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Comment I'm okay with the RAM being on-die (Score 1) 465

The RAM being on-die doesn't bother me. As long as you choose the right amount when you buy the machine, that's okay. I'm currently using an Intel iMac, one of the older models where you can replace the RAM, and a) I haven't ever needed to upgrade it, plus b) it's DDR3 RAM anyway and I can no longer find any at the same speed anyway. Just out of interest, I'm running 32GB RAM and the machine typically uses 18GB for my use cases, maybe more if I'm doing video encoding. On the Apple Silicon Macs the RAM doubles as VRAM so you really want as much as you can afford. 8GB is probably okay for web browsing but if you wanted to play pretty much any game, trying to share 8GB between system memory and graphics is going to be a struggle. The SSDs are way overpriced though, but happily you can just run cheap NVMe via a Thunderbolt RAID enclosure.

Comment Re: Shame they didn’t cover NOx, SOx, etc as (Score 1) 164

No, my point is explicitly that, gas car or BEV, if I'm driving from St. Catharines to North Bay, I'm stopping an on route just south of Barrie to eat. With a gas car, I'm fueling up, then eating. With a BEV, I'm plugging in, then eating.

The fact that *you* wouldn't do it the way *I* do it doesn't negate the fact that for my process, which includes a half-hour break *either way,* it's more efficient to charge while taking that break than it is to fuel up, then take that break.

Comment Re: Shame they didn’t cover NOx, SOx, etc as (Score 1) 164

Well, your comment is instantly dismissible for taking 'I need to hit the bathroom, stretch, and eat' as 'you piss for half an hour,' but an On Route is a rest stop that happens to have a gas station. You go into the On Route itself which has bathrooms, multiple restaurants, some convenience stores, lots of seating, a picnic area....

Comment Re: Shame they didn’t cover NOx, SOx, etc as (Score 1) 164

What 'time' is that, exactly?

My car can do a 500km trip with a single half-hour charging stop. I cannot. I need a break in there to piss, maybe shit, grab some chow, and get a stretch.

In a gas car, I'd be pulling in to an On Route, sitting in the gas line for a few minutes, filling up, parking, then going in to hit the can, grab some chow, and leave.

In my BEV, I pull into the charger, plug in, go in to hit the can, grab some chow, and leave.

For this very standard and usual use case, charging while hitting the can and eating is actually faster than gassing up, hitting the can, and eating.

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