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Comment Re: Capitalism bad. (Score 2) 342

Communism was the single greatest evil of the 20th century, with a solid lead on capitalism, but I have to disagree that it kills excellence or achievement. It certainly isn't economically efficient, but Soviet scientists and mathematicians made enormous strides, some of which remarkably outpaced what we had in the West. Their performance in that regard is, in fact, one of the best counterpoints to the idea that people only work for wealth.

Comment Re:We need to BUILD MORE HOUSING (Score 1) 253

Property and estate law under the common law has always discouraged unproductive ownership of land, going all the way back to medieval England, long before communism was invented or capitalism was named. If you don't like Western values, maybe you don't belong in Western society.

Comment Re:Sounds like a fishing expedition (Score 1) 64

You're kidding, right? Airbnb, as a platform, is knowingly facilitating illegal activity. At least as far as the NYC market is concerned, that is what it is *designed* to do.

Look, unlike most of the yahoos opposing this because "muh free market" I actually own an apartment in NYC, and I'm deeply opposed to the way airbnb is fucking up our housing market. Short-term rentals are decreasing hotel revenues (and thus taxes that fund the services I use), driving up ownership costs (who do you think pays for the wear-and-tear of all those fuckwit tourists to my building?). We, the actual residents of this city, voted for this measure. So fuck outta here.

Comment Re: Privacy and last will (Score 3, Insightful) 119

Then write a will. What's important here is not that the parents got the rights, but the finding that the rights are transferable. That they fell to the parents in this case was because the child in question was a minor, but any rights so transferable can be made by will to escheat to the state if you don't like your family.

Comment Re:It'll take a show with a larger audience to mat (Score 2) 163

Particularly, in his take on 3rd parties during the election, Oliver's criticisms were superficial, largely aesthetic attacks, and he didn't even countenance, much less criticize, arguments practical or philosophical about the choice of voting outside the existing duopoly. Nor did he have anything at all to say about the parties' actual platforms, which is what an informed person votes by.

Comment Re:Limitations of deadly viruses / deadly bacteria (Score 2) 179

Why are you focusing on the viruses that make headlines, and not the ones that are actually dangerous? All we need is for somebody to take a historical plague for which we all have immunity and tweak it so our antibodies don't recognize it -- say, do a repeat of the Spanish Flu. That be enough of a disaster to slow civilization to a halt.

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