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Comment Re:Skeuomorphic design is useless and stupid (Score 1) 487

ok, anti skeuomophic people, answer me a few simple questions.

what do you propose to use to replace the following (when text is not an option)

the 'save icon'

How can you have such a strong opinion on something you clearly know nothing about? Apple's products have never featured save icons, and that isn't what we mean by skeuomorphic...

Comment Re:I guess you don't understand languages either (Score 2) 594

I wish C would get namespaces, so I don't have to write FileClass_ prefix so it won't collide with the C standard libraries.

#define CLASS_MEMBER(return_type, p...) CLASS_MEMBER2(CLASS_NAME, return_type, p)
#define CLASS_MEMBER2(class_name, return_type, p...) CLASS_MEMBER3(class_name, return_type, p)
#define CLASS_MEMBER3(class_name, return_type, member_name, params...) return_type class_name##_##member_name(class_name *this, ##params)

#define CLASS_NAME FileClass

CLASS_NAME(int, open, char* fileName);
CLASS_NAME(int, close);
CLASS_NAME(int, read, void* in, size_t size, size_t* actualSize);
CLASS_NAME(int, write, void* out, size_t size, size_t* actualSize);

I'll leave it to you to figure out how to use this pattern to #define namespaces. Also, there's a *lot* more you can do with the preprocessor if you really push it.

Note: ', ##' might be a GCC-only extension.

Comment Re:Summary is very misleading (Score 1) 845

Standardized tests aren't designed to fail students, they're designed to figure out who is naturally-gifted. If the tests were designed so that the average person could ace them, how would we know who was above-average?

We need both smart hard-working people and incredibly-gifted loose cannons for the betterment of society. That's why colleges will accept straight-C students who ace the standardized tests and straight-A students who perform poorly on them. The system works.

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