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Comment To quit or not to quit? (Score 1) 1

Let it be said, smoking can lead to cancer. And cancer treatment needs money. So if you buy a pack of cigarettes for 20 bucks and you manage to inhale for a week for 3 years, then multiply 20 bucks times 24 hours times 60 minutes times 7 days times 12 months and that will be your cancer treatment payment.

Comment 50/50 (Score 1) 315

50 percent for Question and Answer. That will probably best to have them interact with you and make sure they understood your lectures. 50 percent on the topics. Most of computer science topics are all theories anyway, even programming. It is much better explained with interaction in where the students will be able to ask about and catch up with the theories by their speed

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Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
