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Comment Re:Technicolor illustration of a broken patent sys (Score -1) 161

The purpose of a patent is "To promote the progress of science and useful arts". (Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution)

Since sitting on a patent cannot possibly promote progress of any sort, doing so ~should~ invalidate the patent.

Somebody invents something and intends to "sit on it". If he patents it, everybody can use it after the patents runs out. If he doesn't, nobody will ever even know about it. Which solution promotes progress?

Comment Re:"refusing to wash.." (Score -1) 206

I can dislike someone and still think they are a genius, and I can like someone and think they aren't a genius. Most of the time, Jobs wasn't even the best person in the room to apply the term 'genius' to.

Ahh, so Jobs wasn't a genius because he found many geniuses to work for him. Many of whom think he was a genius.

Comment Re:A lot of words (Score -1) 311

Yeah sure, the 30% cut being exactly the same as Apple wants on everything else sold through them is a complete coincidence ... the fact that items sold through other venues can't be offered cheaper exactly like their policy for apps in their appstore with in app purchasing ... all a complete coincidence.

The agency model has DESIGNED BY APPLE all over it ...

Actually that's false: Amazon gets up to 65% of the sales price for ebooks they sell. And Amazon also has the most favored nation clause, and not just in the ebooks section - unlike Apple in their App Store. At best you can claim Apple stole the design from Amazon.

Comment Re:A lot of words (Score -1) 311

They cost more than paperbacks because publisher is trying to get its money back with the higher cost. You are right people tend to complain a lot about pricing. My only problem is when the ebook price is MORE than a version of the physical book. I'll chose to buy the physical book instead,

Did you also buy the cheaper audio and video tapes over those bloody silver discs that should have been cheaper?

Comment Re:36,000 employees? Why? (Score -1) 178

Nooo...he is saying what Apple and Foxconn is doing is simply a variation of a Potemkin Village where you build a front to please the suits but in reality the vast majority of Foxconn workers will be living like shit.

You mean the Foxconn workers not working on Apple products will still be living like shit, and that is fully Apple's fault. Yeah, I fully understood what you were saying.

Comment Re:Skydrive? (Score -1) 376

The most recent version of SkyDrive just shows up as a folder on your PC. Any app can read and write files to it using normal filesystem APIs, and they get automatically synced. And, of course, said app doesn't have to be distributed through the Windows Store.

And iCloud will show up as a folder on your Mac, and any program can open and save files from it just like they were local - it's just the APIs that allow you to automatically sync over iCloud that will be restricted.

BTW, SkyDrive API has a number of limitations (filetypes and usage) - though MS doesn't say what will happen to "nonconforming" apps.

Comment Re:What's wrong with GCC? (Score -1) 711

Try asking Microsoft for the source code of their OS (particularly Winsock which is a ripoff of BSD sockets) and see how far you get. Even if you get the source you will not be able to modify it and redistribute the changes.

Yeah, you are much better off when some GPL developer takes BSD code and puts it into a GPLed project - that way you still have full access to the source code. Of course you can't put back the improvements into the BSD project, because that would violate the GPL. That way the only BSD users that can benefit from them are those that keep the code to themselves. Can't prove anything - GPL violation for the win!

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