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Comment Re:We need to reevaluate Copyrights. (Score 1) 123

I would have to agree that the punishment needs to be altered to fit the crime, but I think your estimate is way off. A song costs about a dollar, and a movie costs about 5. So for 10000 pirated songs it should be $10,000.00, and for 10000 pirated movies (who pirates that many movies or songs anyways?) it should be $50,000.00.

This way the companies get the actual price of what was stolen, the pirate pays for exactly what has been downloaded, plus a cent or two per song or movie for the effort the company and court had to go through to catch the thief.

I may be against what big corporations are doing to the average person, but I also think that people screwing the corporations is wrong as well, just not on the same level.

Comment No, it is not best. (Score 1) 81

The best way to teach or to learn depends entirely on the individual. This is the second article I have seen on this attempting to figure out the "best" way to teach, yet they never bring up having a variety of learning environments. By having a variety of learning environments, the professors can teach using the method that suits them best, and the students can choose the learning style that suits them best. By attempting to find the best way to teach they also help to undermine the individuals that do not learn as well using those methods.

Comment Re:Thanks Canada (Score 3, Informative) 84

I do hope you have read the CRTC's statutes and Regulations acts before you did this. The thing that makes it illegal for FOX news to broadcast in Canada is the fact that it has been proven in court that they willfully lied on the news. This is illegal because it is illegal for news broadcasters to broadcast false or misleading news in Canada.

Comment Re:Thanks Canada (Score 2, Interesting) 84

Actually, having U.S. satellite dishes in Canada was made illegal (what was it? 10 years ago? I can't remember) because U.S. broadcasting corporations were accusing Canadians of stealing content. In order to comply with their complaints, and to make sure that U.S. corporations that sell these services in Canada follow Canadian law, they made it illegal.

I actually agree with this decision as it takes FOX news out of Canada for being a "news channel" but lying during the news.

Comment Re:Sometime the old ways (Score 1) 330

I do not believe it would. Part of education today is learning how to use resources like the internet, and sometimes databases specific to the material you are learning. Granted, this is normally simple for people that are tech-savvy, however, there are people that need to learn how to take proper advantage of resources like the internet, otherwise they will stay close-minded and not use it at all, reducing their efficiency and knowledge.

At least, that is how I see it.

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