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Comment Re:Yeah.. (Score 0) 471

I could be a bad person.. I think the way I think. I dont put much stock into why to be honest. I certainly dont wish suffering on anyone. I simply hate how some people are devalued just because of their social status. Again, just the way of the world but it doesnt mean I have to like it. It comes into line with other things which are just 'the way things are' like sports stars and celebrities getting paid collectively hundreds of billions of dollars when the rest of the world is falling to rot around them? See what I am saying? People will fire back with all kinds of logical and economic reasons why this is the way it is... it doesnt change the fact that the world really is slowly falling apart as the human race just continues to pour resources into anything and everything that doesnt really matter. I doubt I explained that very well and for that I am sorry.

Comment Re:Yeah.. (Score 0) 471

Oh I do, Earth is hell or at least my definition of hell anyway. I just hate how much people fawn over celebrities Lindsay Lohan cant break a toe without it being in every paper coast to coast. 13 yr old gets shot in the face and it makes headlines in the city where it happened... its the way of the world, it doesnt mean I have to like it though.

Comment Yeah.. (Score -1, Troll) 471

I am sure when approached, Jobs when told "Hey man Duggan Coates is out sick, I think we should wish him well" would take the time out of earning billions to do just that. I really dont care if he is sick or not it doesnt impact me in the slightest. A billion people with less money than Jobs are suffering 10x as much.. some in unimaginable think about it too much and you might want to blow your head off. Steve Jobs is sick, boo hoo, kids are getting raped and killed in afghanistan lets wish them well too... ffs.

Comment I am reminded.. (Score 1) 508

Of what this sort of thing did to Dreamcast. That system was bomb man, great games internet access comparable to PC for the time (I was introduced to mIRC that way through the DC browser to I started my online experience that way too through Quake and Unreal Tournament.. but because the DC was largely unprotected and mind you Sony certainly didnt make the same mistake, but the result could be the same. Dreamcast eventually declined after piracy of all their titles ran rampant. The same could happen to PS3 but I think as well it could have the opposite effect and actually increase sales of the PS3 because of its open endedness atm.

Comment Ghosts exist. (Score 1) 810

In my opinion they do anyway, how can anyone admit the existence of God and then dismiss something as trivial as a ghost or a alien. That doesnt make any sense seems hipocritical even. Those who choose not to believe in at least the possibility of God are the same type of people who would burn ancient scientists for refuting the idea that the world was flat or that we revolved around the sun. Ignorant people in a ignorant, intolerant world and you can see that symbolically represented in the confines of this forum. Constantly the empirical scientific mind comes to blows with the lazy dreamer... I am a lazy dreamer, I enjoy believing there is stuff out there we do not yet have the capacity to understand. All through history what science thought it knew has consistently been disproven and replaced with newer theory. So it continues today and fifty years from now a lot of what we think we know as fact will once again be disproven. Scientists can wrap their minds around things like string theories, and infinite alternate realities, and dark matter, time travel, folding space to travel long distances... but the idea that a Ghost might exist... thats too far fetched. Intellect and the entire concept of what we know is laughable at best.

Comment Re:I believe (Score 1) 319

They are not true..? That because you stubbornly hold onto ignorance. There are no facts, there are only products of human perception. Things are the way they are because that is the way we perceive them. The only fact which is truth is that we do not know anything for sure. It is easy to say that because something is repeatedly tested that it is the truth. It is possible that it is true only because a underlying unknown is remaining constant. You change that unknown and you change the outcome of a otherwise predictable conclusion.. I am not surprised at peoples counter to my comments. I am obviously a minority when it comes to my ideology. I have taken philosophy, science and religious studies in university and my theories are a patchwork of everything I have taken from those studies.. In no way do I think I am right, that would indicate a absolute, I just believe my theory is as valid as any other.

Comment Re:I believe (Score 1) 319

Exactly! I know there are people who subscribe to similar ideologies like my own. I just dont believe in fact, humans are flawed, were easily lead and controlled by people we see as being superior in intellect we quickly buy into things which appear to make sense when explained logically. I submit that even people of apparent higher intellect are just as capable of being wrong as a fool. I could be wrong, I may be right.. I am not ignorant enough to say MY way is the right way, while constantly being confronted with... Your way is wrong because here are the FACTS. Facts are man made and imperfect and constantly disproven even if it takes a hundred years. So where is the solidarity in factual evidence?

Comment Re:I believe (Score 1) 319

Sceptic, you may be right you may be equally wrong. You come armed with science and fact and logic and sure it all looks good on paper, in books and journals and the like. I come armed with with a single idea that it is smart to question everything. All through history things which were accepted as being fact were opposed by people who sought another answer disproving the former and creating what would be new fact. The earth is square vs the earth is round. The sun rotates around the earth vs the earth rotates around the sun.. On a grander scale it is not at all a fantastic possibility that everything we know at this moment is not subject to the same scrutiny. Years from now something like telekinesis or precognition might not be fantastic, it may be proven using science and... as long as it then sits comfortably explained, and categorized and its rules and limitations are defined only then will it be accepted. Scientists will reach an impass when they realize that some things like time, may not have limitations.

Comment I believe (Score 1) 319

Why not? The world is more interesting believing in shit like this.. same with aliens and ghost and the after life, god and jesus.. The world is just more colorful if you lose logic and adopt a ideology that anything we know may be wrong, and anything we dont know can certainly be possible. Most people are so trapped in the confines of logic and science that the magical or the fantastic are ludacris concepts that are best kept in comic books. For those of us able to step outside this ignorant box the world is a much more varied place full of wonder and mystery even more than science itself can offer a explanation to. Electrical activity shows we only use a small percentage of our brain at any given time and there are regions of the brain that medical science has no idea what they are for. It is not so far fetched to believe that the logical rules of this world cannot be bent or even broken. We are just to stubborn to let go of the linear and hard-angled concepts, the rules that allow us to explain and categorize everything in our life.. See the future, move objects with your mind, call on reseves of extraordinary strength in dire circumstances.. countless, countless claims of these fantastic feats are all over the internet and in papers and span generations and every country... so I guess everyone is a liar?

Comment Thaaaaats right (Score 1) 1

People can talk all the talk they like, comes down to it man is just shallow, and while personality is certainly a factor its not likely keeping you with someone who is obese if you dont like fat chicks, or black,chinese,mexican if you happen to be race preferential, or with a blonde if you prefer redheads or brunettes.. It confirms what I already know humans on a whole are shallow, vain creatures.. but thats why, in terms of men, women are built the way they are every feature is meant to remind you off the ass or the vag.. look it up its true lol. Despite that I use the argument that it isnt so much being shallow as it is the inability of being attracted to something, some characteristic that you just arent.. but for the majority its the label 'shallow' so why bother with a counter argument?

Comment In this world gone mad (Score 0) 710

lol you would have to be ballsack crazy to toy with the brigands on 4chan. They will do their best to hunt the culprit down I imagine and likely drag his identity from one end of the internet to the other when they find them.

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