the inheritance hierarchy in OO languages "just made sense". However, despite being available (to varying degrees of completeness) for many languages other than Eiffel, including Java, C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, Ada, and even Haskell and Ocaml, the concept has never gained significant traction, particularly in comparison to unit testing frameworks (which DbC complements nicely), and hype like "Extreme Programming". So why did Design by Contract fail to take off?"

Submission + - Math, Science, and Teachers Unions

Coryoth writes: "Following up a previous story, it seems that the Kentucky effort to provide increased pay to teachers with qualifications in mathematics, physics, and chemistry has been gutted. Teachers objected to differential pay, and that portion of the bill was removed. At the same time California has just put forward a similar measure, with differential pay for teachers qualified in mathematics and science. Shockingly 40% of mathematics teachers in California are not fully qualified in the subject — a higher percentage of unqualified teachers than any other subject. Is the Californian effort any more likely to succeed, or is it destined to be similarly gutted? Is there a solution to the woeful lack of qualified mathematics teachers that the Teachers' Union will find acceptable?"

Submission + - Paying for Better Math and Science Teachers

Coryoth writes: "While California is suffering from critical shortage of mathematics and science teachers, Kentucky is considering two bills that would give explicit financial incentives to math and science students and teachers. The first bill would provide cash incentives to schools to run AP math and science classes, and cash scholarships to students who did well on AP math and science exams. The second bill provides salary bumps for any teachers with degrees in math or science, or who score well in teacher-certification tests in math, chemistry and physics. Is such differentiated pay the right way to attract science graduates who can make much more in industry, or is it simply going to breed discontent among teachers?"

Submission + - Canada Rejects Anti-Terror Laws

Coryoth writes: "The Canadian parliament has voted against renewing anti-terror laws that had been introduced after September 11, 2001. The rejected laws included provisins to hold terror suspects indefinitely, and to compel witnesses to testify, and were in some sense Canada's version fo the PATRIOT Act. The laws were voted down in the face of claims from the minority Conservative government that the Liberal Party was soft on terror, and despite the fact that Canada has faced active terrorist cells in their own country. The anti-terror laws have never been used, and it was viewed that they are neither relevant, nor needed, in dealing with terrorist plots. Hopefully more countries will come to the same conclusion."

Submission + - Is the US Failing at Math Instruction?

Coryoth writes: While US students continue to do well on specific skill and benchmark focussed tests, things look less positive in exams that consider a wider understanding of mathematics and problems solving skills (see, for example, the 2003 PISA study of mathematics and science skills for 15 year olds in OECD countries): the US is slipping behind noticeably. At the same time there is a growing amount of discontent with modern approaches to mathematics instruction in the US. Is the US heading in the wrong direction in how it teaches mathematics?

Submission + - The State of Mathematics Education

Coryoth writes: Mathematics education has been subject to many fads over the decades, including New Math, and the resulting backlash against it. These days, however, math education in the US is moving more and more toward a highly applied approach, and an effort to "engage the student" by making math "relevant to them" and emphasising group work. The result has been a muddying of the math syllabus. This in turn is beginning to prompt a backlash. Indeed, math professors who actually look at public school texts are usually appalled by the lack of real content. Are these newer mathematics education programs detrimental to children's methodical analytic and logic skills, and what does this say for the future of US software programmers?

Submission + - Should Universities Be Trade Schools?

Coryoth writes: "I've noticed that many slashdotters, when contemplating degrees or courses, focus solely on career training and job preparation. In response to demand universities are increasingly offering career oriented courses. Should universities become trade schools, with degrees and courses focussed toward the particular skills employers are currently coveting? My own view was that univerities were centres of research and should be focussed on preparing students to help expand human knowledge, however I feel I am increasingly in the minority. With more and more employers requiring university degrees, those degrees have increasingly become mere job qualification certificates — with resulting pressure on students to see them the same way. Do people still go to university simply for the sake of learning things that interest them? Is there still a place for universties that are not interested in career preparation in the modern world?"

Submission + - What Math Courses Should We Teach CS Students?

Coryoth writes: "If you're taking computer science then getting as much mathematics as you can is probably a good idea. Ultimately, however, there are only so many math courses you an squeeze in. Given that, what areas of mathematics should we be teaching CS students for maximum benefit? Traditionally university math courses are structured around the needs of the physical sciences and engineering, which means calculus is what gets offered. While a decent calculus course can teach a certain amount of formality in reasoning, wouldn't CS students be better served with a course in mathematical logic and foundations with its greater degree of formal reasoning and obvious connections to fundamental concepts in computer science? Are courses in abstract algebra and graph theory going to be useful to CS students? Should courses in category theory (yes, it applies to computer science) be required of students going on in theoretical computer science? In short — what areas of mathematics are going to be the most useful and most applicable to computer science students? What courses were of the most value to you?"
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Tackling Global Warming Cheaper than Ignoring it

Coryoth writes: In a UK government commissioned report by respected economist Sir Nicholas Stern concludes that mitigating global warming could cost around 1% of global GDP if spent immediately, but ignoring the problem could cost between 5% and 20% of global GDP. This 700 page report represents the first major report on climate change from an economist rather than a scientist. The report calls for, among other things, the introduction of green taxes and carbon trading schemes as soon as possible, and calls on the international community to sign a new pact on greenhouse emissions by next year rather than in 2010/11. At the very least the UK government is taking the report seriously, with both major parties proposing new green taxes. Stern points out, however, that any action will only be effective if truly global.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Addressing Global Warming Cheaper than Ignoring it

Coryoth writes: The release of a report commisioned by the UK government by respected economist Sir Nicholas Stern has conluded that attempting to address anthropogenic global warming could cost around 1% of global GDP, if spent immediately, however ignoring the issue could end up costing between 5% and 20% of global GDP. The 700 page report is the first major report on climate change from an economist rather than a scientist. The report urges green taxes and carbon trading schemes to be put in place as soon as possible and also calls for the international community to sign a new pact on greenhouse emissions by next year rather than in 2010/11. At the very least the UK government is taking the report very seriously, and can be expected to take many of the actions described — both major parties are already proposing various green taxes in light of the report.

Submission + - Theorem Provers for Non-Critical Software

Coryoth writes: Using automated theorem provers to verify code has generally been impractical for all but the most safety critical software projects. Both software and hardware have improved significantly. The quality and efficiency of modern automated theorem provers, such as ESC/Java2 and Spec#, have reached the point where they can be effectively integrated alongside unit tests to provide more complete coverage for test driven design and similar approaches. Recent research papers have speculated that such integration could be highly beneficial and is almost inevitable. Could it be that theorem proving could finally become an integral part of software development?

Submission + - A Tool for Agile Development: Theorem Provers?

Coryoth writes: Agile development and formal methods have generally been considered to be poles apart as far as software development methodologies go. It turns out that this may be far from true. Specification Driven Development(PDF) is an elegant marriage of Agile Test Driven Development with contract programming and lightweight formal methods. With high quality, fast, automated theorem provers making their way into the development world such as ESC/Java2 for Java, Spec# for C#, and ESpec for Eiffel, lightweight formal methods can be integrated into the Agile process. Espec provides an integrated system of Fit acceptance testing, unit testing, and theorem proving. Are similar integrated Agile specification based frameworks using JML and Spec# on the horizon for Java and C#?

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