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Comment Extrapolating from today (Score 2) 279

CI/CD systems will automate the heck out of everything, and there will be less and less visibility into what's running where and how.

"Cloud Native" applications designed around microservices with well-defined interfaces and running in some PaaS "somewhere" will become the norm. I sadly foresee that developers themselves will be expected to become microservices, basically expected to do one thing only, and one thing well, and forbidden to look beyond their immediate horizon of the ever rolling Agile backlog. There will be less space for creativity at the individual level, and massive invisible machine learning software running in the back-end of the datacenters will automatically generate "facts" for the suits in charge, and possibly even stories on a backlog based on those facts. In 20 years, they'll generate their own code.

Comment That's why decent PR is needed (Score 1) 278

This could be easily solved by having a single place (a web site and an app) where the scientific community at large shares with the public what's the current consensus, explained in the simplest terms possible, with links to credible resources to second level and third level of depth.

The site needs to be authoritative, and widely known as the single source from the community, so if anyone ever has a doubt, they know where to go to understand what the scientific community really think about a certain issue.

This does not mean by any means the absence of debate, or the constant change in views and information, but a place where the bulk of the community put their minor differences aside for the benefit of the common good and their own, by helping closing those gaps.

Comment Bad system design (Score 0) 111

First, SSNs themselves should not be "stored" in any database. They should be used dynamically for initial patient validation and stored as a salted hash. For that matter, you can do the same with DOB and other key identifiers that are not required for anything but for validation. Use an internal patient number as index for everything else. Second, use MAC (Mandatory Access Controls) for any app or microservice attempting to access specific portions of data. Any unauthorized attempt to access a record should be logged, and if you really want to catch the bad guys, do a transparent session forward to a honeypot with a fake database. Third, use 2 factor authentication for any remote access to the data. Fourth, all internal systems should run virtualized and accessed over VDI, no data on laptops, ever. Is it really that hard?

Comment Removes an important failsafe (Score 2) 468

I was on a business trip once going from Lima, Peru, to Arica in Chile on a 727 when the pilot announced that the navigation system in the plane was basically dead. Instead of freaking out, he lowered the altitude and he visually followed the Iquitos river and other landmarks, piloting the plane the old fashion way, taking us to the destination safely. In a windowless cockpit that would have been a non-starter. I for one, want to keep an "analog backup" as an option. Thank you.

Comment The leave me NO choice (Score 0) 484

I *want* to pay for a service like that. I'm eager to pay to watch what I like when I want it. But with decisions like that, they leave people like me NO choice but using "alternative" methods like Sickbeard + SABnzbd, forcing me into the underground. These guys are so far behind the times it's like watching a 1950s movie. Term limits!

Comment Re:Isn't the upshot the same? (Score 1) 325

H1B visas serve only to drive down wages for US employees. Additionally, they end up training foreign talent that are later kicked out of the country (after 3 or 6 years, depending upon whether the visa is renewed).

Not necessarily. They system may be corrupted now, but I doubt that's the only reason why we created this program. I came to Silicon Valley 14 years ago specifically because I had skill sets that were required by my company at the time and were simply not available (like speaking specific languages and understand local cultures in specific countries, in additional to specific technical skills), so for all intents and purposes, it was completely legit. I was also very naive at the time and I openly discussed salaries with my co-workers (something pretty common where I come from) so I realized I was NOT being paid less than them. In some cases I was being paid more.

I didn't consider I was being "trained" either. In fact, I was doing most of the training, and when the time came to look at other opportunities outside the company, almost every potential employer that contacted me already knew they'd have to renew my H1-B in order to get me, and that wasn't considered an issue, just an annoyance.

A while after I met my wife and I became a citizen through marriage, but at least my experience was very different from what other people is discussing in this thread.

Comment Re:Another Cloud Dispersal (Score 1) 161

Completely agree. Unfortunately, it's a normal part of the growth and maturity of a new industry. We tend to forget how new all this stuff is. Adjustments, consolidations and failures will occur, but they will collectively contribute to a more robust ecosystem down the road. Like with any technology, early adopters tend to get screwed, the difference is that people were treated as "consenting" early adopters when in reality they thought they were relying on a "permanent" service.

What I do find interesting though, it's the desire from Canonical to release the source code. That can be very beneficial for all of us and new services can be spawned from there. It will be good to see what did they use underneath (Csync2 may be?) and it will be good to have alternatives to ownCloud and other services.

Comment It's not about Glass (Score 5, Insightful) 921

The real issue here is what's actually going on in SF. If you don't live here you probably don't know, but there has been a lot of soft aggression against tech workers regardless of the company all over the city, simply because more and more are moving in, driving up the prices of housing and attracting more higher-end businesses, effectively changing the nature of traditionally "working class" neighborhoods. Classic gentrification.

This bar in particular is more of a punk-type place, located exactly in one of those areas under rapid changing, so the presence of someone with GG was probably an in-your-face reminder (no pun intended) of the situation many of the locals are experiencing.

I can personally understand both sides, but I tend to side with history: everything changes over time and different forces will produce different changes. You can fight it only to a certain degree, but change is inexorable, and you can't forever cling to "the way things were before".

Comment Re:I find this strange (Score 1) 397

Reason why I left the programming world a long time ago and became a pre-sales engineer. Harder to outsource if the product being sold is highly technical, and it pays substantially better than a pure programming/engineering/IT/back-end job. I'm not saying it's impossible to outsource, but if you choose the segment right and you are good at it, chances are you can retire before you see these type of jobs getting pushed overseas as well.

Comment No Internet access (Score 4, Insightful) 286

Is this a surprise to anybody? why do you think all TV vendors are pushing for "Smart TV"? all this metadata could be a huge source of revenue to them in all kinds of areas, from advertising profiling to law enforcement.

Since we have more and more connected devices in our lives, you've got to take extra precautions. First and foremost, if your device doesn't need to be connected to the Internet, just don't. There is no reason your wired printer need Internet access, so block that MAC address for external access. If your device does need it, then make sure that it's in an isolated segment with no raw access to Ethernet frames from other systems in your house, and if it's WiFi-enabled, make sure you have guest isolation turned on. Then, setup a proxy, transparent or not, to make sure you have the chance to monitor that traffic for unexpected surprises. If you can, whitelist some specific sites that your application needs to access, like Netflix or VUDU for example and block access to everything else.

Finally, why use apps in the TV when you can have excellent open source software provide you with content, like XBMC or MythTV?

Comment In my own experience (Score 1) 193

Many of the comments here are from people who has not seen or read the books. Gourmet cooking at home is my hobby so I actually own both, the Modernist Cuisine and The Modernist Cuisine at Home. I've read them thoroughly and I've done many recipes from them, and I must say, I yet have to see another set of books as useful and complete as these. You learn the principle of things, the math, physics and chemistry associated with the processes, from smoking and grilling to sous vide and pressure cooking. It's amazing the wealth of knowledge in these books. Also, the photography alone makes it a work of art.

If you are in doubt, simply make one recipe: the Caramelized Carrot Soup. It will blow your mind (and your guests). This recipe works because by increasing the pH under pressure you achieve the Maillard reaction before the carrots can burn. You cannot achieve this result any other way, and that's the kind of knowledge behind these books. Also, check the Hyperdecanting trick with wine. You'll impress your friends at any party.

Nathan said in an interview that he wrote this because that's the kind of book that he'd wish he has had access to when he started cooking. There is nothing else out there like this. It's true it's not for everybody. It's for either chefs or very serious amateurs. I for one, welcome an app. As wonderful as the books are, they are complicated when you need to find something quickly. Unfortunately, I don't do iOS, so I'll have to wait for the Android version in the future or steal my wife's iPad when I need it.

Comment Re:For once, I agree with Gartner (Score 1) 754

I've actually had the chance to see this myself. I started working for VMware in at the end of 2003, when virtualization was new. It slowly and gradually entered the datacenter, first in development and testing workloads and then production to mission critical apps. All this time I've seen the server to admin ratio change dramatically, first with tens to hundreds to now thousands of systems that can be managed by a single admin. This obviously means the gradual extinction of the traditional sysadmin, same way the operators disappeared with the decline of the mainframe.

Now automation tools and proactive analytics are gaining huge momentum and will doom yet another segment of the IT force, even managers who approve or deny decision can be replaced by software policies and self-service portals.

If any company would have the chance to run their whole IT as a single black box with a switch and no humans involved whatsoever, most would do it. It sucks, but denial won't help either.

Comment Re:Getting tired here (Score 2) 236

I understand your thinking. Yet, once your eyes have been opened, you can't go back anymore. I know it's a cliche in this audience, but it's really like swallowing the red pill. We now know we were not crazy and there really is an extremely powerful entity out there attempting to break all our most trusted systems. We can 1) ignore it, 2) accept our fate and go kosher (according to 'the system') or 3) fight it. I've chosen 3, mostly because I think this is just the beginning and things can get really dark very fast if we let this stand. I also want to point out that the NSA hires really smart folks, but they are not superhuman. We, as a collective, can outsmart them all, and then we can create open source software easy enough for the masses to use. We've done it before and we can do it again. THEY are not infallible!

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